Plugin Tracker Calendar | |
This wiki plugin allows to manage tracker items as resources while displaying them in calendar views, or calendar event lists since Tiki19.
Requirements | |
Please note The wiki-plugin is not using the Tiki feature Calendar, so you don't need to have Tiki's "Calendar" feature enabled for this plugin to display data in a calendar view.
History | |
This wiki plugin was added in Tiki10 to allow managing tracker items as resources in a calendar view: i.e. using "Resource View" fork by Jarno Kurlin of FullCalendar jQuery plugin (original by Adam Shaw) to render the content of a tracker. There is a profile called "Tracker_as_Calendar_12" (included in the Profiles Wizard since Tiki12 ) to let users learn by playing with a working instance of it properly set up with demo data. In Tiki19, the underlying library (and related profile) were updated to the original which has been modernized and now offers Resource View:
v1.5.3 of (original) FullCalendar by Adam Shaw
Parameters | |
Tiki Doc From Code error: trackercalendar not found
Parameters: Extended | |
When clicking a calendar item the default action is to open an edit window to change the data values. Setting the "Extended" parameter to "yes" indicates that the standard data entry window should be bypassed and navigation should move to the page specified in the "url" parameter. The URL parameter becomes visible when Extended is set to "yes." |
Passing Values | ||||||||||||
Several values are passed to the page indicated by the "url" parameter. These values are passed both as Wiki Argument Variables for use in the Wiki page and JQuery "session
Parameter: Tracker item id | |
It is the default action of the trackercalendar plugin to pass "itemId" in mixed case (camel case) that is meaningful to tracker plugins on the page being opened. Setting this value to "no" gives more control of the tracker plugins to the developer by passing itemid in all lower case which is not meaningful to tracker plugins.
Colormap | |
Since Tiki18, if you want to ensure a consistent color map, you can pin priorities to values using the parameter colormap, with value and color separated with a comma and using pipes to separate multiple colors. Copy to clipboard
Example 1 | |
This feature can be tested easily when you apply the corresponding profile that is a simple showcase for it:
Copy to clipboard
Week view | |
Day view | |
Resource Day view | |
Resource Week view | |
Resource Month view | |
Resource Year view | |
List views | |
Example 2 | |
Copy to clipboard
Please note:
Example 3 | |
Copy to clipboard
Listing threshold | |
Beware to set the threshold for the tracker item listing to a value that suits your needs (higher than the number of items that you want to display in the TrackerCalendar). You can increase that threshold (it's 25 items by default) at Control Panels > Look and Feel > Pagination > Maximum number of records in listings:
Related | |