Module Newest Blog Post Comments

This module displays the specified number of the blog post comments most recently added.


To use the Newest Blog Post Comments module in a wiki page:

Copy to clipboard
{module module="blog_last_comments" title="Any title"}

where: Displays the specified number of the blog post comments most recently added.

Go to the source code
Preferences required: feature_blogs

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
nodate If set to "y", the date of comments is not displayed in the module box. Default: "n".
moretooltips If set to "y", blog post title is only visible as a tooltip and not displayed. Default: "n" Options: "y,n"


In the below example we pass in a wiki page the module Newest Blog Post Comments through the plugin module.
So, this code:

Copy to clipboard
{module module="blog_last_comments" title="Latest comments"}

Produces on this site:

See these pages for information that applies for all modules: