Wiki Page tracker field
This tracker field embeds an associated wiki page
Option name
Option description
Field that is used for Wiki Page Name
Field from the tracker to get page name to create page name with.
Namespace for Wiki Page
The namespace to use for the wiki page to prevent page name clashes. See
feature for more information.
Custom Namespace
The custom namespace to use if the custom option is selected.
Rename Wiki Page when changed in tracker
Rename associated wiki page when the field that is used for Wiki Page Name is changed.
Delete Wiki Page when tracker item is deleted
Delete associated wiki page when the tracker item is deleted.
Enable the toolbars as syntax helpers.
Size of the text area, in characters.
Size of the text area, in lines.
Character Limit
Maximum number of characters to be stored.
Word Count
Limit the length of the text, in number of words.
Use a rich text editor instead of inputting plain text.
Same Row
Display the field name and input on the same row.
Tracker fields
Wiki pages