Plugin PDF
To use the PluginPDF you must have installed and activated mPDF. It is used to change default Administration PDF Settings and use custom settings for any specific Tiki page. When we apply PluginPDF on any page, all settings made in the plugin take effect on all the pages of the PDF document produced. Edit the page which you want to convert to a PDF document. Click on the Question Mark on the right corner of the editor as shown in the diagram below to open Plugin Help Window. See also: PluginPdfpagebreak
Introduced in Tiki 17
It will open up the Help Window, click on “Plugin Help” and type in the Filter search box “PDF” and three plugins will appear in the list. Click on the icon before PluginPDF to open PluginPDF Options.
You get to see the list of PDF Options here, if you do not change or use any of the options then default options setup from the admin panel will be used. If you modify any PDF settings here on the page using the plugin then the new settings will be used.
PluginPDF Parameters
Sample PluginPDF Code
{pdf pagesize="A4" toc="n" pagetitle="n" header=" Document Title | | {DATE j-m-Y }"footer="Document Copyrights | |{PAGENO}" margin_left="10" margin_right="10" margin_top="20" margin_bottom="20" margin_header="10" margin_footer="10" coverpage_text_settings=" " coverpage_image_settings="" toc="y" toclinks="y" tocheading="Table of Contents" toclevels="H1|H2|H3" }
Margin Top & Margin Header
This needs to be configured correctly for the page contents and header contents appear without overlapping. Margin Top is the space between document top and the contents of the document. And Margin Header is the space between Header and the document top. Check the diagram below:
Cover Page
This features allow users to add a cover page to their PDF comprising of a background image and text on top of it. There are two variables to set this up. This cover page is not visible on the TIKI page but will be added whenever a PDF is produced. Following is the image size guide to help design some great PDF cover pages. | |
Image Size and Dimensions for Cover Page
Image Resolution: DPI / PPI 96
Page Size | Image Dimensions |
Letter | 816 x 1056 px |
Legal | 816 x 1344 px |
Ledger | 1056 x 1632 px |
A0 | 3179 x 4494 px |
A1 | 2245 x 3179 px |
A2 | 1587 x 2245 px |
A3 | 1123 x 1587 px |
A4 | 794 x 1123 px |
A5 | 559 x 794 px |
A6 | 397 x 559 px |
Advanced Usage With PluginList
If you need to pass data from your content into the parameters for plugin PDF you can use markup like this. This example formats a footer for each page using tracker item data depending on the itemId
parameter on the URL.
{LIST()} {filter type="trackeritem"} {filter field="object_id" content=""} {OUTPUT()}#{display name="tracker_field_id"} {display name="wikiplugin_pdf" format="wikiplugin" orientation="P" footer="footer" margin_bottom="20"} {OUTPUT} {FORMAT(name="footer")} {literal}#{display name="tracker_field_id"} - {display name="tracker_field_title"} - {display name="creation_date" format="date"}| | AT {display name="tracker_field_building_text"}|{PAGENO}{/literal} {FORMAT} {ALTERNATE()}^No DSO data found^{ALTERNATE} {LIST}
Collection of References on
- Print general info about printing
- PDF general overview about PDF creation in Tiki
- mPDF create PDFs from Tiki content (advanced library that works even on shared hosting). Recommended for Tiki18+
- PluginPDF alter default settings of mPDF per wiki page
- PluginPDFPageBreak add a page break for PDFs created with mPDF
- PluginMediaPlayer display PDF file from file gallery
- PDF.js viewer PDF.js from Mozilla
- ViewerJS: a script to view PDFs and ODFs, which bundles WebODF
- PluginArchiveBuilder Generate a zip file, including PDFs from wiki pages
- WeasyPrint A PDF generation option in Python
- wkhtmltopdf create PDFs from Tiki content (needs root installation)
- dompdf once used for PDF print of slideshows