Tiki 3 | |
Tiki 3 is now available for download from Sourceforge. Tiki 3.1, 3.2, etc. are bugfix releases of Tiki 3.0. And Tiki 3.x has been chosen as Long Term Support. You can download and try Tiki in your own server, or through a TikiLiveCD, and see how to upgrade your system whenever it's released as stable: Upgrade 2.x to 3.x. It requires Mysql 4.1+ and PHP 5 (see full list of requirements). Changelog (2.5 Mb!) Tiki3 was released on May 19, 2009
Alert | |
Send a message to users or a group about an action you are doing: alert |
1.1.2. Blogs: comments moderation | |
Comments moderation has been added in Blogs. |
1.1.3. Button improvements | |
Buttons are now more consistent. And some useless buttons like "list forums" when there is only one forum are not displayed nowadays. |
1.1.4. Calendar improvements | | Default visible calendarsSome calendars can be set by the admin as visible by default for new users. Each user has still the chance to re-set which calendars he/she wants to be shown for him/her. Also keep in database the user last calendar choices in order to keep use the same filter when he comes back. Export to iCalThis has been requested for a long time and will be most useful to interact with other systems. Recurring eventsNew recurrence feature to have the same event each week/month/year between two dates or for X occurrences. An event from an occurrence can be modified later. When modifying an event from a recurrence, Tiki will ask the user if he wants to change only the current event, all the events of the recurrence, or events of the recurrence which were not already modified. New look of calendars in every viewsNew look of calendars in every views, especially in week view which is now displayed with hours details. Events on multiple days are also better displayed. In week view, when there is more than 3 events, a special zone will be displayed and the overbox will contain all details. New "standard colors" for each calendarNew "standard colors" when creating a calendar to ease the choice of calendar colors. ![]()
1.1.5. Comments moderation and locking | |
Nowadays, Comments can be queued and an admin or moderator can decide whether approving them or not. Comments moderation has been added also in Blogs. |
1.1.6. Easier post-install database update | |
Database can be upgraded through an easier process, through web interface. |
1.1.7. Easier directories backup | |
You can select, from "Admin system", which directories you want to save in a zipped backup file.
1.1.8. File Gallery improvements | | File Gallery to produce image galleriesFile galleries have been improved in a way that they can handle images also, and act de facto as image galleries, or podcast galleries, etc., with added features on them. This is to end up in newer tiki releases reducing code duplication between file galleries and image galleries, and users confusion on where to save and find files (whatever type they are). In the same way, in later Tiki releases, file galleries might also handle file attachments to wiki pages, ... File Gallery diaporamaImproved file gallery diaporama. Moreover, File galleries are closer to replace image galleries, since they include most (if not all) the previous functonality from image galleries, and benefit from the improvements in the file galleries. Examples: New file types recognized by TikiNew file type icons have been added to file galleries in order to recognize and visualize them accordingly. They include: .7z, .flv, .mp4, .odg, odp, .ods, .odt, .ogm, .ogv, .svg.
1.1.9. Group watches | |
You can now assign a group to receive notification emails of changes. Great for project management! See Group Watches for more information.
1.1.10. Images: | |
Images can now be displayed with a nice "reflection" effect through the jquery plugin "reflect" (JQuery needs to be enabled).
1.1.11. Installer: much easier and user friendly | |
Installation process has been restructured, in clearer steps, as well as allowing to set the installation interface in your own language (provided that someone - like you? 😉 - has translated the interface beforehand in language.php.
1.1.12. Interface redesign | |
Some parts of the editing interface are in process of redesign, and will be included in 3.0 (while others are planned for version 4.0)
1.1.13. JQuery added | |
JQuery has been added as an optional javascript framework, which allows many user interface enhancements and nice effects on several parts of Tiki. Starting in version 4.0, it will be the official, always on, javascript framework.
1.1.14. Layout improvements | |
Layout improvements will make themes and CSS easier to make, as well as improving layout consistency over different features. Pagination is now more consistent and only appears if there is more than one page of content. (no more page 0/1 or 1/1) |
1.1.15. Mindmap | |
Generate a MindMap in Flash from the relationships between your wiki pages. |
1.1.16. Morcego | |
See Wiki 3D below. |
1.1.17. Plugins | ||||||||
Wiki-plugins can now be edited in a more user-friendly way. See Wiki Help revamped Plugin ManagerPlugins can now be enabled or disabled on a sitewide basis by an admin Plugin Image File is not an image. Plugin ApprovalThe usage of potentially dangerous plugins need to be validated in a case by case basis. An admin can do that through tiki-plugins.php ![]()
![]() New Plugins addedMoreover, new Plugins have been added. See some of them:
1.1.18. Profile manager | |
A system to make it easy to share & improve on installation & configuration profiles (through tiki-admin.php?page=profiles). They are installed from http://profiles.tiki.org or a base profile can be installed from the installation package itself if no connection to Internet available. Plugin Image File is not an image.
1.1.19. Reorganized Admin Panels | |
The admin panels have been massively re-organized to be more intuitive.
1.1.20. Search improved | |
If you are using mysql as the database behind your tikiwiki installation, you can user the Module search_box, which allows advanced searches, like BOOLEAN searches and many other improvements of the search feature, using a simple syntax: ![]()
1.1.21. Semantic Wiki links | |
semantic links to establish relationships between wiki pages (alias, related-to, synonym, etc.) |
1.1.22. Select monitoring wiki pages at edit time | |
Nowadays, a user can select to monitor a wiki page through a checkbox at edition time, and not necessarily as a second step once the page is saved. |
1.1.23. setup.sh script simplified | |
When you have SSH access to your server, the script to create the needed folders on the server and setting the right permissions on them (setup.sh) has been simplified so that it can be called with no arguments, since they will be discovered, if possible, or asked to the user one by one. |
1.1.24. Spreadsheets or wysiwyg tables: easier to add in wiki pages | |
Sheets (Spreadsheets), which can be used also to add wysiwyg tables, are much easily added to wiki pages. Just add a call to {sheet} (with no id defined) within any wiki page. Once saved, you'll be provided a button to "create a new sheet", and then, you'll be able to click on the usual "edit sheet" link, which will direct you to a new sheet (with the correct new id associated to it) in edit mode. From there, eveything follows as usual: add as many rows and columns as needed, add content, and save changes. |
1.1.25. Survey | |
New survey question type using images in a file gal |
1.1.26. Themes | |
New themes have been added. Like Strasa (strasa.css) and Coelesce (coelesce.css): ![]() Strasa theme
Note Some of the previous themes for Tiki 2 (like Eatlon) have their own header.tpl. Most of those theme-specific versions of header.tpl can be removed as of Tiki 3 (i.e. templates/styles/eatlon/header.tpl, as example) from your installation. This should enable the JQuery functionalities.
1.1.27. Tiki Remote Instance Manager (TRIM) | |
The Tiki Remote Instance Manager is
Please see:TRIM |
1.1.28. Wiki Footnotes | |
Footnotes can be added to wiki pages, in a similar way to what other wiki engines do. |
1.1.29. Wiki 3D browser improved | |
Wiki 3D browser has been fixed (was not working under certain scenarios with Tiki 2) and upgraded with the latest verion of its engine, Morcego, on current Tiki 3 release. Note This feature doesn't work on 64bit computers
1.1.30. Wiki Help revamped | |
The Wiki Help has been revamped so that it is offered on the side as a red balloon with a lens on top. When you click on it, it allows you to select the Wiki help or Plugin help, once you click on any of the green + signs on their left. ![]()
Later on, once saved, those plugin call can be edited in a quicker and more user friendly way, through the new plugin edit feature: ![]()
1.1.31. Wiki section edition in non-Wysiwyg mode | |
Wiki pages can be edited by section in non-Wysiwyg mode |
1.1.32. XHTML improved | |
Better XHTML conformance |
1.1.33. XML Import/Export of Wiki content | |
It is possible to import/or export a list of pages or a structure in an XML format
Plugin Image File is not an image.
1.1.34. Web Services | |
See Web Services. Related: Plugin Alias, and Profiles: Webservice Handler Plugin Image File is not an image.
1.1.35. Zend Framework | |
The Tiki community has picked Zend Framework as the main framework. In version 3.0, only some small parts are used. However, over time, more & more parts of Zend will be used.
1.1.36. Other notes | |
Here are other notes, which have less detail, and no screenshot.
Related links
Alias | |