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TikiWiki editorial board recommends using Templates for all documentation pages. All of the template pages listed below are examples. Users who can edit should see an Apply Template drop down in the edit window.

Currently recommended:

There are Templates provided for each type of page defined by the to a structure, plus (eventually) a sampling of "special" pages as well.

Feature Pages

Describe a feature and give examples of when to use it. Feature Page Template

User Pages

Instructions on how to use the feature for an end user. Example Using Blogs


Instruction on how to initially enable and configure the feature for use. Example Configuring Blogs


Instructions on ongoing administrative tasks for the feature. May not be needed for simpler features. Example: Administering Blogs

Technical Reference Pages

Technical Documentation of each feature for the developer. Example: Blogs Technical Reference
Technical Reference Page Template

Topic Pages

Narrative pages that explain a broader topic from start to finish. Example: Quick Setup Guide, Performance Tuning Guide.