
Think of Tiki Trackers as a web-based Free / Libre / Open Source software version of Microsoft Access or FileMaker Pro.
See also:

Trackers can:

What are Trackers?

Using Trackers, you can create forms for collecting data and make reports from that data. Trackers can combine structured information collected from users; the feature is a powerful, flexible tool. Originally, trackers were used to collect and manage bugs. They evolved into an open-ended system where you can track any kind of user input in a customizable form. Each tracker has its own mini database. Trackers operate as a standalone feature, and can be fully integrated within wiki pages. Users with the appropriate permissions can devise trackers to collect any kind of information they want. Combining trackers and the wiki makes Tiki a Structured Wiki.
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Four Steps to make a Tracker

StepDetailsHelp Page
1. Create the TrackerAdmin names the tracker and assigns overall parameters and permissions Creating a Tracker
2. Add Fields to the TrackerAdmin defines the columns and type of information collectedAdding fields to a tracker
3. Submit Items to the trackerUsers fill out the forms to create items in the trackerAdding items to a tracker
4. View or List the resultsUse tracker plugins to view a customized tracker output in a pageViewing Tracker Results
5. Assign Trackers to Groupsoptional - trackers can also be used upon registration.Assigning Trackers to groups

What can Trackers be used for?


Trackers can recreate online any kind of table or spreadsheet, not including the fancy formatting or calculations.

Next Page . . .

Demos of Trackers used for production

Tracker Plugins:

  1. PluginTracker : Create a form in a wiki page (to populate a tracker)
  2. PluginTrackerFilter : Display a dynamic report in a wiki page (from the data in a tracker)
  3. PluginTrackerItemField : This plugin allows you to display or to test the value of a field of a tracker item.
  4. PluginTrackerList : Display a report in a wiki page (from the data in a tracker)
  5. PluginTrackerPrefill
  6. PluginTrackerStat : Display some statistics about a tracker.
  7. PluginTrackerTimeline: Displays tracker items in a dyanmic timeline widget
  8. PluginTrackerCalendar: Displays tracker items in a dynamic calendar widget
  9. PluginTracker Advanced
  10. PluginList and PluginCustomSearch which work with any data in Tiki, including trackers.
  11. Reports (which also works for trackers)
  12. PluginTrackerQueryTemplate A new simplified way of building complex tracker templates made easy
  13. PluginPivotTable


Profiles making use of trackers


Note regarding notify_user on tracker fields

If your smtp server is not configured correctly; saving a tracker that contains one or more of these fields, will result in a timout, thus freezing the current session until the server's php execution timeout is reached. This will result in an Error 500 unless PHP is setup to allow remote errors.

See also

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