


  不像其它那些只有少量功能特性,鼓励用户安装第三方附件的开源项目,Tiki 社区的主要代码基库就包含了大量的功能特性。这能确保升级时已有的功能特性不会被破坏。同时各种功能特性的紧密整合使得你能在各种功能特性中重用资料。举例,你可以在整个系统中使用Wiki Syntax(Wiki 语法):wiki 页面,发帖,跟踪器,等等。你可以多了解Tiki模型.



A: 优秀 - B: 很好 - C: 好 - D: 低劣 - E: 很糟


  • 安装/管理 用户界面:是否容易/直观地安装这个功能部件?
  • 最终用户界面:安装后对于最终用户来说是否容易/直观的?(值得安装吗?)
  • 稳定性:有多少缺陷?
  • 功能/能力:与其它开源应用相比如何?这是默认排序字段


Feature name and linkDescriptionDev (Bug reports & Feature requests)Setup and admin UIUI end userStabilityFeature-set and power
File GalleryStorage and sharing via download or display in pages, of images, videos, and other file types . Supports check-in and check-out (lock), versions, etc.

CalendarEvents calendar with public, private and group channels

File GalleryFile Galleries enable secure and efficient uploading, storage, downloading and other serving of all types of files including images, videos, podcasts, text and PDF documents and more.BCBA
TrackersFacts and figures storage and retrieval. A forms and database generator, with reporting. Can be used for a bug tracker, item database, issue tracker, etcBABA
WikiCollaboratively authored documents with history of changes. Tiki's wiki has all the features you could want from a first-rate wiki. Ex.: attach files, comments, history, images, warn on edit, page locking, powerful wiki syntax, alternative WYSIWYG editor, etc.AAAA
MapsMaps can be created and displayed using OpenLayers and OpenStreetMap.BBBA
Kaltura VideoVideo managementCBBA
My Account

Provide content organization and communication tools for registered users
Bookmark, User Preferences, Watch, User Menu, Task, Inter-User Messages, User Files, Notepad and Mini Calendar

ArticlesArticles can be used for date-specific news and announcements. You can configure articles to automatically publish and expire at specific times or to require that submissions be approved before becoming "live." In addition to categories and tags, articles include their own unique classification system of Topics and Types. BBBB
FAQCreate pages of frequently asked questions and answers.BBBB
SurveysCreate questionnaires with multiple-choice or open-ended questions.AABB
QuizzesCreate timed quizzes with recorded scores.DCCB
BlogsMultiple blogs can be created with various author and display configurations, etc.AAAB
Featured LinksSimple menu system which can optionally add an external web page in an iframeBAAB
TasksA site user's to-do list. Tasks can be sent to other users. Also, there can be shared group tasks.

SlideshowsTurn a wiki page into slideshow (each slide is the wiki content only, without "chrome") by using more than one title bar in the page, or make a multi-page slideshow from a structure.CBBB
BigBlueButtonOpen source instruction-focused real-time collaboration tool. (Audio/Video/Screensharing/Chat)CABB
Screencasts (Feature removed in Tiki 17)This permits capturing the device screen and uploading to Tiki. An image is produced (that you can then draw on), or short video with sound. The jCapture applet is used.AACB
MessagesInternal (within the site) messages from one site user to another.AAAB
WebmailProvides a webmail interface for site users' own IMAP or SMTP accounts. The Webmail tool has been massively improved since in Tiki20. Please see Email as a first-class citizenCBCB
MiniChatReal-time group text chattingACBC
Inter-User MessagesEnable users to send internal messages to each other (like email but internal to the Tiki site). A message can be broadcast to multiple users in a Tiki group or to all site users if the appropriate permissions are granted.BBAC
SpreadsheetSpreadsheets supporting calculations and charts, import/export, etc.AACC
Directory (links)User-submitted Web linksAAAC
NewslettersCreate and send email newsletters (plain text and HTML) to subscribed site users and other individuals.AABC
ForumsForums are online discussions organized by topic (or thread). Tiki forums feature threaded or flat views, file attachments, moderation and queuing, monitoring (subscription) of particular forums or topics, and full usage of wiki syntax.BCBC
Live SupportOne-on-one chat with customer or other individualCBCC
HTML PagesStatic and dynamic HTML content. Note: HTML can be used in wiki pages. This is a separate feature.BAC
User FilesUsers upload files and store them in their Tiki personal space; they can then download the files.CCBC
NotepadUsers can write, upload, download and read notes. Notes can be read as raw text files or as wiki pages interpreting the wiki markup syntax. The user-quota that admin can control is used to set the maximum size that user notes can take.BBBC
User PagesThis provides each user with a personal wiki page that only he/she can edit. All User Pages have a similar, configurable name that includes the user name.ABAC
ShoutboxQuick comment (graffiti) box. Like a group chat, but not in real time.AAAD

Contact us

Basic form for site visitors to send a message to the site admin.

Friendship NetworkUsers can designate other users as "friends" using either the "follow" or "like" method.CBBD
Shopping CartA simple shopping cart feature - Information on products or services can be maintained in wiki pages or trackers with display via Pretty Tracker ) and purchases added to Module Cart through the PluginAddToCart and sent to the payment page.BBBD


Feature name and linkDescriptionDev (Bug reports & Feature requests)Setup and admin UIUI end userStabilityFeature-set and power
CategoriesGlobal category system. Items of different types (wiki pages, articles, tracker items, etc) can be added to one or many categories. Categories can have permissions.BBBA
MenusMenu items are filtered by permission, by group or activation of relevant feature. Both Bootstrap and Superfish CSS/jQuery menus are supported.CABA
Look and FeelThe site can be customized or personalized using the admin interface, to set the site title, logo and so on. No need for editing PHP or Smarty TPL files.

ModulesBoxes for content, typically on the left or right of a portal-style site but can be placed anywhere, even in page content, with or without a visual frame. Very useful for navigation and content re-use. Over 100 built-in modules are available, and site admins can create their own.

StructureIn Tiki terminology, a structure is a hierarchy for wiki pages. Structures have navigational features such as breadcrumb links and menus; also enabled is printing all pages in the structure and in order.

Semantic LinksGoing beyond Backlinks, allows to define some semantic relationships between wiki pagesCCBB
BookmarksUser bookmarks let users bookmark internal or external pages, create folders and organize their personal bookmarks in folders. Bookmarks can be cached if that option is enabled. A module is provided to let the users see their bookmarks, navigate through them, and add new bookmarks.CCCC
Custom Home
(Removed in Tiki 15)
This feature was made redundant by the ability, via PluginLayout, etc., to fully customize a standard wiki page to use as the Homepage.

Meta ElementsAdminister your meta tags via the admin panel (no FTP transfers necessary).

Search Engine OptimizationTiki is search engine friendly. For a Tiki site running on Apache web server, the .htaccess file enables short, meaningful URLs.

User MenuAdd personal items to the User Menu section in the application menu.




Feature name and linkDescriptionDev (Bug reports & Feature requests)Setup and admin UIUI end userStabilityFeature-set and power
WorkflowWorkflow is provided by means of category transitions and other configuration settings.

i18ni18n (or internationalization) - Tiki is translated in 20 languages. Handles multilingual navigation & content. Can keep track of translation (de)synchronization. http://wiki-translation.com

CompressionTransparently compress your pages on-the-fly.

ThemesThirty-three visual themes are included and several have theme options (color variants). And, with Bootstrap compatibility, it is straightforward to create your own. Tiki themes are visual layers only and so avoid the possibility of introducing a security vulnerability.

News FeedsOutgoing RSS feeds can be generated, and external RSS feeds can be subscribed to.BBBA
SearchConfigurable site search engine that indexes content of many featuresBBBA
Interaction with popular external software, services or websitesFor example: Google video, Google Maps, YouTube, Skype, Google AdSense, Mindmap and many more!A
WorkspacesWorkspaces permit you to segment a Tiki instance into smaller restricted-access sections with unique preferences, themes, etc.DBBA
CommentsComment posting available for many features (wiki pages, articles, blogs, forums, etc)BBBB
MobileTiki uses the Bootstrap CSS framework by default for responsive web design - pages conform to the display size of all desktop and mobile devices.

WatchSite users can mark a page or other object to be notified by email when it is updated.BBCB
Mail-InSubmit wiki pages or articles via e-mail.CCCB
TagsWiki pages, articles, and so on can be given tags (aka freetags or folksonomy tags) for quick ad hoc content categorization.ABCB
Social NetworksIntegrates popular social networks (such as Facebook,Twitter, Linkedin or Google+ ) into Tiki.BBBB
PrintIncludes printing pages, groups of pages, and PDF documents.BBBB
StatisticsSite-wide statistics for many features. Referrer stats and search stats also available.BBCC
BannersInsert, track, and manage advertising banners.BABC
RatingLets users vote on wiki pages & tracker itemsDBDC
ContributionAllow selecting, reporting and exporting the type of contributions made by site users.AABC
ScoreIf appropriate for the site, this feature implements a game approach to motivate people to participate in the online community. Users are given points for things they do in the site, like writing or reading an article, starting a new topic in a forum, voting in a poll, etc. They also earn points by having his/her blogs and articles read and commented on. Then the users will be able to see their position in a ranking.C
AccessibilityNot so much a feature as a value, web accessibility is prioritized in Tiki.C
Tell a FriendWith this feature activated, to share pages, a link "Email this page" is added at the top of all pages.BBBC
CommunityConfigure site community settings such as user identity and participation details, and social interaction settings.BBBC
Color ModesColor modes enable website users to select an alternative color scheme. Initially in Tiki 26, users can switch between light, dark, and auto (auto mode means following the preference set in the user's browser). In Tiki 26.1, the ability to add custom color modes via Look and Feel admin controls will be added.CBCC



Feature name and linkDescriptionDev (Bug reports & Feature requests)Setup and admin UIUI end userStabilityFeature-set and power
Wiki PluginsOver 100 built-in plugins extend the function of wiki syntax with more specialized commands. It is very easy to create your own plugins with plugin alias or from scratch.BBBA
Wiki SyntaxApply formatting and styling to text directly or via editor toolbar buttons; no need for HTML. Strong help feature and usable throughout various features such as blogs and articles, not just in the wiki!BBBA
ToolbarsThe edit page toolbar enables styling text, adding an image, Makes using wiki syntax easy. Custom buttons can be added, and toolbars can be customized for the various sections of the site.CCBA
PluginModuleInsert a content or functionality module in any editable-text area of the site, such as a wiki page, article, etc.BCBB
External WikisCreate links easily with other wikis.BBAC
Automatic Table of ContentsAutomatically generate and display a table of contents based on page titles within a structure (toc), or from the headings on a page (maketoc).ACAC
Random TaglinesTaglines (aka "cookies" or "fortune cookies") drawn randomly and displayed.

HotwordsIf enabled, wiki pages are parsed and some words are automatically converted to HTML links.

CacheExternal URLs can be cached inside Tiki - this is possible for links from the Wiki as well as for the User BookmarksBBAC
Content TemplateCreate and select reusable text or layout code when editing a wiki page, article, or newsletter to have a consistent look and feel and/or content.

PollsMake and manage lists of options to be voted on; polls are displayed in a module (in left or right column or other module zone, in wiki pages, etc.).

Dynamic VariableSnippets of text which can be reused throughout Tiki.

CopyrightThe Copyright Management System (or ©MS) is a way of licensing your content and displaying that license information, such as under an open or free content license. By switching this feature on, you can define a content license for all your wiki content, associate copyright notices with individual pages and display a full license for printing.



Feature name and linkDescriptionDev (Bug reports & Feature requests)Setup and admin UIUI end userStabilityFeature-set and power
PermissionsDifferent rights can be assigned to groups. (ACLs)CAA
Theme ControlVisual themes can be flexibly assigned per user group, site section, content category, and so on.AAAA
CacheTiki uses the built-in cache of the Smarty template engine.AABA
External AuthenticationCan use LDAP (Active Directory), PAM, Auth, Http web server, CAS or Shibboleth.

InstallationTiki site installation is a simple process of going through the steps of a wizard, and post-install configuration also offers wizard options.

User AdministrationGreat flexibility in handling user registration, logging in, and banning of users, should that be necessary.AAAA
GroupsThe three default groups (anonymous, registered, and admin) can be added to freely as needed for the site. Groups can inherit other groups' permissions, to simplify access management.AAAA
ManagerA combination of shell and PHP scripts to install, update, backup and monitor (check security of) a large number of Tiki installations (instances).DCA
ProfilesIn Tiki terminology, a "profile" is a set of site configuration preferences and website item creation instructions that are applied as a group.AABA
Communication CenterSend/receive objects to and from other Tiki-powered sites

IntertikiAuthenticate users and grant them appropriate permissions at a "slave" Tiki site based on user data from an external "master" Tiki site. (This is used at the Tiki project sites, for example.)

BanningBlock access from individual IPs or ranges of IPs.

Edit TemplateEdit the Smarty template files that Tiki is built with via the admin control panel.

ConnectVarious tools for communication with the Tiki Community, developers, other Tiki site admins and users.BBBB
Edit CSS

Existing stylesheets can be edited (via the browser), with the new stylesheet suffixed with the editor's user name.

Action LogTrack user activity on the basis of a single user or multiple users, groups or categories.BBBC
PaymentsEnables the requesting and management of payments (invoicing), and connects payments to other features.CBBC
PackagesExternal software packages installation and management via Composer.BBCC



Feature name and linkDescriptionDev (Bug reports & Feature requests)
We eat our own DogFood

Tiki is a community. Tiki is a software. The Tiki community is recursively using and improving the Tiki software, which is used to support the community as well as to make available to the general public.

Open Development

Written and maintained by an active and international community of volunteer contributors. While many developers offer consulting services, no company controls the development.

Think of Tiki as applying the wiki way not just to content but also to software development. YOU are invited to participate!"

Please read more about the Tiki Model

Open standards and protocols

Tiki developers are Tiki users too and prefer open protocols and standards -

Platform independenceTiki runs wherever PHP runs, on Linux, Mac, Windows and many more other operating systems.
Browser CompatibilityOn the client side, all you need is a Web browser running on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
DocumentationTiki's documentation is a wiki (of course!). So you can participate! The are links from your installed Tiki application directly to the corresponding documentation wiki page. As the documentationis constantly being updated and organized, broken links may sometimes occur. Please bear with us and feel free to participate!

External Libraries

Tiki makes good use of existing and active open source projects such as Zend Framework, Smarty, MySQL, PHP, jQuery, Bootstrap, CKeditor, etc.










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  现在(如果你读了这么多!),你肯定会想“噢,为什么not包含呢?” 请看"Major Features Missing In Tiki"(Tiki缺少的主要功能特性),会有一个列表,里面全都是不属于Tiki内建的功能特性。


请看: Interaction(交互) 的许多例子



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