Rating | |
Rating is way for users to evaluate tiki content, such as wiki pages, comments, articles or tracker items. For 'Advanced Ratings & Calculation Syntax' please visit 'Calculations'.
Admin panel | |
You can switch most settings related to Rating in its admin panel at tiki-admin.php?page=rating ("Admin home > Rating")
Standard Rating system in Wiki pages | |
Submitting proposals through using Wiki pages and their rating system You need to have enabled these features:
Then you need to create a poll template under "Admin > Polls" (tiki-admin_polls.php - option in the main application menu, under the admin section): ![]()
You'll see the "Rating" box on the top right corner of the page. ![]()
Simple ratings in Wiki pages | |
Ensure that you granted to your desired group/s the permission to vote, and view the rating results.
Users ratings in Articles | |
Ensure that you granted to your desired group/s the permission to vote, and view the rating results.
1. Example of simple display of results for anonymous users, without the permission to vote, but with the permission to view the rating results, and without detailed results nor colored smiley ratings. One comment also displayed below.
Users ratings in Comments | |
Ensure that you granted to your desired group/s the permission to vote, and view the rating results.
Users ratings in Forums | |
To set it up:
This is useful to ease the task to reach consensus on deliberations (in forum threads) by identifying in a more clear way the position (topic rating) of each person on that topic at each moment on the discussion. Let's see for instance, an example of discussion thread started by user admin, and replied (and rated) bu user1 and user2, providing different rating values each one of those users to the main topic of the discussion thread. User1 would see this page displaying his/her choice in the form to rate the main topic of the forum thread:
Similarly, user2 sees his/her choice in the form to rate the main topic of the forum thread, and has the option to rate also the replies made by others users (user1), but not his own post:
Users Ratings in Trackers | |
In Tiki12 there is no need to enable the feature sitewide for trackers, but to enable the tracker field Ratings, in case it is disabled in your site. You can enable it at "Admin home > Trackers > Field types > Rating". Note:
In earlier Tiki versions, some other features also allowed to set up a rating system in Tiki with trackers, but they are currently (as Tiki12 at least) mostly deprecated:
Example for Submitting proposals through Trackers and their rating system (Tiki6) | |
Let's see how can they be used, for instance. In a wiki page, we can add: Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
More information | |
More information at the tutorials: