
Plugin Twitter

Introduced in Tiki7

Use this wiki plugin to display the activity for a Twitter account.


Display the activity for a twitter account
Introduced in Tiki 7. Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_twitter

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
tweet text Depends on the type of timeline (Users, Collections, Favorites or Lists). For a User, it is the Account Name (like twitterdev), for Favorites, something like twitterdev/favorites. For lists, something like twitterdev/lists/listname, etc. 7.0
widgetId digits Numeric identifier of the widget 13.1
tweetbg Valid HTML color codes (with beginning #) or names. Change the border color used by the widget. Default is theme default. 7.0
height digits Height of widget in pixels. Default is 300. 300 7.0
tweetcolor Valid HTML color codes (with beginning #) or names. Text color for individual tweets. Default is theme default. 7.0
noborders (blank)
Default is with Borders 13.1
nofooter (blank)
Default is with Footer 13.1
noheader (blank)
Default is with Header 13.1
noscrollbar (blank)
Default is with Scrollbar 13.1
theme (blank)
Embedded timelines are available in light and dark themes for customization. The light theme is for pages that use a light colored background, while the dark theme is for pages that use a dark colored background. Default is light. light 13.1
shellbg (blank)
Transparent Shell Background. Default is theme default 7.0
width Number of pixels or the word 'auto'. Width of widget in pixels or 'auto' to fit to width of page. Default is auto. auto 7.0

Note that Twitter requires that you have an account on Twitter and that you first create your widget there, so you get a widgetId number from Twitter for the widget


Basic syntax

Copy to clipboard
{twitter tweet="tikiwiki" widgetId="xxxxxxxxxx" }

List Slides