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List objects that are not categorized

Plugin Category Orphans

This wiki plugin can be added to any wiki page to list a variety of Tiki objects that are not included in Tiki's category system.

From Tiki14 the range of Tiki objects was extended to allow file galleries, articles, trackers, blogs, calendars and forums to be checked, and this functionality was backported to Tiki12. Prior to Tiki12 only wiki pages could be checked.


List objects that are not categorized
Introduced in Tiki 1.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: feature_categories, wikiplugin_catorphans

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
max int Maximum number of items. Use -1 for unlimited. Default is the site admin setting for maximum records. $prefs'maxRecords' 1
offset int Result number at which the listing should start (default is no offset) 0 1
objects wiki
file gallery
Determine which type of objects are shown (default is wiki) wiki 1


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{catorphans max="10"}

Would produce on this site:

Total number of uncategorised wiki objects: 1944
위키 페이지 편집하기
위키 플러그인
유동 항목 목록
인코딩 이해하기
일일 보고서
자습서: 목표
작업공간 UI
저자님들을 환영합니다

Also see it in action here: http://tiki.org/CatOrphans

Created by system. Last Modification: Wednesday 31 July, 2019 07:32:42 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.