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트래커 사용자

트래커가 활성화되어있고 적절한 권한을 가지고 있다면, 트래커 메뉴가 보이게 되며 클릭하여 열어볼 수 있습니다. 그런 후 트래커 데이터 모음을 생성하고 관리할 수 있습니다.

트래커 생성하기

관리 메뉴에서

접히고 펼쳐진 메뉴:

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메뉴에는 일반적으로 2개의 선택사항이 있습니다 — 트래커 목록과 트래커 관리 — 그리고 선택사항은 권한에 준하여 변경될 수 있습니다. 이 섹션에서는 각각의 선택사항을 상세하게 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.

트래커 생성 이전에

트래커를 생성하기 이전에, 트래커 메뉴를 클릭하면 비어있는 중앙 패널을 다음과 같이 표기됩니다:


새 트래커 생성

참조: 트래커 생성하기

티키가 일단 트래커를 생성하면, 트래커 관리와 트래커 목록 양측에 나열될 것입니다:



각 작업 아이콘 위로 마우스 커서를 가져가면, 다음을 포함하는 도구들로 아이콘들이 연결되어 있다는 것을 알게 되실 것입니다:

  • 편집: 트래커를 생성하기 위해 사용했던 동일한 서식을 사용하여 트래커 정보를 편집합니다. 여기에서는 트래커 정보, 범주 혹은 댓글을 어떻게 처리할 것인지에 대한 내용을 변경할 수 있습니다.
  • 항목: 트래커의 항목의 모음을 편집합니다.
  • 권한: 트래커에 대한 권한을 설정합니다 (권리자여야만 가능합니다)
  • 삭제: 트래커와 관련 데이터 전체를 삭제합니다. 복원불가능 하기때문에 사용에 주의를 기울여 주십시오.

Adding Fields to a Tracker

To make a Tracker useful and usable, you add some fields to it to capture the data you want to collect. You can administer fields by going to the the Trackers list, and clicking the Fields Action.


To add a field, click the Fields action from the Trackers list, then fill in the form that appears indicating the field name, field type, and any applicable options. Some of field types:

  • Text input
  • Textarea input
  • Drop down combo (enter options separated by commas)
  • Checkbox ("boolean" on/off yes/no true/false fields)
  • Date/time field
  • ....

At least one of the fields in your Tracker must be the "main" field, which links to the item's details from the Tracker listing. This attribute is controlled by the "Column links to edit/view item?" checkbox. You can also indicate if the field is visible or not in the Tracker item list using the "Is column visible when listing tracker items?" checkbox. If a Tracker has a lot of fields you may want to use this checkbox to remove some of them from the item listing, for easier viewing.


Some Tracker field types have options you can set. For example, the drop-down field's items are entered separated by commas. In this graphic, you can see this Tracker will track movie reviewers' ratings using a drop-down field, with five "star" rating entries: *,**,***,****,*****. It is easy to think of various creative uses for this powerful tool - problem severity or impact levels, task priority, status, or a client's credit rating.


Once you have entered several fields, defining their type, options and visibility, you will see a list similar to this one:


Note in this graphic the "is main" column. A "y" or yes, means you have checked the "Column links to edit/view item?" checkbox. The list also indicates whether a field will be visible in the item listing, and allows you to edit or remove fields accordingly using this list's Actions.

Hint: One default field in any tracker is the "Status" field, which tracks whether an item is open or closed. This field is not visible in the Fields listing.

Using Trackers

You can view a list of your Trackers by clicking Trackers from the menu. The center panel will change as such:


Clicking on a Tracker's name (here, Movie Reviews) will take you to a screen in which you can add, modify, delete, filter and sort items, and, toggle email monitoring on changes to the Tracker.

Adding a Tracker Item

To add an item into your Tracker, enter the information into the fields on the form at the top of the screen, and click Save when you are finished:


After saving, our movie review Tracker now has one review - for the movie Mystic River. In the item list part of the screen, you can see all the visible columns contained in your Tracker, as well as sort by create date, modification date, status, or any other available field.


Item Details

If you have the right permissions, you can click an item's title to bring up a "details screen" for the item, to modify it, or add attachments or comments.

Hint: If its title is not "clickable" then you can go to the admin screen and make some field the "main" field by checking the "Column links to edit/view item?" checkbox.

Click the title to display the item details:


If attachments or comments are enabled, you can add them to your Tracker's items.


Assigning Items to Specific Tiki Users or Groups

If you set up your Tracker with fields of type "user selector" or "group selector," you will be able to easily select from a drop-down list the users or groups registered on your Tiki site. First, we must change the Reviewer field in our Movie Review Tracker to be of type "user selector".


Once that is done, we can choose from the users on the site while editing the item.


Tracker Items are always added with their built-in status field set to "open." Items with "open" status, which have been assigned to either your user account or your group, will be displayed in your My Tiki screen.


Monitoring Tracker Items

In the details screen, users can choose to monitor a Tracker, so that an email is sent by Tiki to the user, whenever the item is modified. Click the "Monitor" button to toggle monitoring off and on.


Setting Tracker Permissions

Permissions can be set to control access to Trackers. Note that you can set permissions globally or on a per-Tracker level. Assign permissions by clicking the "perms" link from the Tracker listing in the Tracker admin screen.


More documentation

Related Information

Useful Links

Editing Tracker Fields

After you have created a tracker you can:
  • Enable or disable the Trackers feature.
  • Set display of Trackers fields, such as status or create and modify dates.
  • Enable and disable comments.
  • Sort by name, dates or number of items.
  • Categorize your Trackers.

Entering Tracker Items


Related Links:



트래커가 할 수 있는 것과 그렇지 않은 것

트래커란 단어는 아마 부적절한 명칭일 것입니다, 서식 생성기가 아마 더 적절할 것입니다. 이 글을 쓰는 현재 이 티키는 1.9 pre-release (CVS) 버전을 실행 중입니다. 이 문서들인 1.9의 트래커에 맞춰져 있지만 아마 부분적으로 1.8.2에도 적용될 수 있을 것입니다.

트래커는 정말 멋진 도구입니다. 완벽하진 않지만 매번 개선되고 있습니다. 큰 이슈는 다른 양식을 트래커 인터페이스로 변경하는 것입니다. 간단한 텍스트 변환은 현재 불러오기/내보내기 로 가능하지만 트래커 항목에 대해서는 아직 작동하지 않습니다. 트래커의 그 부분을 저희가 완료할 수 있도록 도와주십시오!