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Assign Trackers to Groups

Step Five (extra, optional) in: Four Steps to make a Tracker
StepDetailsHelp Page
1. Create the TrackerAdmin names the tracker, and assign overall parameters and permissions Creating a Tracker
2. Add fields to the Tracker Admin defines the columns and type of information collected Adding fields to a tracker
3. Add items to the trackerUsers fill out the forms to create items in the trackerAdding items to a tracker
4. View or List the resultsUse plugins to view a customized tracker output in a pageViewing Tracker Results
5. Assign Trackers to Groupsoptional - trackers can also be used upon registrationAssigning Trackers to groups

In 1.9, if you can assign a tracker to a group, each user has an item of this tracker that he can modify in MyAccount.
See http://doc.tiki.org/Groups+admin

In 1.10 only, You can select the groups that will be proposed at registration time in admin->login .
See http://doc.tiki.org/Login+Config
If the group has an associated tracker and fields to be filled at registration time, the user will be asked to fill up his item (you can define only some fields) at registration time. In order to do that, you need to

  • assign a tracker to the group
  • specify the field that is of type user option 1(creator).
  • specify the field that you want to request at the second step of the registration.

Be careful you need to save first the group with the tracker name and then edit the group to be able to set the list of fields. As you can decide if a field is mandatory or not, you can use this tracker as a mandatory set of new fields for a user.

So if you want for example, each user to give their address at registration time.

  • Create a tracker (ex: with a name Registered) with 2 fields.
    • one field of type user selector, option 1 (will have for instance an ID = 10)
    • one field of type text named address (will have for instance an ID=11)
  • in the admin->groups->Registered, set
    • Users Information Tracker: Registered
    • FieldId:10
    • Users Information Tracker Fields Asked at Registration Time: 11

You can also have the user to choose in different groups and to have different information for each group. (admin->login: User can choose beyond these groups at registration time:)