
Export Trackers

As an admin you can access the interface to export trackers if you click at the icon to export the tracker from the tracker list.

Click to expand
Click to expand

You can do 4 things:

  1. "Quick export" (of tracker items)
  2. "Export of Tracker Items" (with filters and more optional settings)
  3. "Structure" (export trackers with tiki's own syntax)
  4. "Profile Export" ( to be reused from profiles, using YAML syntax)

Table of contents of this page:

1.1. Quick Export (of tracker items)

Click at the button and you get a csv with all items in bulk as dumped from the mysql tables. Very fast, but there is no way to customize the results. To customize and filter the output, see the next option "Export Tracker items".

1.2. Export tracker items (with filters and more optional settings)

Click to expand
Click to expand

1.2.1. UI (1) - using Trackers directly

It is possible to export the tracker items in a csv format.
Before tikiwiki3, it was only a feature possible for an admin. After A permission tiki_p_export_tracker display a tab 'Export Tracker Items' in the view on the tracker items.
The export pannel gives also the opportunity to filters the tracker items Url

It is possible to use an url to directly generate the csv file

Copy to clipboard
tiki-export_tracker.php?trackerId=7&listfields=5:6:7&f_8=y&showStatus=on Paramters

trackerIdtracker ID
listfieldsField Ids separated by :
f_fieldIdfilter fieldId (replace fieldId par the field Id ex: f_8 for the field 8) with the exact value of the parameter
x_fieldIdfilter fieldId that contains the value of the parameter??? more information needed
filedefault filename (default: tracker_1.csv) for the trackerId=1

1.2.2. UI (2) - using Plugin TrackerFilter in a Wiki page

Using PluginTrackerFilter with param export_action

1.3. Structure (export trackers with tiki's own syntax)

Export tracker to be reused from Tracker import (using tiki's own syntax)

Click to expand
Click to expand

You can then copy that content, edit as needed with your favourite text editor, and then re-import in tiki later on through the interface that you can access here: "Trackers > Duplicate/Import Tracker > Import Structure (raw data)". You can optionally select that you want to preserve the tracker ID.

1.4. Profile Export ( to be reused from profiles, using YAML syntax)

Export tracker to be reused from profiles (using YAML syntax)

Click to expand
Click to expand

After clicking at OK, you will see a page with the tracker shown in YAML format.

Click to expand
Click to expand

The direct URL has the following pattern: https://example.com/tiki-tracker-export_profile?trackerId=7

You can then use it to create a configuration Profile with it in http://profiles.tiki.org, or import it in another tiki with that syntax through "Trackers > Duplicate/Import Tracker > Import from Profile/YAML". You


Alias names for this page

Tracker Export | Trackers Export | Export Tracker | TrackerExport | TrackersExport | ExportTracker | ExportTrackers

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