
Added in Tiki20: Enable connection to Redis to store cache, and improve Performance. This is for advanced users. See also Memcached.

What Is Redis?

Redis is a data store – like a database, but one that stores data primarily in-memory. This makes it much faster than traditional databases where data is stored in disks. Because of this speed, Redis is often used as a caching tool.
It is an open source key-value data store that can store data in any data type, as it uses a key-value pair system to store data. This is also unlike traditional databases that use documents or rows and most commonly used as a primary database, cache, message broker, and queue.
Redis cache delivers sub-millisecond response times, enabling fast and powerful real-time applications in industries such as gaming, fintech, ad-tech, social media, healthcare, and IoT.

It has the ability to write data to disk for persistence. You can configure Redis to persist data either periodically or after every command you issue. When Redis isn't configured to persist data, it is very volatile, and a system crash would result in a loss of data.

When to Use Redis

How to use it in Tiki

In order to benefit from Redis, you need to activate the feature, from your control panel.
Go to: Settings->control panels->Performance and then select Redis tab menu, in order to see the menu content, assume that advance mode is activated and Redis is already installed if not go to How to install Redis.
Note: Redis requires PHP extension for Redis, and of course, Redis

Redis need client address where is going to construct to connect to redis server.
You should provide the server addresses you can set on Redis servers field:

Redis servers
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