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Displays the content of a wiki page as a menu

Module "menupage"

This module will display the content of any wiki page as a menu in the left or right column or in any other place that a module can be located.

  • This type of menu is used as the upper left menu in dev.tiki.org for example.

You can also use this module in the center (main) column.


Displays a Wiki page.
Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: feature_wiki

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
pagemenu pagename Page to display in the menu. Example value: HomePage.
menu_class text Class of the menu container
menu_id text Id of the menu in the DOM
menu_type alpha Display the page as a menu (horiz / vert)
use_namespace int Prepend the default namespace to the page name for localized menus per workspace (1/0) 0


On the page Admin > Modules (tiki-admin_modules.php)

  • Assign a new module
  • Choose the module "menupage" from the drop-down list.

The module will have the same title as the wiki page.

You can assign this "menupage" to any module zone (See Module Admin page if needed, or you can include it within a wiki page, using the PluginModule.


Imagine you have a page called ))SideMenu((, with this content:

Copy to clipboard
(:arrow:) [tiki-index.php|Home Page] (:arrow:) [tiki-lastchanges.php|Last changes] (:arrow:) [tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=1|Forum Wiki-translation] ''[tiki-editpage.php?page=SideMenu|edit]''

The wiki page itself looks like this:


Then, the module menupage, like all modules, can be assigned to a group of users.

The assigned module looks like this:


You can see this example live in http://www.wiki-translation.com

For more advanced menus, see "Menu" feature.

See these pages for information that applies for all modules: