Added in Tiki19 this is a complementary plugin to the slideshow plugin to allow fine tuning per slide.
Slideshow has been upgraded in Tiki19 and Plugin SlideShowSlide is a part of the upgrade.
The plugin SlideShowSlide is used to customize any individual slides in a slideshow. For example if you want to have a different background of a slide from the global settings then you will use Plugin SlideShowSlide.
1.2. Parameters
Tiki Doc From Code error: slideshowslide not found
It should be used to enclose the content of a slide.
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{slideshow theme="simple" transition="zoom" transitionSpeed="default" backgroundTransition="none" controls="y" controlsLayout="bottom-right" controlsBackArrows="faded" progress="y" slideNumber="y" fragments="n" fragmentClass="grow" fragmentHighlightColor="none" autoSlideStoppable="y" alignImage="n"} {SLIDESHOWSLIDE(bgColor="#fff" textColor="blue" videoMuted="n" videoLoop="n" transitionIn="none" transitionOut="none" backgroundTransition="none")} !!Slide one {SLIDESHOWSLIDE} {SLIDESHOWSLIDE(bgColor="#444" textColor="red" videoMuted="n" videoLoop="n" transitionIn="none" transitionOut="none" backgroundTransition="none")} !!Slide two {SLIDESHOWSLIDE} {SLIDESHOWSLIDE(bgColor="#000" textColor="#fff" videoMuted="n" videoLoop="n" transitionIn="none" transitionOut="none" backgroundTransition="none")} !!Slide three {SLIDESHOWSLIDE}