Tracker Settings tab

Configure general settings to determine how tackers behave.
To Access
From the Trackers page, click the Settings tab.
Option Description Default
Trackers Database and form generator Enabled
Synchronize remote tracker Enable a tracker to be cloned on a remote host, and synchronize the data locally on demand. Disabled
Tracker Import-Export Allows management of import/export tracker profiles and management of custom list formats. Enabled
Duplicate tracker items Allow copying tracker item information to a new tracker item. If the item has an item-link linked, it will automatically create new child item. This last can be turned on and off per case on the item-link tracker fields options. Disabled
Tracker item export memory limit Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.
for example: 256M
Tracker item export time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Tracker item import memory limit Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.
for example: 256M
Tracker item import time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Tracker clear time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker clear. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Warn on edit conflict When another user is editing a page, spreadsheet or tracker item, you will be warned about a possible conflict. This feature is useful to prevent collisions when editing. Enabled
Inline editing Enable inline editing of certain values. Currently limited to tracker item fields. Disabled
Tracker list inline editing Enable inline editing of all fields on the tracker list page. Enabled
Tracker report resize button Add a button to resize long tracker reports. Disabled
Show comments below items Show comments for a tracker item below the item itself as in other trackers, instead of enclosed in a tab Disabled
Insert and edit items in a tab Edit tracker items in a tab instead of a popup dialog. Disabled
Show tracker status in objectlink Show the status when doing an objectlink. This can be used to show the status in tracker screens but not in outputs. Enabled
Always notify watchers Send item updated notifications to watchers even if nothing has changed. Disabled
Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page This redirection uses the wiki prefix alias feature Disabled
Tracker item links use prefix alias Links for tracker items will use the prefix alias automatically everywhere. Enabled
Tracker title in SEFURL To display the title, you should disable `Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page` Enabled
Tracker list order Default order for the main tracker list.
Id Ascending | Id Descending | Created Ascending | Created Descending | Name Ascending | Name Descending | Last Modified Ascending | Last Modified Descending | Number of Items Ascending | Number of Items Descending
Created Descending
Tracker History Diff Style Default style for tracker history.
Original | Side-by-side diff | Inline diff | Unified diff
Side-by-side diff
Maximum users in drop-down lists Use jQuery autocomplete text input to prevent out-of-memory errors and performance issues when the user list is very large. 50 users
Show user's real name Use the user's real name instead of log-in name in the autocomplete selector in trackers
This is a global switch for the parameter "Show real name if possible". Requires activation in the options of each User Selector field independently.
Object selector threshold Number of records after which the object selectors will request searching instead of selecting from a list. 250 records
Object selector search field Field or (comma separated) fields to search when filtering in an object selector. e.g. "content" (default "title") Title
Object selector wildcard search Enabled
Refresh item link items when the master is modified To be used when item link is used in trackers so that the index remains in good shape when data on the master that is indexed with the detail is modified and used to search on. Enabled
Refresh items list items when related items are created or modified Use this to enable the ItemsList fields to refresh their content in the search index when related tracker items are created or modified. Disabled
Allow searching for existing files in the tracker files field Search files using the search index. Enabled
Format to use for tracker field keys Choose between field IDs and permanent names for the tracker indexing
Permanent name | Field ID (backward compatibility mode with Tiki 7 and 8)
Permanent name
Index Tracker Category names Index the names and paths of category field values
Requires reindexing
Change field types Allow field type to be changed after creation.
Use with care!
Tracker Field Rules Conditional rules for tracker fields.
Experimental new feature, expect some issues.
Numeric field data modification via scroll Allow the numeric field data to be changed on movement of mousepad or mouse scroll
Disabled | Use default behavior of the browser (browsers have different behaviors)
Allow autoincrement fields start value to be reset to a new value In some use cases like sequential numbers that begin by the current year, e.g. 20210001, the autoincrement value may have to be annually reset. In this case, just update the start value in the field definition.
Use with care, potential for data loss.
Default locale for currency formatting Currency fields use a system locale to format the output of currency values. Set the default one here when none is selected in the field themselves. Visit "Server Check" page for a list of available system locales. None
Sync wiki page name to linked tracker field When the wiki page is renamed or when the value of the tracker field that is linked to the wiki page is changed, make the corresponding change as well to the other linked via relation. Disabled
Redirect page views to the linked tracker item Redirect the user to the tracker item when trying to view a wiki page that has a linked tracker item via relation. Can be bypassed by adding &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL.
To get to the wiki page after activation, you can add &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL.
Storage Location where tracker attachment files are stored
Database | Filesystem
Directory path Path of a directory on Tiki's host, such as /var/www/. For confidentiality, this directory should not be web accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory. None
Require users to fill in tracker information Require users to fill in a tracker form if not done already by prompting them with a modal dialog. Disabled
Tracker ID of tracker required to be filled in A tracker for articles must contain an "Articles" field None
Mandatory tracker field to check for required filling in The permname of field that is checked to see if user has completed the form. If field is empty, user has not completed it. None
Fields that are asked for in the modal for force-filling Comma-separated permanent names of fields that are requested in the modal for required filling in. If empty, all fields are requested None
Force users to upload an avatar. Require the user to upload a profile picture if they haven't done so already by prompting them with a modal popup. Disabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Trackers Database and form generator Disabled
Synchronize remote tracker Enable a tracker to be cloned on a remote host, and synchronize the data locally on demand. Disabled
Tracker Import-Export Allows management of import/export tracker profiles and management of custom list formats. Disabled
Duplicate tracker items Allow copying tracker item information to a new tracker item. If the item has an item-link linked, it will automatically create new child item. This last can be turned on and off per case on the item-link tracker fields options. Disabled
Tracker item export memory limit Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.
for example: 256M
Tracker item export time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Tracker item import memory limit Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.
for example: 256M
Tracker item import time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Tracker clear time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker clear. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Warn on edit conflict When another user is editing a page, spreadsheet or tracker item, you will be warned about a possible conflict. This feature is useful to prevent collisions when editing. Enabled
Inline editing Enable inline editing of certain values. Currently limited to tracker item fields. Disabled
Tracker list inline editing Enable inline editing of all fields on the tracker list page. Enabled
Tracker report resize button Add a button to resize long tracker reports. Disabled
Show comments below items Show comments for a tracker item below the item itself as in other trackers, instead of enclosed in a tab Disabled
Use legacy tracker insertion screen Use the legacy tracker insertion screen (a tab) instead of a popup dialog.
Useful for older trackers using deprecated fields such as Image and File or when more insertion space is useful
Show tracker status in objectlink Show the status when doing an objectlink. This can be used to show the status in tracker screens but not in outputs. Enabled
Always notify watchers Send item updated notifications to watchers even if nothing has changed. Enabled
Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page This redirection uses the wiki prefix alias feature Disabled
Tracker item links use prefix alias Links for tracker items will use the prefix alias automatically everywhere. Enabled
Tracker title in SEFURL To display the title, you should disable `Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page` Disabled
Tracker list order Default order for the main tracker list.
Id Ascending | Id Descending | Created Ascending | Created Descending | Name Ascending | Name Descending | Last Modified Ascending | Last Modified Descending | Number of Items Ascending | Number of Items Descending
Created Descending
Tracker History Diff Style Default style for tracker history.
Original | Side-by-side diff | Inline diff | Unified diff
Side-by-side diff
Maximum users in drop-down lists Use jQuery autocomplete text input to prevent out-of-memory errors and performance issues when the user list is very large. 50 users
Show user's real name Use the user's real name instead of log-in name in the autocomplete selector in trackers
This is a global switch for the parameter "Show real name if possible". Requires activation in the options of each User Selector field independently.
Object selector threshold Number of records after which the object selectors will request searching instead of selecting from a list. 250 records
Object selector search field Field or (comma separated) fields to search when filtering in an object selector. e.g. "content" (default "title") Title
Refresh item link items when the master is modified To be used when item link is used in trackers so that the index remains in good shape when data on the master that is indexed with the detail is modified and used to search on. Disabled
Refresh items list items when related items are created or modified Use this to enable the ItemsList fields to refresh their content in the search index when related tracker items are created or modified. Disabled
Allow searching for existing files in the tracker files field Search files using the search index. Enabled
Format to use for tracker field keys Choose between field IDs and permanent names for the tracker indexing
Permanent name | Field ID (backward compatibility mode with Tiki 7 and 8)
Permanent name
Index Tracker Category names Index the names and paths of category field values
Requires reindexing
Change field types Allow field type to be changed after creation.
Use with care!
Tracker Field Rules Conditional rules for tracker fields.
Experimental new feature, expect some issues.
Numeric field data modification via scroll Allow the numeric field data to be changed on movement of mousepad or mouse scroll
Disabled | Use default behavior of the browser (browsers have different behaviors)
Allow autoincrement fields start value to be reset to a new value In some use cases like sequential numbers that begin by the current year, e.g. 20210001, the autoincrement value may have to be annually reset. In this case, just update the start value in the field definition.
Use with care, potential for data loss.
Default locale for currency formatting Currency fields use a system locale to format the output of currency values. Set the default one here when none is selected in the field themselves. Visit "Server Check" page for a list of available system locales. None
Sync wiki page name to linked tracker field When the wiki page is renamed or when the value of the tracker field that is linked to the wiki page is changed, make the corresponding change as well to the other linked via relation. Disabled
Redirect page views to the linked tracker item Redirect the user to the tracker item when trying to view a wiki page that has a linked tracker item via relation. Can be bypassed by adding &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL.
To get to the wiki page after activation, you can add &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL.
Storage Location where tracker attachment files are stored
Database | Filesystem
Directory path Path of a directory on Tiki's host, such as /var/www/. For confidentiality, this directory should not be web accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory. None
Require users to fill in tracker information Require users to fill in a tracker form if not done already by prompting them with a modal dialog. Disabled
Tracker ID of tracker required to be filled in A tracker for articles must contain an "Articles" field None
Mandatory tracker field to check for required filling in The permname of field that is checked to see if user has completed the form. If field is empty, user has not completed it. None
Fields that are asked for in the modal for force-filling Comma-separated permanent names of fields that are requested in the modal for required filling in. If empty, all fields are requested None
Force users to upload an avatar. Require the user to upload a profile picture if they haven't done so already by prompting them with a modal popup. Disabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Trackers Database and form generator Disabled
Synchronize remote tracker Enable a tracker to be cloned on a remote host, and synchronize the data locally on demand. Disabled
Tracker tabular Allows management of import/export tracker profiles and management of custom list formats. Disabled
Clone tracker items Allow copying tracker item information to a new tracker item. Disabled
Tracker item export memory limit Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.
for example: 256M
Tracker item export time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Tracker item import memory limit Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.
for example: 256M
Tracker item import time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Tracker clear time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker clear. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Warn on edit conflict When another user is editing a page, spreadsheet or tracker item, you will be warned about a possible conflict. This feature is useful to prevent collisions when editing. Enabled
Inline editing Enable inline editing of certain values. Currently limited to tracker item fields. Disabled
Tracker list inline editing Enable inline editing of all fields on the tracker list page. Enabled
Tracker report resize button Add a button to resize long tracker reports. Disabled
Show comments below items Show comments for a tracker item below the item itself as in other trackers, instead of enclosed in a tab Disabled
Use legacy tracker insertion screen Use the legacy tracker insertion screen (a tab) instead of a popup dialog.
Useful for older trackers using deprecated fields such as Image and File or when more insertion space is useful
Show tracker status in objectlink Show the status when doing an objectlink. This can be used to show the status in tracker screens but not in outputs. Enabled
Always notify watchers Send item updated notifications to watchers even if nothing has changed. Enabled
Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page This redirection uses the wiki prefix alias feature Disabled
Tracker item links use prefix alias Links for tracker items will use the prefix alias automatically everywhere. Enabled
Tracker title in SEFURL To display the title, you should disable `Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page` Disabled
Tracker list order Default order for the main tracker list.
Id Ascending | Id Descending | Created Ascending | Created Descending | Name Ascending | Name Descending | Last Modified Ascending | Last Modified Descending | Number of Items Ascending | Number of Items Descending
Created Descending
Tracker History Diff Style Default style for tracker history.
Original | Side-by-side diff | Inline diff | Unified diff
Side-by-side diff
Maximum users in drop-down lists Use jQuery autocomplete text input to prevent out-of-memory errors and performance issues when the user list is very large. 50 users
Show user's real name Use the user's real name instead of log-in name in the autocomplete selector in trackers
This is a global switch for the parameter "Show real name if possible". Requires activation in the options of each User Selector field independently.
Object selector threshold Number of records after which the object selectors will request searching instead of selecting from a list. 250 records
Object selector search field Field or (comma separated) fields to search when filtering in an object selector. e.g. "content" (default "title") Title
Refresh item link items when the master is modified To be used when item link is used in trackers so that the index remains in good shape when data on the master that is indexed with the detail is modified and used to search on. Disabled
Refresh items list items when related items are created or modified Use this to enable the ItemsList fields to refresh their content in the search index when related tracker items are created or modified. Disabled
Allow searching for existing files in the tracker files field Search files using the search index. Enabled
Format to use for tracker field keys Choose between field IDs and permanent names for the tracker indexing
Permanent name | Field ID (backward compatibility mode with Tiki 7 and 8)
Permanent name
Index Tracker Category names Index the names and paths of category field values
Requires reindexing
Change field types Allow field type to be changed after creation.
Use with care!
Tracker Field Rules Conditional rules for tracker fields.
Experimental new feature, expect some issues.
Numeric field data modification via scroll Allow the numeric field data to be changed on movement of mousepad or mouse scroll
Disabled | Use default behavior of the browser (browsers have different behaviors)
Allow autoincrement fields start value to be reset to a new value In some use cases like sequential numbers that begin by the current year, e.g. 20210001, the autoincrement value may have to be annually reset. In this case, just update the start value in the field definition.
Use with care, potential for data loss.
Default locale for currency formatting Currency fields use a system locale to format the output of currency values. Set the default one here when none is selected in the field themselves. Visit "Server Check" page for a list of available system locales. None
Sync wiki page name to linked tracker field When the wiki page is renamed or when the value of the tracker field that is linked to the wiki page is changed, make the corresponding change as well to the other linked via relation. Disabled
Redirect page views to the linked tracker item Redirect the user to the tracker item when trying to view a wiki page that has a linked tracker item via relation. Can be bypassed by adding &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL.
To get to the wiki page after activation, you can add &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL.
Storage Location where tracker attachment files are stored
Database | Filesystem
Directory path Path of a directory on Tiki's host, such as /var/www/. For confidentiality, this directory should not be web accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory. None
Require users to fill in tracker information Require users to fill in a tracker form if not done already by prompting them with a modal dialog. Disabled
Tracker ID of tracker required to be filled in A tracker for articles must contain an "Articles" field None
Mandatory tracker field to check for required filling in The permname of field that is checked to see if user has completed the form. If field is empty, user has not completed it. None
Fields that are asked for in the modal for force-filling Comma-separated permanent names of fields that are requested in the modal for required filling in. If empty, all fields are requested None
Force users to upload an avatar. Require the user to upload a profile picture if they haven't done so already by prompting them with a modal popup. Disabled
Exchange rates tracker Allow defining a specific tracker to hold the exchange rates for currency calculations. You should manually create a tracker with at least 3 fields to hold Currency, Rate and Date. Disabled
Choose tracker Choose which tracker will store the currency conversion rates used for currency calculations. None
Rate field Choose the field that stores the exchange rate in the system currency tracker. None
Currency field Choose the field that stores the currency in the system currency tracker. None
Date field Choose the field that stores the exchange rate date in the system currency tracker. None
Rate direction Straight means Base currency is equal to Target multiplied by the exchange rate. Reverse means Base is equal to Target divided by the exchange rate. In both cases, the Base currency should have an exchange rate of 1.00
Straight (Target/Base) | Reverse (Base/Target)
Straight (Target/Base)
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Trackers Database and form generator Disabled
Synchronize remote tracker Enable a tracker to be cloned on a remote host, and synchronize the data locally on demand. Disabled
Tracker tabular Allows management of import/export tracker profiles and management of custom list formats. Disabled
Clone tracker items Allow copying tracker item information to a new tracker item. Disabled
Tracker item export memory limit Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.
for example: 256M
Tracker item export time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Tracker clear time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker clear. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
for example: 30
Inline editing Enable inline editing of certain values. Currently limited to tracker item fields. Disabled
Tracker list inline editing Enable inline editing of all fields on the tracker list page. Enabled
Tracker report resize button Add a button to resize long tracker reports. Disabled
Show comments below items Show comments for a tracker item below the item itself as in other trackers, instead of enclosed in a tab Disabled
Use legacy tracker insertion screen Use the legacy tracker insertion screen (a tab) instead of a popup dialog.
Useful for older trackers using deprecated fields such as Image and File or when more insertion space is useful
Show tracker status in objectlink Show the status when doing an objectlink. This can be used to show the status in tracker screens but not in outputs. Enabled
Always notify watchers Send item updated notifications to watchers even if nothing has changed. Enabled
Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page This redirection uses the wiki prefix alias feature Disabled
Tracker item links use prefix alias Links for tracker items will use the prefix alias automatically everywhere. Enabled
Tracker title in SEFURL To display the title, you should disable `Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page` Disabled
Tracker list order Default order for the main tracker list.
Id Ascending | Id Descending | Created Ascending | Created Descending | Name Ascending | Name Descending | Last Modified Ascending | Last Modified Descending | Number of Items Ascending | Number of Items Descending
Created Descending
Tracker History Diff Style Default style for tracker history.
Original | Side-by-side diff | Inline diff | Unified diff
Side-by-side diff
Maximum users in drop-down lists Use jQuery autocomplete text input to prevent out-of-memory errors and performance issues when the user list is very large. 50 users
Show user's real name Use the user's real name instead of log-in name in the autocomplete selector in trackers
This is a global switch for the parameter "Show real name if possible". Requires activation in the options of each User Selector field independently.
Object selector threshold Number of records after which the object selectors will request searching instead of selecting from a list. 250 records
Object selector search field Field or (comma separated) fields to search when filtering in an object selector. e.g. "content" (default "title") Title
Refresh item link items when the master is modified To be used when item link is used in trackers so that the index remains in good shape when data on the master that is indexed with the detail is modified and used to search on. Disabled
Refresh items list items when related items are created or modified Use this to enable the ItemsList fields to refresh their content in the search index when related tracker items are created or modified. Disabled
Allow searching for existing files in the tracker files field Search files using the search index. Enabled
Format to use for tracker field keys Choose between field IDs and permanent names for the tracker indexing
Permanent name | Field ID (backward compatibility mode with Tiki 7 and 8)
Permanent name
Index Tracker Category names Index the names and paths of category field values
Requires reindexing
Change field types Allow field type to be changed after creation.
Use with care!
Tracker Field Rules Conditional rules for tracker fields.
Experimental new feature, expect some issues.
Numeric field data modification via scroll Allow the numeric field data to be changed on movement of mousepad or mouse scroll
Disabled | Use default behavior of the browser (browsers have different behaviors)
Allow autoincrement fields start value to be reset to a new value In some use cases like sequential numbers that begin by the current year, e.g. 20210001, the autoincrement value may have to be annually reset. In this case, just update the start value in the field definition.
Use with care, potential for data loss.
Sync wiki page name to linked tracker field When the wiki page is renamed or when the value of the tracker field that is linked to the wiki page is changed, make the corresponding change as well to the other linked via relation. Disabled
Redirect page views to the linked tracker item Redirect the user to the tracker item when trying to view a wiki page that has a linked tracker item via relation. Can be bypassed by adding &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL.
To get to the wiki page after activation, you can add &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL.
Storage Location where tracker attachment files are stored
Database | Filesystem
Directory path Path of a directory on Tiki's host, such as /var/www/. For confidentiality, this directory should not be web accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory. None
Require users to fill in tracker information Require users to fill in a tracker form if not done already by prompting them with a modal dialog. Disabled
Tracker ID of tracker required to be filled in A tracker for articles must contain an "Articles" field None
Mandatory tracker field to check for required filling in The permname of field that is checked to see if user has completed the form. If field is empty, user has not completed it. None
Fields that are asked for in the modal for force-filling Comma-separated permanent names of fields that are requested in the modal for required filling in. If empty, all fields are requested None
Force users to upload an avatar. Require the user to upload a profile picture if they haven't done so already by prompting them with a modal popup. Disabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.

Additional settings information

Duplicate tracker items (tracker_clone_item)

The option "Clone tracker items" has been renamed "Duplicate tracker items" all over Tiki since Tiki version 25 to improve user understand and consistancy.

This option is applied over all the tracker and allow copying tracker item information to a new tracker item. It is disabled by default.

This option is tracker wide and does not depend of an extra permission. When you enable it, admins or user with the "Can admin trackers (tiki_p_admin_trackers)" will see a additional option in the tracker action menu: "Duplicate".

When duplicating an item, some field like the Category won't be populated and stay blank ready to be edited. Other field with an auto-assignment option like the user-selector field with assign to creator will then be populated accordingly (if admin duplicate an item, the children items with a user-selector field will be assigned to admin). See Trackers; Duplicate a trackeritem on an item used in another tracker will create duplication for all the items where the original item is used

Important Notice: The code is also checking if the item has children through item link, if items in other trackers are linked to the parent item using an item link tracker field. If items are found they are also duplicated silently. See Trackers; Duplicate a trackeritem on an item used in another tracker will create duplication for all the items where the original item is used