adminbar |
adminbar |
Consolidated admin bar with an easy access to quick admin links, recent changes, and important admin features |
cookiesettings |
cookiesettings |
Allows users to change their cookie consent preferences |
events |
Current events |
Displays calendar (?) |
git_detail |
GIT commit and last update information |
menupage |
Displays a wiki page's content. |
name |
num_submissions |
old_articles |
quick_edit |
title, templateId, submit, size, mod_quickedit_heading, categId |
recordrtc |
short_url |
Creates or shows a short url for the visiting page |
wikistructure |
Dynamic navigation menu created on the fly from a given structre toc |
id, maxdepth (in theory, same as toc) |
2.x, some params only in 3.0 like "maxdepth". |
tail |
(used by devs) |
file, title, max, reverse, filter |
upcoming_events |
calendarId, maxDays, maxlen, nonums, date_format |
action_similarcontent |
Similar Content |
Display similar content to current object using FreeTags |
contentType |
5.0 |
freetag |
allows to add and remove tag from a current object |
freetags_current |
displays the current tags of an object. Only for a wiki page. |
freetags_prefered |
Shows the favorite tags of a user. The number of tags is the value of the parameter rows defined at the module assigment. |
freetags_most_popular |
Shows the most popular tags. The number of tags is the value of the parameter rows defined at the module assigment. |
freetags_morelikethis |
Shows the objects that have the same tags than an object. Only for a wiki page. The number of objects is the value of the parameter rows defined at the module assignment. |
pagetop_hero |
An easy page-top hero section located in Tiki's topbar module zone |
nobox |
poll |
Displays a poll in a wiki page |
pollId |
reading_time |
Displays the estimated reading time for the words on a Wiki page (inner modules are excluded). To avoid displaying empty module on non wiki page object, set the module Visibility,Section to wiki |
xmpp |
Hold a chat session using XMPP (uses the ConverseJS client) |