
Module articles

Use the Articles module to include a list of articles in a wiki page. Unlike the last_articles and top_articles modules and the plugin PluginArticles, the Articles module will show only the article's title.


Lists the specified number of published articles in the specified order.

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Preferences required: feature_articles

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
absurl If set to "y", some of the links use an absolute URL instead of a relative one. This can avoid broken links if the module is to be sent in a newsletter, for example. Default: "n".
langfilter If set to a language code, only lists the articles in the specified language. Example values: en, fr. Not set by default.
topic If set to a list of article topic names separated by plus signs, only lists the articles in the specified article topics. If the string is preceded by an exclamation mark ("!"), the effect is reversed, i.e. articles in the specified article topics are not listed. Example values: Switching to Tiki, !Switching to Tiki, Tiki upgraded to version 6+Our project is one year old, !Tiki upgraded to version 6+Our project is one year old+Mr. Jones is appointed as CEO. Not set by default.
type If set to a list of article type names separated by plus signs, only lists the articles of the specified types. If the string is preceded by an exclamation mark ("!"), the effect is reversed, i.e. articles of the specified article types are not listed. Example values: Event, !Event, Event+Review, !Event+Classified+Article. Not set by default.
img int If set, displays an image for each article if one applies, with the given width (in pixels). The article's own image is used, with a fallback to the article's topic image. Not set by default.
more word If set to "y", displays a button labelled "More" that links to a paginated view of the selected articles. Default: "n".
start int If set to an integer, offsets the articles list by the given number. For example, if the module was otherwise set to list the 10 articles most recently published, setting the offset to 10 would make the module list the 11th to 20th articles in descending order of publication time instead. Default value: 0
showcreated word If set to "y", article creation times are shown. Default: "n".
showpubl word If set to "y", article publication times are shown. Default: "n".
show_rating_selector word If set to "y", offers the user to filter articles based on a minimum and a maximum rating. Default: "n".
sort any string except for HTML and PHP tags Specifies how the articles should be sorted. Possible values include created and created_asc (equivalent), created_desc, author, rating, topicId, lang and title. Unless "_desc" is specified, the sort is ascending. "created" sorts on article creation date. Default value: publishDate_desc
topicId If set to a list of article topic identifiers separated by plus signs, only lists the articles in the specified article topics. If the string is preceded by an exclamation mark ("!"), the effect is reversed, i.e. articles in the specified article topics are not listed. Example values: 13, !13, 1+3, !1+5+7. If set to 0, will take the topicId of the article if in an article. Not set by default.
categId int If set to a category identifier, only lists the articles in the specified category. Example value: 13. Not set by default.


To use the Articles module in a wiki page:

Copy to clipboard
{MODULE(module=articles,max=XXX,topic=XXX) /}

If you want to show all the articles of the topic a or the topic b, tou need to use topic=a+b. If you want not to display the articles except those with topic a or b, you need to use topic=!a+b. The same feature and syntax applies for topicId and type.


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{BOX(bg=>white)}{MODULE(module=articles, more=y, max=5, start=1, title=Most Recent Articles, topic=!News+Help Wanted) /}{BOX}
Produces on this site:
 Failed to execute "articles" module
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Note that article types News and Help Wanted are excluded, the first article of an included type is skipped, and a custom title is used. Click on the "More..." link for the complete list of articles to see how the articles were filtered.

Related Pages

See these pages for information that applies for all modules:

List Slides

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