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Lists the specified number of calendar events, ordered by their start date.

Module upcoming_events

It shows the next events that are upcoming, according to the Tiki Calendar (all or just some of the defined calendars, if speceified).


Lists the specified number of calendar events, ordered by their start date.

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Preferences required: feature_calendar

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
date_format Format to use for most dates. See Date and time documentation. Example value: No value assignede/%y %H:%M %Z. Default: site preference for short date format followed by site preference for short time format
calendarId If set to a list of calendar identifiers, restricts the events to those in the identified calendars. Identifiers are separated by vertical bars ("|"), commas (",") or colons (":"). Example values:"13", "4,7", "31:49". Not set by default.
maxDays int Maximum distance to event start dates in days (looking forward). Example values: 7, 14, 31. Default: 365
priorDays int Maximum distance to event end dates in days (looking backward). Example values: 7, 14, 31. Default: 0
maxlen int If set to an integer, event names are allowed that number of characters as a maximum before being truncated.
showaction word y|n
showDescription word If set to "y", event descriptions are displayed. Default: "n"
showEnd word If set to "y", event end dates and times are displayed, when appropriate. Default: "n"
tooltip_infos word If set to "n", event tooltips will not display event information. Default: "y"
showColor word If set to "y", events are displayed with their calendar's custom background color (if one is set). Default: "n"
cellpadding int If set to an integer, apply this cellpadding to the HTML table generated.
cellspacing int If set to an integer, apply this cellspacing to the HTML table generated.


More information

See all Modules installed by default
See Modules installable as Plugins
See Calendar