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  • undefined function: _load_plugins External

    undefined function: _load_plugins Hello, I have just upgraded from 1.7.5 to 1.8.5. Initially everything looked ok (browsing without logging in). I then logged in as admin and it still looks ok. However, if I attempt to login as a nor...

  • Looking for tutorial for porting wordpress themes and plugins. External

    Looking for tutorial for porting wordpress themes and plugins. I'm not really happy with the wordpress CMS but I love some of their themes. Can someone help me get started in porting a few of the wordpress themes to be used with tiki? Th...

  • Plugins and Tables External

    plugins and Tables Hi, I've included a plugin, which returns a string, which uses wikitags. My prolbem is that I can't split my tables, as when I want to create a second table it is conntected with the first table. Not using the plugin I...

  • Plugins doesn't work with IE11 External

    plugins doesn't work with IE11 Hallo, I have a problem with IE11, When I edit a wiki-site and i press a button in the toolbar like 'wiki-link or bold', nothing happens. When i switch in the WYSIWYG-Editor all Toolbar- Buttons works fin...

  • need help with bug in sourse and wissywig plugins External

    need help with bug in sourse and wissywig plugins i cant edit pages normaly. every time when i insert paragraph (by enter in wysiwig) it insert

  • User submitted modules and plugins External

    User submitted modules and plugins I've developed a module or two which might be useful to others. Is there something like a user submitted modules repository? Where? Regards, Davor Commit them on cvs head, it's where users submit new ...

  • IE8 has stopped displaying CODE plugins properly External

    IE8 has stopped displaying CODE plugins properly Has anyone ever come across this? When I use Internet Explorer 8 to open a Wiki page on my website that has a CODE plugin, the display is all messed up. But if I use Firefox everything loo...

  • plugins External

    plugins {REDIRECT(page=pluginsList)}

  • Passar variáveis Javascript para plugins External

    Passar variáveis Javascript para plugins Olá, Deixei esta dúvida também no fórum de desenvolvimento mas venho colocar aqui por ser em portugues. =P Gostaria de saber se existe alguma maneira de passar o valor de uma variável Javascri...

  • Non-Cacheable Plugins External

    Non-Cacheable plugins Oh boy what would I give if I could do this for a plugin... function plugin_name_cacheable (); This would force a new page rendering every time the page with the plugin is displayed, and suppress the cache... ...

  • Plugins in Wiki Handlers External

    plugins in Wiki Handlers I wrote a similar post a couple days ago. I've read some more about it, but can't find an answer. I'm trying to run a data channel with a wiki handler. For the content of the wiki page, I want to include a plug...

  • PHP plugins? External

    PHP plugins? You say, "Make sure to get all the PHP plug-ins too"... Could you elaborate? Which ones do you recommend? I've seen PHPEclipse and xored TruStudio but I'm wondering which you use and what your experience has been.

  • Guidance on Tracker PlugIns? External

    Guidance on Tracker plugins? I'd like to have a wiki page where the user enters a value at the top, either as a Drop-Down Tracker Filter thing, or as a variable, or any other mechanism available, and the wiki updates with many lists of d...

  • 404 in Video Resources

    01 The Wiki Syntax Thumbnail 1544718650 01 the wiki syntax thumbnail.png The wiki syntax in Tiki In this first tutorial I will explain how to use the Wiki syntax in Tiki. How to use it, inline or with the help of the toolbar button...

  • New Themes External

    I love the kubrick theme. I'm using a modified version on one of my sites. But I'm still unable to clean up all the html errors. There's a few DIVs that are illegally placed within a TABLE element (when they need to be inside a TD). The...

  • Author Coffeeshop

    Bryan you do a great work. But please do not change the base structure. You can add things, but people need a stable reference to start working, and you can't work alone. Please take in account that you are not alone and right now we need...

  • 403 in Video Resources

    02 File Galleries In Tiki Thumbnail 1544718433 02 - File Galleries in Tiki thumbnail.png The File Galleries in Tiki In this #tikitutorials I will show you and explain Why there is a specific feature to store files in Tiki How it lo...

  • unified_search_textarea_admin in Prefreport output - Tiki 19

    1 1 18 plugins tab of the textarea control panel loads with an empty list n Improve the performance of the textarea control panel by avoiding the loading of all plugins initially textarea/2 feature_search flag experimental S...

  • Wiki Plugin (extends basic syntax) in Features

    Wiki plugins Over 100 built-in plugins extend the function of wiki syntax with more specialized commands. It is very easy to create your own plugins with plugin alias or from scratch. https://dev.tikiwiki.org/Plugin Text Area B B B ...

  • General Q&A Forum Section External

    General Q&A Forum Section Hi Gary, Before I go any further, I would like to commend you for taking the lead in the Themes project. Also, I like the look and feel of the "Themes" subdomain — very simple and elegant. I ...

  • Other themes External

    I have a draft site at http://jonathanscommunity.com/ , which scrolles under IE and Firefox at 1024x768. The page has text and nothing else (i.e. no big images). What may be related to the problem was that an item which contains three col...

  • 2760 in Video Resources

    Screenshot 2023 05 04 At 16.34.30 1712569974 Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 16.34.30.png Edit your plugins on Wiki pages in Tiki Wiki CMS Learn how you can immediately edit all the parameters of the plugins image in Tiki Wiki CMS What is...

  • wikiplugin_maximum_passes in Prefreport output - Tiki 19

    1 1 30 digits Maximum plugin parsing passes 500 Affects the number of wiki plugins that can be used. The default of 500 allows for 1 plugin nested seven times, or 44 plugins nested once. A value of 1200 is required for 1 eighth level ...

  • Bootstrap JavaScript JQuery External

    Bootstrap JavaScript JQuery bootstrap.js and external .js (jQuery) preliminary remark Tiki uses jQuery 1.10.2 whilst Bootstrap users at the moment can use either 1.10.2 or 2.0.1. It is said, that one should use the last version of...

  • About themes.t.o. External

    Hi, and welcome! As the summary says, this should be a fun project, and an interesting web site. I know a number of people are into coming up with cool Tiki themes, either for their own use or for others. And of course "normal" Tiki use...

  • Typography External

    Typography Bootstrap Components Typography Print Kinetic Typography Responsive Typography Widows and Orphans in mPDF Related guides http://webtypography.net/toc/ Inspiration from WikiPublisher http://www...

  • Bootstrap Transition Preps External

    Bootstrap Transition Preps See: TikiFestBootstrap and Planning for Tiki 13 As part of Theme Revamp , this page is to discuss, and plan an eventual transition to using Bootstrap in Tiki. As there is a general consensus we should move i...

  • Tikipedia_development External

    Tikipedia_development A long process Trying to come close to the look and functionality of Mediawiki/Monobook creates challenges that don't arise with making a completely original theme. First, when CSS wasn't enough, it was necessary t...

  • Tikipedia v1.0.zip External

    Tikipedia v1.0.zip Tikipedia_v1.0.zip Archive: /tmp/wiki_w7Dv9e Length Date Time Name--- ---- --- -- 4153 2006-05-02 14:27 README-FIRST.txt 0 2006-05-02 14:45 theme/ 0 2006-05-02 14:45 theme/...

  • Shapely External

    Shapely Screenshot 1474799202 Shapely_screenshot.jpg Shapely.zip 1474799348 Shapely.zip Archive: tiki_file_uploads/22bbdaedfae1061adb6bf8a3a1ef3c82 Length Date Time Name --- ---- --- -- 0 2016-09-25 19:00 ...

  • Footnote re-use impossible (sameas FOOTNOTE parameter removed) External

    Hi John, thanks for opening a ticket for this. Its a known issue and fixing it has already been assigned to a developer. There are a few other regressions in footnotes that were caused that will be fixed as well. You can expect to see th...

  • Icons are not being assigned properly due to recent commits External

    Thanks taylordustin, will investigate - looks like it's work in progress, converting to use the new iconsets instead of the old fixes png icons... I appreciate you looking at my bug report! Any word on when the update for the iconsets will...

  • Header redirect after added new index files External

    New eusonlito eusonlito eusonlito eusonlito Added some files with header("location: ../../index.php"); that some are included with PreferencesLib->getDefaults() and redirect to base. Files: img/icons/mime/index.php img/icons...

  • PluginMatcher.php Times Out External

    Could this be just too many plugins? I think memory limitations combined with too many plugins could be an issue. How about splitting the page into 2 or 3? There is an open problem about the number of plugins being limited: Limited number ...

  • googlecalendar Wiki Plugin does not install External

    Wikiplugins Googlecalendar.info This version of wikiplugins-googlecalendar.info.txt works - the installation proceeds correctly and using the GOOGLECALENDAR syntax embeds a google calendar in the wiki page. Comment patched file 1232644445 w...

  • Planning for Tiki 13 External

    Planning for Tiki 13 Find a list of the members of "Team Bootstrap" \* here \* all Teams: tiki.org - Memberlists Steps for preparing for Bootstrap compatibility in Tiki 13 (Bootstrap 3.1 will be released under an MIT license so will ...

  • Converting non-wiki scripts to avoid use of html scripts External

    Converting non-wiki scripts to avoid use of html scripts Hello Gary and everyone, I modified the Tikipedia stylesheets, by adding additional scripts, and I use the sample script shown below to format the main page within the wiki page...

  • Advanced search (uni-search) fails while Basic search founds the search string External

    Hi Nelson However, if I didn't indicate "exclude all plugins" from unified index, shouldn't the user get the results from (ALL) plugins in the search results? At least, that is what I would expect. Fixed or Solved xavi Xavier de Pedro ...

  • tiki 9.0 install dies with PHP Fatal error Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' in smarty_security.php:381 External

    Hi Is this a clean install, or an upgrade? I'm guessing it's an upgrade and you are using the Image Galleries (as the stack trace reports tiki-browse_image.tpl is involved. Image Galleries have been deprecated and marked as not to be...

  • BOM occurrences in files from external libraries that are bundled in Tiki External

    BOM occurrences in files from external libraries that are bundled in Tiki Here is a file status report for trunk Oct 20, 2017 The check includes all tiki and vendor files. The latest version of Tiki was downloaded from SVN and composer w...

  • Fresh install of v3.2 fails with plugin approval External

    I have the same issue with 3.3. Items requiring security approval such as use of Iframes or Module with user list gets an SQL security message. Attempting to access /tiki-plugins.php gets this message. Can you explain exactly how you man...

  • Wiki Plugin de

    timeline wiki plugin edit syntax google guestbook Wiki Plugin de Translation of this page is incomplete. Wiki plugins Wiki plugins sind eine mächtige Art von Wiki Syntax, die es Dir erlaubt, Eigenschaften und interaktive Daten und Fu...

  • TikiMaster-Preference-Report

    TikiMaster-Preference-Report ! List of all preferences in Tiki The list Name description locations in the admin panels access_control_allow_origin Access-Control-Allow-Origin D...

  • 3.x: tiki-assignpermission.php fails when not filtered & default suhosin patch for apache in server External

    xavi Xavier de Pedro xavi Xavier de Pedro From irc channel, today. Summary (full log below): tiki-assignpermission.php in tiki 3.x seems to send the whole bunch of permissions for a group in the POST variable to the server, even if ...

  • FTP Plugin and big files External

    yajo yajo yajo yajo Using the FTP Plugin , when you try to download a big file you'll encounter an error like this: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 59506688 bytes) in /home/myUser/pu...

  • Markdown support External

    +1 to Markdown support. People have asked me if it's possible for the future. I've been thinking of a new syntax that could be implemented with little effort and is super fast. I was thinking of perhaps using plugin tags such as <plugin...

  • Automated plugin validation (depending on rights) External

    +1 We often actually remove the validation Flag in the plugin just to speed things up. We appreciate the security feature BUT when we are developing and configuring a project (before its live), removing the flag is a real time saver Ju...

  • View a Spreadsheet in Mobile mode: tiki complains infinitely that jquery_ui is not enabled External

    jQuery Mobile and jQuery UI conflict. And jQueryUI seems to be needed for jQuery.sheet? Out of Date xavi Xavier de Pedro xavi Xavier de Pedro View a Spreadsheet in Mobile mode: tiki complains inifinitely that jquery_ui is not enabled ...

  • Changelog 1.9

    Changelog 1.9 ! Changelog 1.9 Copy to clipboard 1 Tikiwiki Changelog 2 ------ 3 4 Changelog is now generated by cvs2cl.pl 5 http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/cvsbook.html#cvs2cl%20--%20Generate%20GNU-Style%20ChangeLogs 6 This sc...

  • Re: Re: Temporarily Locked for security until fivos learns how to create greek pages a part, and lin in Wiki

    Re: Re: Temporarily Locked for security until fivos learns how to create greek pages a part, and lin &gt; Thanks for doing this,I just found the way to do the translation proper.I have question, how I can add structure in my pages s...


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