Using Wiki Pages
To fully understand the power and flexibility of Tiki's wiki pages, be sure to review the The Wiki section. Depending on the features and options enabled, you may be able to:
- Create new pages
- Edit existing pages
- Read pages
- Add Comments to pages
- Find Similar pages
- See what is hot and what is not
- Much, much more
About Wiki Syntax
For detailed information on using Tiki's wiki syntax, see the following pages:
Displaying the Wiki menu
Most wiki features can be accessed from the main menu:
Creating a Wiki Page
If configured, Wiki pages can be created using Smashed Word syntax. This can be defined as a number of capitalized words joined together without spaces like MaryHadALittleLamb. Alternately, a user can specifically tell the system to create a page like this ((This is a New Page)). In either case, when the page is saved the Wiki will add a question mark to indicate a new page. The question mark is a link to the Wiki page editor for that page. After the new page is saved, the question mark is replaced from the original page and the link will be indicated.
TIP: A Fast Way to Create a New Wiki Page
- Edit ANY Wiki Page
- Somewhere at the top of the page, add the name of the page you want to create in double parentheses. Example: ((My New Page))
- Hit Save
- In the altered page, select the underlined Question Mark. Example: My New Page?
You will then be editing the page you wanted to create. This method allows you to see if the page already exists. A link will be displayed if a page with that name exists (instead of the question mark) so you can change the page's name and hit Preview again.
Displaying Last Changes
This page displays the last changed (most recently updated) wiki pages. You can select a specific timeframe (Today, Last 2 days, Last 3 days, Last 5 days, Last week, Last 2 weeks, Last month, or All) to display. You can also use the Find box to search for a specific page.
Use the Wiki Page Listings tab of the Administer Wiki page to enable this feature and specify what information appears on the page.

For each page's change, Tiki displays:
- Time and date of the change
- Page name
- User (and IP address) who made the change
- Description (comment) of the edit
- An Action column with the following links:
Link Description Display a detailed Page History for the page. See History. v Display the indicated page version. b Rollback (that is, revert) a page to the specified version. Tiki will prompt you for confirmation before rolling the page back. An alternative to rolling back pages is to remove all the versions of the page that you do not want, until the desired version becomes current. c Display a side-by-side comparsion (diff) of selected version with the current version. d Display a side-by-side comparsion (diff) of selected version with any other version of the page. Some people prefer the Difference tool while others prefer the Comparison tool, you can use whatever you want or both. s Display the wiki source of the selected version. This is nearly identical to what is shown in the Wiki Page Editor when you edit a page.
Wiki Rankings
Listing Pages
This page lists all wiki pages. You can filter the list by Language and Category. You can also use the Find box to search for a specific page and even specify if the page name must exactly match the query. Use the Number of displayed rows field to specify the number of wiki pages to display on each page.
Use the Wiki Page Listings tab of the Administer Wiki page to enable this feature and specify what information appears on the page.

Pages can be listed through the option "Wiki > List pages" in the main menu, which will lead to the relative url "tiki-listpages.php". From there, you will be able to search for page names containing certain words and indicating whether you want to find exact matches or not (Tiki 1.9)

In Tiki 2.0, this feature has been enhanced and it allows to search pages also by category, set the number of rows that you want in the resulting list.
For each wiki page, Tiki displays:
- Name of the page
- Number or hits (reads)
- Date and time the page was last modified
- Name (and IP address) of the user who last modified the page
- Number of versions of the page history
- Number of wiki links and backlinks to the page
- Language of the page
- Category of the page
- An Action column with the following links:
Link Description Edit the page Copy (duplicate) the page Display a detailed Page History for the page. See History. Delete the page.
Starting in Tiki 2.0, you can modify multiple wiki pages at once by choosing specific pages and selecting an option from the Perform action with checked.

Displaying Orphan Pages
This page lists all wiki pages that are orphans (that is, they have no incoming or backlinks). You can filter the list by Language and Category. You can also use the Find box to search for a specific page and even specify if the page name must exactly match the query. Use the Number of displayed rows field to specify the number of wiki pages to display on each page.
Use the Wiki Page Listings tab of the Administer Wiki page to enable this feature and specify what information appears on the page.
For each wiki page, Tiki displays:
- Name of the page
- Number or hits (reads)
- Date and time the page was last modified
- Name (and IP address) of the user who last modified the page
- Number of versions of the page history
- Number of wiki links and backlinks to the page
- Language of the page
- Category of the page
- An Action column with the following links:
Link Description Edit the page Copy (duplicate) the page Display a detailed Page History for the page. See History. Delete the page.
Starting in Tiki 2.0, you can modify multiple wiki pages at once by choosing specific pages and selecting an option from the Perform action with checked.

Working with Wiki pages
You can perform many tasks from a wiki page. Tiki displays the following buttons a typical wiki page:
Page History

Please see: History
Similar Pages
Similar Pages show a listing of pages with names similar to the current page. Pages are created and named using words combined together, so Similar Pages will show pages where one or more of these words are the same as the words in the current pages. As an example MyPage, NFLResultsPage OpinionsPage are similar because they share the word Page
Undo Edit
The Undo button can be used to Undo the last edition of a page. If the Undo feature is enabled then a user that can edit pages will be able to Undo what they did even if they can not Rollback pages or Remove page versions.
Pressing the undo button removes the current version of the page making the last version in the history the current page; if no version is in the history then the page is reverted to an empty page.
Note: A users will only be able to Undo their editing and not the editing that any other user has done unless the user has permission to remove page versions.
Page Export
The Export button can be used to export the current version of the page. When clicked your browser will prompt you to save the file. The exported page can then be edited and later be imported back into the Wiki. You can also export all the versions of a page. This link is inside the Page Editor.
Page Comments
Wiki pages can allow comments to be posted to them. The comments can be threaded, in a similar way as they can be in forums. If the feature is enabled, and the user belongs to a group with the needed permission, a button "add comment" will be shown below the page.

Page Renaming
The Rename button can be used to rename a Wiki page; all wiki links referencing the page will be updated as well. An error message will be generated if the new page name is already in use.
Note: A user must have a permission to rename pages.
Backlinks & Orphan Pages
Every page has a list of Backlinks. Backlinks are links from any page to the current page (the page you are reading), you can use the Backlinks option to see which pages are linking to a particular page and find Orphan pages (pages with no Backlinks). Orphan pages are unlikely to get visited very often. On many occasions, Orphan pages are old pages that were removed from the Wiki and should have been deleted.
- In order to display orphan pages the feature must be enabled through Admin > Wiki > Page Listings
- See Backlinks
The Sandbox
Like a real Sandbox, in Tiki, the Sandbox is a place to play. You can test out ideas here, experiment with Wiki Syntax or HTML safely. The contents of the Sandbox are never saved, so when you have something perfected - copy the contents and paste them into a Wiki page.
Page Monitoring
Page monitoring allows a registered user to receive an email when ever there is an edit or new comment applied to a a wiki page. Logged in users can click the monitor button at the top of a wiki page to turn monitoring on or off per a page.
For instance, for this page, a registered user will have the option to monitor it (add a "User Watch" to it), as indicated in the following image:
Later on, the user can click on the equivalent icon (eye with the red cross) again to stop monitoring the page:
Since wiki pages can belong Wiki Structures, and Wiki structures can be monitored, you can get an email each time a page has been added below the hierarchical level of the page you are interested in (regarding a common structure of wiki pages).
Keep in ind also that if you are interested in pages of the same type of content, you can use add a Watch on a content Category, so that any other pages (or other tiki objects) assigned to or unassigned from that category, will send you an email reporting you that change in the objects of that category.
For an overview on the possibilities of Monitoring wiki pages (user watches, group watches, structures, categories, etc), see Watches.
Page Permissions
NOTE: in Tiki 1.9 permissions can be applied to an entire wiki structure.
Users in a group with permissions tiki_p_admin_wiki can set permissions per a page. Click perms and then select the permissions you wish to apply for what user groups to that page. If no individual permissions are applied to a page, global permissions apply.
If tiki_p_creator_admin is set too and if the user is the creator, he can also redifine the perms.
As soon as one permission is applied, all global permissions are overridden and thus you will probably have to apply a few individual permissions so one or more user groups can view and edit the page.

- Why Wiki Syntax is Important
- The Color Picker II is located at
- Web Developer extension for Mozilla Firefox