This Wiki Plugins provides an interface to run R scripts through web pages.
PluginR allows basic and direct usage, writing the script between the PluginR tags (see below), but it also allows advanced usage, where Pretty Trackers can be used to make web interfaces to modify the parameters that you want to allow the user to modify before producing the text or graphic output from your scripts. Or you can send full data files to your R script to be processed and get the output automatically on-line a few seconds later. This way, Tiki and PluginR become a nice and collaborative web interface for your custom R scripts.
Up to Tiki17 you needed to install this plugin separately from Tiki through Mods. Starting in Tiki18, some plugin parts were rewritten to avoid former license incompatibilities with Tiki, so that it is bundled within the main Tiki code base, and no extra installation is needed for PluginR to work, aside of the R engine in the server, as usual.
Is this your first time to R or Tiki?
New to R? R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. R needs to be installed separately in your server for PluginR to work, of course.
New to Tiki? Tiki is a Tightly Integrated Knowledge Infrastructure, which allows you to create almost any kind of web environment for your project. As far as R is involved, it allows you to run R scripts in web pages and edit them easily at any time (it's based on a wiki engine). And it also allows you to create web interfaces for your R scripts and packages (you'll see some examples linked below).
To run Tiki you need:
A XAMP stack (Linux/Mac/Windows + Apache web server + Mysql database server + PHP programing language). As a reference, see how to install it on a Ubuntu GNU/Linux here
If you run a Tiki version earlier than Tiki18, you need to install PluginR in place, as admin, through the tiki-mods.php interface once inside your own Tiki, or by hand getting the PluginR code from
Have R working in the same server where your Tiki is installed.
R_demo: a Profile called R_demo to check whether all features are working in your server, and which params might be useful to fine tune the output that you will get from the R scripts you write in your server according to your needs. Some screenshots of the former profile R_Heatmapafter being applied to your tiki site:
This plugin is not installed by default in Tiki until Tiki18 (it was GPL licensed before then, while Tiki is LGPL licensed), therefore for Tiki versions earlier than 18, you can obtain it from Mods.
In its current design, it will only work in Unix-like environments, such as GNU/Linux and others. It comes with two plugin files (wikiplugin_r.php and wikiplugin_rr.php), and one .htaccess file to allow writing .png files (for charts and figures) at the ./temp folder in tiki.
Please note: you will need to have the php function exec enabled on your server to run wikiplugin_rr.php
Additionally, you might want to install the "geshi" program in your tiki file tree (as explained in PluginCode ), so that you can get color highlighting when documenting bits of R syntax inside PluginCode calls. Since Tiki7 you can alternatively enable the feature "Syntax highlighting" (codemirror) bundled within Tiki in order to get this result and also syntax highlighting while in edit mode. See Syntax Highlighter
The R package and imagemagick installed in the server. On GNU/Linux and similar systems, you can install the base packages with something like:
depending on the GNU/Linux distribution that you use.
If you see an error message saying something about an error when attempting to convert..., then you need to ensure that you installed the system package imagemagick, that will be needed for image conversion server side in R.
Once all requirements are installed, you can start the R console in a terminal by typing "R".
You might need some extra R packages in your R installation, depending on the type of analysis that you want R to perform for you.
For instance, depending on which R packages you want to use, you might need to install these system packages additionally, in order to have the other specific packages working (from debian GNU/Linux system, or similar name under other GNU/Linux distributions)
To use this plugin in a wiki page, use the syntax:
Syntax for the R plugin
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{R()} your R script here {R}
Syntax for the R plugin
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{RR()} your R script here which might use some potentially dangerous commands in the server, once that plugin call is validated by an admin{RR}
Plugin R vs Plugin RR
Since version 0.5.1 from this mod, you can use plugin rr to execute as admin unsafe commands: you will be required admin validation of those plugin calls.
With plugin r, you will not be requested plugin validation, instead, but unsafe commands will be blocked.
You can add some optional parameters to the PluginR call:
Parse R syntax and show the output either from the code introduced between the plugin tags or from the file attached to a tracker item sent through PluginTracker. It can also be combined with Pretty Trackers to edit parameters from the script through web forms.
Enable word wrapping on the code to avoid breaking the layout.
PluginR 0.78
(blank) pagename pageid
Write cached files inside a folder containing the Page id (pageid; default option) or the Page name (pagename)
PluginR 0.88
(blank) 0 1
Display cache last modification date below the graph (default option: do not display)
(blank) 0 1
Load a previous R session (.RData, if any) for the same wiki page so that R object will be used while you work within the same page. For pretty trackers are used (wiki pages with itemId), the R session data (.RData) will be shared for the same itemId across wiki pages
PluginR 0.61 (multiuser at 0.86)
one peruser nocache
Define caching strategy, including LoadAndSave session. Default: One cache and one LoadAndSave session per plugin
(blank) 0 1
Write your custom png creation R command. Use tikiRRfilename for value of output. RR does not produce an output file.
0 3600 86400 604800 2592000 31536000
Force cache recalculation after time limit. Default: No limit
AttId from a tracker Item attachment. ex: 1. (Optional)
PluginR 0.1
any string except for HTML and PHP tags
The initial background colour (optional). Options: white, yellow, grey, ... and transparent
PluginR 0.2
(blank) 0 1
Show a code block with the R commands to be run even if the R program fails to execute
Height of the graph (Optional). Options: an integer number in pixels (default) or in units specified. If ommitted but width is set, height will be proportional to keep aspect ratio
PluginR 0.1
parses the body content to allow data to be generated from other plugins
PluginR 0.90 ?
Show link for the creation of the PDF version of the plot. Options: 0 (do not create it, default), 1 (create it). Requires R Cairo pakage, which can be checked with the following command in the R console: capabilities()
PluginR 0.70
The default pointsize of plotted text, interpreted as big points (1/72 inch) at res dpi (optional). Options: interger number such as 12 or bigger
PluginR 0.1
Remove the extra \n tags generated by some R packages out of the user control (such as with charts generated through GoogleVis R package). Options: 0 (do not remove \n tags, default), 1 (remove them all).
PluginR 0.76
The nominal resolution in dpi which will be recorded in the bitmap file (if any). Also used for units other than the default, and to convert points to pixels (Optional). Options: a positive integer (default: 72 dpi). Values higher than 150 usually seem to be too much
PluginR 0.1
Show link for the creation of the SVG version of the plot. Options: 0 (do not create it, default), 1 (create it). Requires R Cairo pakage, which can be checked with the following command in the R console: capabilities()
PluginR 0.70
Choose units for the width and/or height parameters (Optional). Options: px (default) for pixels, in (inches), cm or mm
PluginR 0.1
Width of the graph (Optional). Options: an integer number in pixels (default) or in units specified. If ommitted but height is set, width will be proportional to keep aspect ratio
PluginR 0.1
Choose whether the server can use X11 to produce graphs in R, or alternatively use dev2bitmap instead (Optional). Options: 1 (R has support for X11, default), 0 (no support for X11 thus using dev2bitmap). These capabilities can be checked in the server with the command in the R console: capabilities()
PluginR 0.62
(blank) 0 1
Show a code block with the R commands to be run before running them (similarly to the echo command)
PluginR 0.78
(blank) 0 1
Should all plots appear in one file? This is the default value (1); but if you answer no, they will attempt to appear in separate files in the server, even if you currently will not be able to fetch them easily through the internet browser. This param can be used with figure types svg and pdf; however, not many svg viewers support several plots in one svg file
PluginR 0.71
(blank) text/csv text/xml
Choose the source file type in the appropriate mimetype syntax (Optional). Options: csv|xml. ex: csv. (default). For xml, see documentation for more details on the additional R packages required
csv (text/csv)
PluginR 0.1
(blank) 0 1
Choose whether the output should be parsed as wiki syntax (Optional). Options: 0 (no parsing, default), 1 (parsing)
PluginR 0.1
Display several graphs in the same Plugin R call
Since PluginR version 0.72, a user can create and display several png's within the same PluginR call, provided that the user writes
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# newgraph
before the new graph so that pluginR opens up the required new graphic device.
Set a CRAN mirror in your R call
You can setup a CRAN mirror in your R call at the wiki page level, by means of using this code:
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r <- getOption("repos")
r["CRAN"] <- ""
Replace "" with your local CRAN mirror.
Find results through the tiki search
Tiki is able to index the results from plugin R. You just need to add "r" and "rr" in the list of plugins to be indexed their contents (which also indexes their results)
You can do so in the Search Control Panel (tiki-admin.php?page=search):
Exclude all plugins: (X)
Except included plugins: r,rr,andAllYourPluginsOfInterest
for example: "fancytable,list,trackerlist,trackerfilter,code,box,remarksbox,quote,fluidgrid,split,r,rr"
And you need to reindex your site. The option in the search control panel Incremental Index Update might not be enough, you might need to run a full Rebuild index by the Search Control Panel or through a console command ( php console.php i:r ).
Upload this file as an attachment to a Tracker item. 3a: attId hardcoded
Create a wiki page with a call to the PluginR, setting the attId in the appropriate param of the plugin.
In this example, let's say that the attId is number 2.
attId=2. csv file with csv extension. data separated with commas
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The data in that csv file has been assigned to the variable data in the pluginR.
Thus, summary(data) will produce the summary of the variables and data included in that csv file.
Output produced:
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Location Reach HU CumLen Length DepthWS
HUA-1 : 1 A:20 G:27 Min. : 9.2 Min. : 1.800 Min. :0.0900
HUA-10 : 1 B:46 P:22 1st Qu.:234.6 1st Qu.: 5.675 1st Qu.:0.1500
HUA-11 : 1 C:22 R:39 Median :454.8 Median : 8.800 Median :0.2000
HUA-12 : 1 Mean :440.0 Mean : 9.953 Mean :0.2208
HUA-13 : 1 3rd Qu.:616.9 3rd Qu.:13.000 3rd Qu.:0.2700
HUA-14 : 1 Max. :835.0 Max. :27.300 Max. :0.5100
WidthWS WidthBF HUAreaWS HUAreaBF
Min. :1.160 Min. : 3.700 Min. : 4.95 Min. : 13.32
1st Qu.:2.520 1st Qu.: 7.253 1st Qu.:15.78 1st Qu.: 51.18
Median :3.065 Median : 8.700 Median :28.62 Median : 77.70
Mean :3.159 Mean : 8.929 Mean :31.89 Mean : 89.43
3rd Qu.:3.862 3rd Qu.:10.312 3rd Qu.:38.66 3rd Qu.:110.95
Max. :5.300 Max. :19.300 Max. :95.83 Max. :295.00
Min. :-4.091e-02
1st Qu.:-2.925e-05
Median : 7.549e-03
Mean : 8.769e-03
3rd Qu.: 1.465e-02
Max. : 7.100e-02 3b: attId dynamically referenced
A page A with a PluginTrackerList lists items from a tracker with the param link=y. The url param has to be like: url="tiki-index.php?page=B&itemId", where B here stands for the wiki page containing the plugin R call.
When the users click on the link of an item, they are sent to wiki page B, with an url containing the Id number of that traker item selected. PluginR gets then the attachment id of that tracker item, in order to use it to populate the variable "data".
The syntax, in this other example, is as follows:
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The same output should be produced as in the previous example 2a.
However, right now, if there is not itemId passed through the url, the R plugin runs and shows some output error on the wiki page.
1.1.8. Example 8: using potentially dangerous commands
As an admin you can execute any R command to the server. Just plugin rr instead, and validate your plugin calls as needed.
Normal users don't have the ability to validate plugin calls, so that they can only execute safe R commands in the server.
1.1.9. Example 9: loading and saving the R workspace
By default Plugin R runs in --vanilla mode, so that no workspace is loaded at the beginning nor saved at the end, and no human intervention is expected to run the R commands, nor echo's from the R console are printed.
However, for some use cases, you may need to save the R objects and data from your session (call to PluginR) and re-use it afterwards in a new PluginR call, in the same wiki page or others. In the same wiki page
If you have more than one call to PluginR in the same wiki page, you can use the param. loadandsave to force R to load any existing workspace data for that wiki page and save it at the end again.
For instance, for a Wiki page called "My Test", you would have your workspace data stored in your server at:
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Note that spaces in names are replaced by the underscore sign ("_"). Therefore, the equivalent page with name "My_Test" (with the underscore instead of the space) would be using the same workspace data.
Example: Across diferent wiki pages
In this case, we assume that all wiki pages involved in your R calls are a set of scripts that can be run for multiple analysis on one or more of your r scripts. This way, we'll use the Trackers feature, which will serve as a database engine to keep track of all our analysis projects, with the addition to keep the same workspace data among all pages related to the same project.
Therefore, as far as the itemId param is used in the urls sent between wiki pages (by means of PluginTrackerList, or other tracker-related plugins), the same workspace will be used even if different wiki pages are involved.
Workspace data is stored under the ./temp/cache/ directory. E.g., for project with itemId 33, the workspace will be saved at:
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Current limitations
When you use PluginR combined with PrettyTrackers for advanced reporting somehow similar to what you can achieve with "Sweave & latex" (e.g. using Smarty templates in Tiki):
angle brackets (i.e.: { lines of code } ) have to surrounded by smarty "literal" tags. For instance, in order to get this if clause working in a smarty template:
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if (a == 0) {
# line 1 of R code
# line 2 of R code...
you have to use this code:
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if (a == 0) {literal} { {/literal}
# line 1 of R code
# line 2 of R code...
{literal} } {/literal}
Installation of R packages in a server behind a proxy needs the user to export the environment variables for the proxy previous to any action attempting to connect to internet (installing r packages, etc).
You can alternatively install whatever R packages you need through a standard console/ssh (by yourself or after requesting it to the sysadmin in your server), after adding the proxy info to the Renviron file in your operating system.
You can also try adding this type of line at the beginning of your R script:
Former limitations fixed There were some former limitations when using R code in smarty syntax through wiki pages as templates for PluginTrackerList:
double parenthesis parsed as internal or alias links,
square brackets parsed as external links,
double pipes for OR.
But these one have been fixed by using a new param created in PluginTrackerList in Tiki 6.4 and Tiki 7.1:
param "tplwiki"
which prevents parsing of R code by smarty: only {$f_1} type of fields are converted into their equivalent data from the corresponding field 1, etc.
Some useful tips for advanced usage:
When using PluginTrackerList calls, remember to keep param showlinks="0" to rpevent that Main tracker fields (those who will be linked to the tracker item) are rendered as html links, which R would not like in many cases.
When using tracker fields of type "textarea" (lets say for tracker field 1 ({$f_1})), and attempting to show them in a command like remember to surround the tracker field reference with double quottation, like:
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because if you have more than one line, if you don't surround that field with double quotation marks, R doesn't know that the next line is still from the previous "cat" command.
{capture name='saveas'}{$f_46}{/capture}
{if $smarty.capture.saveas eq "PDF"}
{wikiplugin _name=rr loadandsave=1 pdf=1 svg=0}
cat("f_46 is {$f_46}");
# Do your stuff here with pdf button generation...
{elseif $smarty.capture.saveas eq "SVG"}
{wikiplugin _name=rr loadandsave=1 pdf=0 svg=1}
cat("f_46 is {$f_46}");
# Do your stuff here with svg button generation...
{wikiplugin _name=rr loadandsave=1 pdf=0 svg=0}
cat("f_46 is {$f_46}");
# Do your stuff here with no pdf nor svg buttons...
To create and display several png's in the same PluginR call, write
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# newgraph
before the new graph so that pluginR opens up the required new graphic device.
When using data in R from file attachments to tracker items, you can use the following R session variables to display that content, if desired, from R
file_type for filetype
data_file for path and file name (usually in tmp folder on disk when used by php),
you would usually call PluginR from PluginTrackerList using the wikitpl parameter to indicate to use a custom smarty template stored in a wiki page within Tiki itself.
However, in some cases, you might need to do some R magic in the form to insert the data (created using PluginTracker and the parameter "wiki" to set it to use a wiki page as template for the custom display of that form. Therefore, when you use that form to edit the values in the fields of the tracker item, you can display some advanced calculations, or charts based on values stored in previous fields, etc.
In such scenario, you need to add the "output" smarty modifier so that the field is not passed to R s a piece of html form to insert values, but as the raw values stored in the field, so that R can use them properly.
Therefore, if {$f_1}, and {$f_2} are a numeric tracker fields, if you want to display a form to insert data, you would use in the wiki page containing the smarty template, as usual:
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MyField1: {$f_1}
MyField2: {$f_2}
however, if you want to display in a later stage for that tracker item (for instance, when showing the form to enter data for field 3), a calculation based on fields 1 and 2, you will need to use them as {$f_1|output} and {$f_2|output} respectively, to pass the values to R properly:
Copy to clipboard
MyField3: {$f_3}
(Remember that MyField1 times MyField2 was {wikiplugin _name=rr}
field1 <- "{$f_1|output}"
field2 <- "{$f_2|output}"
myRformula <- field1 * field2
{/wikiplugin} )
Keep in mind, though, that for not too complicated calculations and algorithms, you can use the Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field with the Calculations syntax, and you do not need to follow the PluginR way. But for more advanced use cases and formula/calculations/algorithms needed, you can use the power of R this way. 😉
2012. "Deploying a tools website in a Bioinformatics unit with Tiki & PluginR". de Pedro, X.; Briansó, F.; Sánchez. A. XIth Spanish Symposium on Bioinformatics (JBI2012). Spanish Institut of Bioinformatics and the Portuguese Bioinformatics Network and hosted by the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. January 23-25. PDF:
2011. "Tiki + PluginR en 2011: interfaces web más fáciles para R". Xavier de Pedro, Ferran Briansó, Àlex Sánchez. III Jornadas de usuarios de R. Madrid (España). November 18th.
2011. Taller 5:Crea interfaces Web 2.0 a tus programas en R con software libre (LAMP + Tiki + PluginR). III Jornadas de usuarios de R. Madrid (España). Friday 18/11/11, 12:30-14:30h:
2011. "Web 2.0 for R scripts & workflows: Tiki & PluginR". Xavier de Pedro & Àlex Sánchez. The R User Conference 2011. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. August 16-18th.
2010. "Usando de forma segura R vía web con Tiki". Xavier de Pedro y Àlex Sánchez. I Congreso de usuarios de R (II Jornadas). Mieres (Oviedo, España). 1-2 de Diciembre de 2010. PDF (in Spanish):
2010. "Using R in Tiki for Bioinformatics". de Pedro, X.; Sánchez. A. Xth Spanish Symposium on Bioinformatics (JBI2010) (Malaga, Spain. 27-29 October 2010). PDF:
2010. "Assessing Student Activity Through Log Analysis From Computer Supported Learning Assignments". X. de Pedro, M. Calvo, A. Carnicer, J. Cuadros, A. Miñarro. In International Congress of University Teaching and Innovation - CIDUI 2010, Barcelona July 2010. http://cochise.bib.ub.es