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Roles is a new feature available from Tiki 21 that makes Groups Management and Permissions setting easier. Think of Roles as a permissions template which you can apply to Categories. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with the older Workspace UI (which needs to be upgraded to make use of Roles without requiring manual adjustments), or in conjunction with the newer Templated Groups which is also introduced in Tiki 21.

For example, if you have 4 groups:

  • Science Class Teachers
  • Science Class Students
  • Math Class Teachers
  • Math Class Students

and 2 categories:

  • Science Class Handouts
  • Math Class Handouts

and you want to make it such that all Teachers can edit handouts but Students can only read the handouts. Without Roles, you would need to set permissions on each of the categories and imagine if you have many other classes such as Geography or History etc... it can be a lot of work. Also, what if you wanted to change the permissions?

With Roles, you can create a "Teacher" Role group and a "Student" Role group which acts as the permissions template for all Teachers and Students regardless of what subject it is for. Instead of setting category permissions for each of the groups, you simply set which group has the role of Teachers and of Students in that group and permissions will be auto-magically mapped.

  • Science Class Handouts
    • Teacher Role: Science Class Teachers
    • Student Role: Science Class Students
  • Math Class Handouts
    • Teacher Role: Math Class Teachers
    • Student Role: Math Class Students


Now, let us walk through how the above example is configured:
(editor's note: this example is used as part of the Templated Groups as well so take note when editing it).

1. Create Role Groups

Create two groups, one "Teachers" and one "Students". Make sure that "Role Group" checkbox is selected for both.

Click to expand
Click to expand

You will note that if you try and put any users into Role Groups, you will be told that Role Groups can't have members. This is by design.

Note: if you apply any Global Permissions to a Role Group, they will work for included groups such as those below the same as non-Role groups. These are Global Permissions though, not Role Permissions which are set at the Category Parent level (see below)

2. Create Groups that Include the Role

Create the following 4 groups and include the Teacher or Student Role Group as the case may be:

  • Science Class Teachers
  • Science Class Students
  • Math Class Teachers
  • Math Class Students
Click to expand
Click to expand

3. Create some test users

Create some test users and put them in these groups for testing/demo purposes.

Click to expand
Click to expand

4. Create categories

Create a Handouts category with the sub-categories "Science Class Handouts" and "Math Class Handouts".

For the Handouts category, make sure you select the "Apply role permissions to sub-categories" and select both "Students" and "Teachers". By doing this, any permissions that you set on the Handouts category for "Students" and "Teachers" will apply equally to the respective Students and Teachers in each of the sub-categories.

Click to expand
Click to expand

For each of the sub-categories, specify the exact group that will take on the Group Roles for Student and Teacher as illustrated here:

Click to expand
Click to expand

5. Configure Role Permissions

Setup some role permissions for Handouts by editing the Permissions for the Handouts category. setting screen. For our example we will give tiki_p_edit for Teachers; and tiki_p_view for both Teachers and Students.

Click to expand
Click to expand

6. Create test wiki pages

Create a Science Class Handout and a Math Class Handout wiki pages and categorize them accordingly. Test with the demo users to ensure that everything is working as intended.

Click to expand
Click to expand

Page Aliases
Role Groups

Created by Nelson Ko. Last Modification: Tuesday 26 November, 2019 21:48:23 GMT-0000 by Nelson Ko.