1.1. Admin UI: enhanced switch to filter preferences | |
1.2. Advanced Logging Method | |
Tiki has comprehensive built in logging capabilities as part of Action Log and to a lesser extent System Log.
1.3. Annotations | |
Tiki Annotations have been added and are powered by annotatorjs.org 1.x which is becoming Apache Annotator in the future. This is an optional replacement in Tiki18 for Inline Comments with a much nicer interface, and with more potential for expanding the feature set. |
1.4. Browser Automation | |
Web Scraping with PhantomJS and CasperJS: PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API, and therefore, it is an optimal solution for fast headless testing, site scraping, pages capture, SVG renderer, network monitoring and many other use cases. CasperJS is a navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS among others. See PhantomJS and CasperJS, Browser Automation and PluginCasperJS. Initial commit: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/61402/ (will later be merged to trunk) |
1.5.1. Self-subscribe to comments in trackers/articles/wiki pages/blog posts | |
The option to self-subscribe to comments to receive email notifications about replies has been extended to trackers, articles, wiki pages and blog posts. (r59950 & r59951) See Comments |
1.5.2. E-mail notification of replies to non-registered users | |
Since Tiki 16.2, non-registered users (also known as "Anonymous" users in Tiki) that provided their emails in the corresponding field next to their comments can get notification emails of the replies to their comments. (r59950 & r59951) See Comments |
1.6. Composer | |
1.6.1. Composer Dependencies Revamp | |
A Composer Dependencies Revamp has been implemented. |
1.6.2. Composer Web Installer | |
You can install external packages in Tiki, with different copyright license or made optional since they are too big and maybe not intended for all use cases, through a new Control Panel in Tiki: |
1.6.3. Composer and Satis | |
1.7. Console.php | |
New actions can be run from the command line through console.php:
1.8. Cron / Scheduler | |
1.8.1. Web Cron | |
1.8.2. Scheduler (cron jobs) | |
An internal scheduler is added to Tiki, so that only one cron job needs to be defined in the system crontab (or Windows Scheduled Tasks), and all actions to be run at scheduled times can then be defined from within the Tiki admin panel.
1.9. CSS & Look and Feel | |
1.9.1. CodeMirror | |
When CodeMirror syntax and code highlighter is enabled code listings with
1.9.2. CSS-only Masonry | |
Users can create simple CSS-only masonry grid layouts now for their content like pictures from File Gallery or "card-like" items results from Tracker data using LIST - the basic syntax is Example: Copy to clipboard
This will show previews of images from File Gallery in the masonry grid with no gaps between them. And the following code would display items from Tracker 7 in Bootstrap styled default panels (feature logo and name with link in the header, plus the feature description in the body, for the items with logo provided - "NOT the empty ones") in the masonry grid: Copy to clipboard
The output produced would be: |
1.10. Database independence | |
As per the MariaDB vs MySQL strategy, several fixes were made to continue to support both:
1.11. Faker | |
1.12. Fallback for Tiki base URL | |
The full URL to the Tiki base URL including protocol, domain and path (example: https://example.com/tiki/), used when the current URL can not be determined, example, when executing from the command line.') |
1.13. Feedback system revamp | |
1.14. File Checker | |
1.15. Gap value "humanisation" (used in list, listExecute may be more) | |
The plugin List (or listExecute) is able to filter by range and it used seconds to set the value. Copy to clipboard
it accept now a Human Readable value like '1 hour' or '30 days'.
1.16. H5P | |
H5P allows to create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content in your browser.
See H5P |
1.17. HTTP Headers | |
New HTTP Headers preferences were added (mainly security-related) |
1.18. Image Gallery to File Gallery migration tool | |
Enable admins to run the migration process from from the web and from command line (php console.php gallery:migrate ) |
1.19. Installation: updated information | |
Letting new users know how to get involved with Tiki.
Letting new users know where to get help. How to become a developer.
1.20. Mcrypt dependency removal | |
Removing MCrypt as a dependency was done for User Encryption and work continues in upstream libraries. Ex: for SAML support. |
1.21. Media Alchemyst | |
https://github.com/alchemy-fr/Media-Alchemyst support has been added. Only PluginPreview for now, but more features from this library will be progressively added to Tiki. |
1.22. Menus | |
Menu management has been revamped. Now with drag and drop!
1.22.1. Login-Box Module Menu | |
The login box in |
1.23. Modern Favicons | |
Tiki now handles modern favicons for Android, iOS, Safari, Chrome and FireFox. Bookmarking, quick navigation screens and desktop links to tiki sites can now be displayed with handsome buttons that match the flavor of the device being used. Favicons are also now handled via tiki themes and can be overridden by the user and be included as part of a custom theme. |
1.24. Multi-resolution images | |
See below #Plugin_Img |
1.25. Password blacklist | |
This feature checks a password against a list of the known most commonly used passwords in other places. It's a list that hackers use to try and brute force websites like Tiki. It's estimated that something like 40% of all passwords used sit within the top 100 passwords. (estimates vary, but that's a reference number in some scenarios). The benefits of this feature is preventing people from using passwords that are on hackers brute force lists. |
1.26. Path structure | |
See Path structure |
1.27. PDF Generation | |
Massive improvements in quality and number of features, using mPDF and three new wiki plugins:
1.27.1. New generator (mPDF) | |
Already in 15.2 This only concerns upgrades from Tiki 15.1 or earlier. mPDF was added to Tiki 15.2. mPDF becomes a new option to create PDFs from your wiki pages. mPDF cannot be bundled with Tiki due to licensing restrictions (and size because of included fonts). But, it is easy to install. A good alternative to PluginArchiveBuilder See also: To display PDFs in your wiki you can use PluginMediaPlayer or PluginWebDocViewer. |
1.28. Permissions | |
1.29. Pivot tables with subtotals | |
Subtotals have been added to pivot tables |
1.30. Preferences in Control Panels: Slider to display Advanced | |
In Tiki16, and backported to Tiki15.3, a slider has been introduced to allow showing the advanced preferences in the Control Panels more easily. The funnel is shown only when the slider has been moved to show advanced preferences. If you want your preference to be permanent, you need to click as usual on the button "Set as my default":
1.31. Print | |
1.31.1. Print Settings (Control Panel) | |
Since Tiki 16.2, the options related to printing to html or pdf have been gathered together in a new Control Panel called Print Settings. See Print Settings |
1.32. Profiles | |
1.32.1. Profile Export: include-files | |
A new option 'include-files' has been added to Export Profiles from command line, so that Files in the FileGallery can also get exported files (instead of only allow url references). In addition, it also allows local file import. |
1.32.2. Profile Export: tracker items | |
A new option 'tracker-item' has been added to Export Profiles from command line so that tracker items can be also included in the exported local profile. |
1.33. Search | |
1.33.1. Search index rebuild: report statistics | |
Report statistics on the index rebuild process have been extended to indicate also the time spent, memory consumed, number of queries, etc. |
1.33.2. Calendars added to Unified Search | |
Added in this commit |
1.33.3. Search Engine Friendly URLs | |
1.34. Single Sign On with SAML | |
Tiki becomes a SAML Service Provider (SP), thanks to the integration of OneLogin's SAML PHP Toolkit. -> SAML |
1.35. Sitemap | |
New: A built-in site map XML generator: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/63719 |
1.36. Smarty Modifier numStyle | |
Format positive integers through smarty, similar to to that of the CSS list-stlye-type. Supported values include: decimal-leading-zero, lower-alpha, upper-alpham, lower-greek, upper-greek, lower-roman, upper-roman, hebrew, georgian, footnote, disc, circle, square, none. See Number Style |
1.37. Style Guide tool | |
1.38. Trackers | |
New or enhanced fields and options in Trackers |
1.38.1. Tracker Transaction | |
Trackers had the ability to be filled in steps through multiple wiki pages, but they currently also have the chance to have the changes of all those pages committed only in the last step. This means that, before this Tiki version, each step (implemented manually with wiki pages and custom plugin tracker calls) was inserting or updating data to the tracker item. See:
1.38.2. Field CalendarItem | |
1.38.3. Field conversion possible for certain fields | |
Since Tiki18, it's now possible to convert certain tracker fields:
1.38.4. Field Group selector extended | |
Since Tiki 16.2, group selector tracker field allows to set Email Notification for all the users in the select group. See: Group selector |
1.38.5. Field Location | |
Location Tracker Field: Added address lookup options from other fields in the same tracker. |
1.38.6. Field Item Link | |
Item link: Added the ability to display results in a table, and to select items from a list with checkboxes in order to have a Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field process some math out of some numeric fields provided in the linked items. Since Tiki 16.2, new options have been added to tracker field "item link":
1.38.7. Field Mathematical Calculation | |
Enahcned. The new formula |
1.38.8. Field Static Text | |
Enhanced. Since Tiki16.2, a new option in tracker field StaticText allows to use "pretty tracker" syntax in them to enable values from other fields in that tracker to be displayed per item. It currently works with:
1.38.9. Field User selector extended | |
Since Tiki 16.2, user selector tracker field alows selecting multiple users, and that selection can be on a full list of site users, of filterable by groups of users: This is also useful for notifications to user creators/owners of a tracker item, to handle permissions per item when no full permissions are granted in the whole tracker level but only to the items that the user is set as creator/owner of the item. Inaddition, since Tiki17, several users can be marked as ItemOwner to drive permissions Added the ability to mark UserSelector tracker fields as ItemOwner, so they drive the permissions rather than the first ordered auto-assign field.
1.38.10. Tracker item permissions | |
Since Tiki 16.2, the core tiki permission system has been extended to allow trackeritems inherit object permissions from parent trackers. The side effect is that permission levels are now composed allowing for greater flexibility, i.e. object permissions are complemented with category permissions and then with global permissions, which in fact has been the expected behavior, but it was not always enforced in edge-case-usages of trackers. |
1.38.11. Tracker field permissions | |
Since Tiki 16.2, a new case has been added: admin_editable_after: non-admins can insert but not update and still are able to see the field. Administrators can edit that field. |
1.38.12. Tracker Mail notifications enhancements | |
New in 17.2: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/64147 -> "Expose pretty tracker fields, field names and changed/old values to tracker changed notification emails" |
1.38.13. Tracker prefix for field permanentNames | |
You can set a prefix in each tracker configuration to get prepended to the Permanent Names automatically generated for its tracker fields. This helps the process to have all tracker fields have consistant names with a common prefix corresponding to the tracker where they belong to, and facilitates using the right field in advanced setups with PluginList, PluginListExecute, PluginPivotTable, PluginTrackerCalendar, PluginMap, etc. |
1.39. Translatable preferences | |
1.40. Typography | |
1.41. Unified Search Index reports engine and version | |
When the unified search index is rebuilt, there unified index engine and version are reported. |
1.42. Wiki Pages | |
In Tiki 17, the new Since Tiki 18, an HTTP redirection can be set when renaming a page and when removing a duplicate page. Previously, any time a Wiki page was renamed or deleted, access to existing addresses (URL-s) via bookmarks or search engines would fail. To prevent that, it’s now possible to indicate a new page, to which an SEO-friendly, automatic redirect from the old page name is created.
1.43. Wiki Plugins | |
New or improved plugins, as well as generic improvements to many of them at once: |
1.43.1. Filter UI in any plugin using unified search index | |
Since Tiki 16.2, any plugin using unified index search formatter and wikibuilder (aka filter, output, display, format, etc. wiki syntax, such as PluginList, PluginPivottable, etc) now accepts You can see this feature in action if you apply profile Bug_Tracker_16
1.43.2. PluginArchiveBuilder | |
Enhanced plugin. Since Tiki 16.2, it can work with files in file galleries also; i.e. it can collect all files, from the file gallery, on a tracker item and store them in folders. |
1.43.3. Plugin Benchmark | |
Use this wiki plugin to perform some benchmarking analysis of the parsing of the wiki page or tiki object where the plugin is called in. See PluginBenchmark |
1.43.4. Plugin CasperJS | |
New wiki plugin to allow using "CasperJS" in Tiki, which is a navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS (still experimental). It eases the process of defining a full navigation scenario and provides useful high-level functions, methods & syntactic sugar for doing common tasks. See PluginCasperJS |
1.43.5. PluginChartJS | |
New plugin. Generate Doughnut- and Pie-type charts. See PluginChartJS.
1.43.6. Plugin Edit form | |
Totally rewritten and now using Bootstrap modal and proper AJAX services |
1.43.7. PluginFade | |
Enhanced plugin. New parameter bootstrap ('y' or 'n') added, to generate bootstrap collapsible box instead of the previous html code. See: PluginFade
1.43.8. Plugin FluidGrid | |
New wiki plugin to create a Bootstrap responsive grid (see https://getbootstrap.com/examples/grid/) in Tiki's wiki text areas. That is, rows and columns of text, images, etc. can be created that will be arranged horizontally in wide screens but will respond dynamically in smaller screens so that good visibility of content is maintained. This is a modern, "best practices" alternative to using the Split plugin, which creates a table for content layout, a deprecated method. See PluginFluidGrid
1.43.9. Plugin H5P | |
New wiki plugin to create, share and reuse interactive html5 content in your browser. Tiki17 comes with the ability to display H5P objects, as well as an editor to create or modify them. See PluginH5P
1.43.10. Plugin HTML | |
New param See PluginHTML |
1.43.11. PluginIframe | |
Enhanced plugin. Added responsive-embed option by default. See PluginIframe.
1.43.12. Plugin Img | |
Enhanced plugin. A new option called 'retina' was added. If you have a fixed width image, it will pull up a 2x version of the image for users with retina display (and 1x for users who don't). Note: source needs to be at least 2x the size of the width of the image being displayed. See Multi-resolution images and PluginImg |
1.43.13. LIST Plugin | |
Enhanced plugin. Added LIST can now return only a given set of values, which is useful to filter the results or return results in a specific order. See PluginList |
1.43.14. LISTEXECUTE Plugin | |
Enhanced plugin. Added OUTPUT option, same syntax as LIST - OUTPUT command, which also allows for context filtering and inline edition of records before mass execution of actions on groups of items. Added Calculations calculations as ListExecute actions Since Tiki 16.2, two new actions have been added: filegal_rename and filegal_image_overlay, and it can currently also be run from console.php.
1.43.15. Plugin List GUI | |
Beginnings of a Graphical User Interface for plugin list. Experimental so far and needs to be enabled on admin/textarea/plugins. A start of a documentation page can be found at PluginList - Graphical User Interface
1.43.16. Plugin MetaTag | |
New plugin. It allows to insert one or more custom See PluginMetaTag |
1.43.17. PluginPaymentList | |
New Plugin, introduced in Tiki 16.2. It shows payments in various ways, respecting perm payment_view.
1.43.18. Plugin PDF | |
Enhanced plugin. It allows to set a cover page. See PluginPDF |
1.43.19. PluginPivotTable | |
New plugin, introduced in Tiki 16.2. It allows creating summary tables or charts using tracker data through the unified search index to produce the pivottable report of your choice. Results for the variables of interest (tracker fields, as well as creation_date, modification_date and tracker_status of the items) are aggregated by some criteria selected by the user.
1.43.20. Plugin TrackerCalendar | |
Enhanced plugin. It allows the user to set the colormap for the events based on the priority. |
1.43.21. Plugin Shorten | |
New plugin. It allows to show/hide a portion of a text. See PluginShorten |
1.43.22. PluginTOC | |
Enhanced plugin. Added: mindepth parameter to display the structure sub-items from any level and not only from top level.
1.43.23. PluginTracker | |
Enhanced plugin. Added showcomments option, enabled by default for backwards-compatibility. If you set it to "n", then the column about comments count and/or last author wil be hidden even if it is enabled in the tracker level. Additionally, in 16.3, email recipients option allows to set fieldId of a UserSelector (including multiple users selected) and GroupSelector. See PluginTracker. |
1.43.24. PluginTrackerCalendar | |
Since Tiki 16.3, you can expose some filter fields on top of the calendar, which will allow the user to select values and filter in real time. |
1.43.25. PluginWikiDiff | |
Enhanced plugin. Hide version info by default and add a parameter to be able to show it again (thanks marclaporte; 59878.) See PluginWikidiff. |
1.44. Wiki Syntax and WYSIWYG | |
1.44.1. Multilevel style numbering for ordered lists | |
New preference "Multilevel style numbering for ordered lists" was added to "Editing & Plugins" control panel which allows to have Multilevel style numbering on ordered lists set globally (disabled by default). |
1.45. XMPP client (ConverseJS) | |
1.46. Custom translations | |
Uploading of custom translations has been changed to use JSON formatted text files, also options are added to manage different processing types of uploaded files (eg: merge with existing, replace, etc)
1.47. Webservices | |
Numerous fixes and updates including: support for JSON "post body" content type, direct indexing of webservices so the results available in list plugins etc (using the index and mindex output type of webservice "template"), moved management of web services to tiki-admin_webservices.php. General reliability and performance improvements. |
1.48. Upgrading | |
1.48.1. ElasticSearch 2 to 5 | |
If you are upgrading from Elasticsearch 2 to 5: Since ES automatically updates 2.x index to 5.x first time it starts - you can see some errors then. First time it rebuilds index might also show errors due to the automatic upgrade problems. However, once it builds the index on 5.x, then further rebuilds must not have errors. So, 2 index rebuilds after upgrade is the safest path to go. |
1.48.2. Downgrades | |
Note that if you use a Tiki 16+ database on an older version of Tiki you will probably not be able to log in and will get an error message saying |
1.48.3. Backwards-incompatible changes | | FaviconsFavicons have undergone a fundamental change in the way they are handled. When upgrading, you will need to move your favicons into /themes/yourtheme/favicons. Renaming your favicons may also be necessary. Browse to /themes/base_files/favicons to see the file names you may override with custom favicons. Using a custom named favicon-16x16.png will prevent any of the tiki favicons from displaying on your website, so upgrades should be easy. You may also choose to upgrade your favicons. Generating new modern favicons takes 5 minutes at http://realfavicongenerator.net File WhitelistingTiki now uses file whitelisting as an extra security precaution. This will affect Tiki subdirectories. If you have added additional files into the Tiki directory structure, you may not be able to browse to them any longer.
You may whitelist more files by modifying the htaccess file (or equivalent server file) located in the directory of the files you need to whitelist. Image Redirects from Tiki 9 DisabledFor the release of Tiki 9, many of locations of images in tiki changed. We have until now redirected those images from the old location to the new location. We have disabled those redirects in Tiki 17. If you have a theme or otherwise use these pre-tiki 9 image locations, they will stop working. You are urged to update the image locations within your code. Alternatively, you may re-enable the image redirection by uncommenting them from your htaccess file. Plugin TopFriends removedPluginTopFriends was removed (because it had been broken for a while, and not worth fixing). Screencast (jCapture) removedjCapture for Screencast feature has been removed. Webservices tracker field with ElasticSearchA minor change was added to Webservices Field with ElasticSearch:
N.B. This will require changes to custom templates using these values, i.e. from
See this commit for details Profiles - YAML parsingWe updated our YAML parsing library and the parser is now more strict so you need to be aware of some formerly valid invalid syntax which is not accepted as valid anymore with the new library:
1.48.4. Known Issues | | H5P not compatible with "Inline comments (annotations)"For 17.0 at least H5P plugin content will not be shown properly if the Alias