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Must Reads

New feature added in Tiki 14.0.

This is a stub. In the meantime, you can see https://dev.tiki.org/Must+Reads+Feature

This feature is based on Trackers, and it creates a Tracker called "Must Read".

Click to expand
Click to expand

It has a field to indicate the relation with a Wiki Page:

Click to expand
Click to expand

And another field for User Selector, with Auto-assign selecting "Creator":

Click to expand
Click to expand

At the Control Panels, Community you have to enable the "Must Read" feature. You can indicate the name of the Tiki tracker that will be holding the information and fields for the Must Reads feature (just below the checkbox to enable the feature):

Click to expand
Click to expand

To be continued...

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Alias names for this page:
MustReads | MustRead | Must Read