Tiki17 | |
Tiki 17.0 was released in July 2017. Alphabetically sorted
Versions Released | |
Note for SVN users | |
1.1. Annotations | |
Tiki Annotations have been added and are powered by annotatorjs.org 1.x which is becoming Apache Annotator in the future. This replaces Inline Comments with a much nicer interface, and with more potential for expanding the feature set. |
1.2. Browser Automation | |
Web Scraping with PhantomJS and CasperJS: PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API, and therefore, it is an optimal solution for fast headless testing, site scraping, pages capture, SVG renderer, network monitoring and many other use cases. CasperJS is a navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS among others. See PhantomJS and CasperJS, Browser Automation and PluginCasperJS. Initial commit: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/61402/ (will later be merged to trunk) |
1.3. Composer Dependencies Revamp | |
A Composer Dependencies Revamp has been implemented. |
1.4. Console.php | |
A new actions can be run from the command line through console.php:
1.5. Cron / Scheduler | |
1.5.1. Web Cron | |
1.5.2. Scheduler (cron jobs) | |
An internal scheduler is added to Tiki, so that only one cron job needs to be defined in the system crontab (or Windows Scheduled Tasks), and all actions to be run at scheduled times can then be defined from within the Tiki admin panel.
1.6. Gap value "humanisation" (used in list, listExecute may be more) | |
The plugin List (or listExecute) is able to filter by range and it used seconds to set the value. Copy to clipboard
it accept now a Human Readable value like '1 hour' or '30 days'.
1.7. H5P | |
H5P allows to create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content in your browser.
See H5P |
1.8. HTTP Headers | |
New HTTP Headers preferences were added (mainly security-related) |
1.9. jQuery 3.1 -> 3.2 | |
1.10. Modern Favicons | |
1.11. Password blacklist | |
This feature checks a password against a list of the known most commonly used passwords in other places. It's a list that hackers use to try and brute force websites like Tiki. It's estimated that something like 40% of all passwords used sit within the top 100 passwords. (estimates vary, but that's a reference number in some scenarios). The benefits of this feature is preventing people from using passwords that are on hackers brute force lists. |
1.12. PDF generation | |
Massive improvements in quality and number of features, using mPDF and three new wiki plugins:
1.13. Search | |
1.14. Search index rebuild: report statistics | |
Report statistics on the index rebuild process have been extended to indicate also the time spent, memory consumed, number of queries, etc. |
1.15. Single Sign On with SAML | |
Tiki becomes a SAML Service Provider (SP), thanks to the integration of OneLogin's SAML PHP Toolkit. -> SAML |
1.16. Smarty Modifier numStyle | |
Format positive integers through smarty, similar to to that of the CSS list-stlye-type. Supported values include: decimal-leading-zero, lower-alpha, upper-alpham, lower-greek, upper-greek, lower-roman, upper-roman, hebrew, georgian, footnote, disc, circle, square, none. See Number Style |
1.17. Trackers | |
New or enhanced fields and options in Trackers |
1.17.1. User selector: several can be marked as ItemOwner to drive permissions | |
Added the ability to mark UserSelector tracker fields as ItemOwner, so they drive the permissions rather than the first ordered auto-assign field.
1.17.2. Mail notifications enhancements | |
New in 17.2: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/64147 -> "Expose pretty tracker fields, field names and changed/old values to tracker changed notification emails" |
1.18. Typography | |
1.19. Wiki Pages | |
New param |
1.20. Wiki Plugins | |
New or enhanced. |
1.20.1. Plugin Benchmark | |
Use this wiki plugin to perform some benchmarking analysis of the parsing of the wiki page or tiki object where the plugin is called in. See PluginBenchmark |
1.20.2. Plugin CasperJS | |
New wiki plugin to allow using "CasperJS" in Tiki, which is a navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS (still experimental). It eases the process of defining a full navigation scenario and provides useful high-level functions, methods & syntactic sugar for doing common tasks. See PluginCasperJS |
1.20.3. Plugin Edit form | |
Totally rewritten and now using Bootstrap modal and proper AJAX services |
1.20.4. Plugin FluidGrid | |
New wiki plugin to create a Bootstrap responsive grid (see https://getbootstrap.com/examples/grid/) in Tiki's wiki text areas. That is, rows and columns of text, images, etc. can be created that will be arranged horizontally in wide screens but will respond dynamically in smaller screens so that good visibility of content is maintained. This is a modern, "best practices" alternative to using the Split plugin, which creates a table for content layout, a deprecated method. See PluginFluidGrid |
1.20.5. Plugin H5P | |
New wiki plugin to create, share and reuse interactive html5 content in your browser. Tiki17 comes with the ability to display H5P objects, as well as an editor to create or modify them. See PluginH5P |
1.20.6. Plugin List GUI | |
Beginnings of a Graphical User Interface for plugin list. Experimental so far and needs to be enabled on admin/textarea/plugins. A start of a documentation page can be found at PluginList - Graphical User Interface |
1.20.7. Plugin HTML | |
New param See PluginHTML |
1.20.8. Plugin ListExecute | |
Enhanced plugin. The EmailAction gets extended to be able to send pdf versions of wiki pages (new option |
1.20.9. Plugin MetaTag | |
New plugin. It allows to insert one or more custom See PluginMetaTag |
1.20.10. Plugin Shorten | |
New plugin. It allows to show/hide a portion of a text. See PluginShorten |
1.21. XMPP client (ConverseJS) | |
1.22. Zend Framework 2 -> 3 | |
All libs have been upgraded to the minimum version required for Zend Framework 3: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/61858 Ref: https://github.com/zendframework/zendframework/blob/release-3.0.0/composer.json |
1.23. Custom translations | |
Uploading of custom translations has been changed to use JSON formatted text files, also options are added to manage different processing types of uploaded files (eg: merge with existing, replace, etc)
1.24. Webservices | |
Numerous fixes and updates including: support for JSON "post body" content type, direct indexing of webservices so the results available in list plugins etc (using the index and mindex output type of webservice "template"), moved management of webswervices to tiki-admin_webservices.php. General reliability and performance improvements. |
1.25. Upgrade | |
1.25.1. Favicon Upgrades | |
Favicons have undergone a fundamental change in the way they are handled. When upgrading to tiki 17, you will need to move your favicons into /themes/yourtheme/favicons. Renaming your favicons may also be necessary. Browse to /themes/base_files/favicons to see the file names you may override with custom favicons. Using a custom named favicon-16x16.png will prevent any of the tiki favicons from displaying on your website, so upgrades should be easy. You may also choose to upgrade your favicons. Generating new modern favicons takes 5 minutes at http://realfavicongenerator.net |
1.25.2. File Whitelisting | |
Tiki now uses file whitelisting as an extra security precaution. This will effect tiki subdirectories. If you have added additional files into the tiki directory structure, you may not be able to browse to them any longer.
You may override the whitelisting by modifying the htaccess file (or equivalent server file) located in the first subdirectory of the file you need to enable. |
1.25.3. Image Redirects from Tiki 9 Disabled | |
1.25.4. Plugin TopFriends removed | |
1.25.5. Screencast (jCapture) removed | |
jCapture for Screencast feature has been removed.
1.26. Known Issues | |
1.26.1. | |
1.26.2. H5P not compatible with "Inline comments (annotations)" | |
For 17.0 at least H5P plugin content will not be shown properly if the |
1.26.3. Elasticsearch 2.x to 5.x | |
If you are upgrading from Elasticseach 2.x to 5.x: Since ES automatically updates 2.x index to 5.x first time it starts - you can see some errors then. The first time it rebuilds index might also show errors due to the automatic upgrade problems. However, once it builds the index on 5.x, then further rebuilds must not have errors. So, 2 index rebuilds after an upgrade is the safest path to go. |
Minor upgrade notes | |
General upgrade notes | |
Also, see the standard information about Upgrades in Tiki. Correction
The Expose Intrusion Detection System is being added to Tiki in version 18. This page previously stated that it was added in Tiki 17. Apologies for the misstatement. Pages linking to Tiki17
31 pages link to Tiki17
Tiki17.0 | TikiWiki17 | TikiWiki17.0 | TikiWiki 17.0 | TikiWiki 17 | Tiki 17 | Tiki 17.0 |