
Plugin Blog List

Use this wiki plugin to display posts from a site blog.

Table of contents


Display posts from a site blog
Introduced in Tiki 1. Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: feature_blogs, wikiplugin_bloglist

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
Id any string except for HTML and PHP tags
separator: :
Select one or more blogs to list posts from. Limitation: if more than one blog is selected, private posts (drafts) will not be shown. 1
author Only display posts created by this user (all posts listed by default) 3.5
dateEnd date Latest date to select posts from. (YYYY-MM-DD) 3.5
Items digits Maximum number of entries to list (no maximum set by default) 3.0
simpleList (blank)
Show simple list of date, title and author (default) or formatted list of blog posts y 3.5
dateStart date Earliest date to select posts from. (YYYY-MM-DD) 3.5
charCount digits Number of characters to display if not a simple list (defaults to all) 12.0
containerClass CSS Class to add to the container DIV.article. (Default=wikiplugin_bloglist) wikiplugin_bloglist 3.5
ellipsis (blank)
If not a simple list and Character Count is non-zero, then marking this as yes will put ellipsis (...) at end of text (default). y 12.0
more y
If not a simple list and Character Count is non-zero, then marking this as yes will put a "More" link to the full entry (default). y 12.0
showIcons y
If not a simple list, marking this as no will prevent the "edit" and "print" type icons from displaying (default is to show the icons) y 12.0
useExcerpt (blank)
If the blog has "Use post excerpt" enabled then use excerpts where available (default) y 13.2
wordBoundary y
If not a simple list and Character Count is non-zero, then marking this as yes will break on word boundaries only. y 12.0


Preview in a box

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{BOX(bg="beige" width="48%" )}__weBlog: Modern Computing__ {bloglist Id="2" Items="1" simpleList="n" charCount="256" wordBoundary="y" ellipsis="y" more="y" showIcons="n"}{BOX}

Would Produce (from another site):
WeBLog Post Example

Table format

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{bloglist Id="1" Items="3"}

Would produce on this site:

Check-file-indexing is lost in space ? Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist
Protect all sessions with HTTPS enabled luciash d' being 🧙
Packages luciash d' being 🧙

Related pages

  • PluginList — plugin that can be used to create listings similar to this
List Slides