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Icon Tracker Field

Provides ability to select an image as an icon attached to the tracker item from file galleries. Usefull for displaying custom map marker icons as explained below.

File Galleries used as icon repository

A file gallery must be set up to hold the icons that can be selected for this tracker field. The ID number of that file gallery must be set when setting the parameters for this field.

Icon selector

When a user clicks on the icon field to add an icon to a tracker item, an icon selector window that displays the images in the file gallery used for the icons will automatically pop up.

Please note that the number of images displayed may be limited by the setting for Maximum number of records in listings at Admin Home > Look & Feel > Pagination. If you are not seeing all of the icon images in the gallery in the selector popup, try increasing this limit.

Also, the icons are displayed in the selector through the use of search indexing, so any issues with search indexing, or if the index has not been incrementally rebuilt, could cause the icons to not display properly. See Admin Home > Search, where search indexes can be rebuilt and settings changed.

Usage on maps

If tracker items in a tracker are geolocated using the Location Tracker Field and the locations of the tracker items are shown on a map using PluginMap, the icon from this field will be automatically displayed as the marker on the map.