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Add a ShareThis button

Plugin ShareThis

Introduced in Tiki3

Use this wiki plugin to place a ShareThis button (from www.sharethis.com) on the page. Users can click on the button and select from a number of social networking services to share the page with their network. A ShareThis account is not necessary.


Add a ShareThis button
Introduced in Tiki 3.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_sharethis

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
buttontext text Custom link text for the button. 3.2
headertitle text Optional header title text for the widget. 3.2
style (blank)
Set button style. 5.0
headerbg text HTML color code (not color name) for the background color for the header if an optional header title is used. 3.0
headertxtcolor text HTML color code (not color name) for the header text if an optional header title is used. 3.2
linkfg text HTML color code (not color name) for the link text for all send and post services shown in the widget 3.0
multiple word
separator: |
Enter pipe-separated list of services, e.g., email|facebook|twitter|sharethis. 5.0
rotateimage (blank)
A value of y (Yes) will cause the button icon to rotate every 3 seconds between a few icons, cycling through twice before stopping. 3.2
embed (blank)
Allow embedded elements (like flash) to be seen while iframe is loading. 3.0
postfirst word
separator: |
Input a list of post services (like Facebook|Myspace|Digg, etc.) separated by a | to customize the services that are shown in the opening panel of the widget. 3.2
popup (blank)
Set whether the widget will show in a popup window. 3.0
sendsvcs (blank)
separator: |
By default, email, aim and sms are available. Input one or two of the services separated by a | to limit the choice of send services. 3.2

 Other Usage Tips
  • A ShareThis account is not necessary for this plugin to work properly.
  • Personalized information from the user's ShareThis profile will appear in the widget if the user is signed into ShareThis, either through their website or through the widget.
  • If the plugin is used more than once on a page, all instances will be the same as the first one on the page.
  • May not work within a {DIV} or {SPLIT} plugin (this is an issue for any plugin that produces Javascript).


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{sharethis rotateimage="y" embed="true" buttontext="ShareThat" headertitle="Share this page!" headerbg="333333" headertxtcolor="e6d46e"}

Would produce this:

Created by lindon. Last Modification: Wednesday 07 August, 2019 08:52:36 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
34 PluginSharethis1.jpg ShareThis screenshot lindon 26.09 Kb 1776