Wiki General Preferences tab
Related Topics
- Overview
- Use this tab to set the primary wiki options.
- To Access
- From the Administer Wiki page, click the General Preferences tab.
Option | Description | Default |
Wiki | Pages and collaboratively authored documents with edit history. | Enabled |
Wiki homepage | The default home page of the wiki when no other page is specified. The page will be created if it does not already exist. | HomePage |
Wiki URL scheme | Alter the SEFURL pattern for page names. Use the "View" action to regenerate your URLs after changing this setting. Replace spaces with dashes | Replace spaces with underscores | URL Encode (Tiki Classic) |
Replace spaces with dashes |
Prevent special characters in page names | Some characters in a wiki page name may prevent the page from being easily accessible via the URL or wiki links. This option prevents the creation of page names with such characters. | Enabled |
Wiki link format | Level of special characters acceptable in wiki links for page names. For example: Page éàî "Strict" includes only basic characters such as a-z and 0-9. A site that uses accented or special characters in page names should not use "strict". Complete | Relaxed | Strict |
Complete |
Page name display stripper | The character(s) to use as a delimiter in the page name. The portion of the name after the character(s) will not be displayed. If the page name display stripper conflicts with the namespace separator, the namespace is used and the page name display is not stripped. | None |
Display page name as page title | Display the page name at the top of each page as page title. If not enabled, the page content should contain an h1 heading to function as the page title, or the page description can be used as the title. | Disabled |
Display the page name above the page area | Display the page name in small text at the top of each page (above the page's content). | Disabled |
Display the page name inside the page content | Display the page name inside the page content. | Disabled |
Add an option to hide the page title per wiki page | Enable the page title to not be displayed, on a per-page basis. | Enabled |
Anchor links on headings | Cause a link icon to appear on hover over each heading, useful for sharing the URL to an exact location on a page. h1 only | h2 and above | h3 and above | h4 and above | h5 and above | h6 and above | none (disabled) |
h6 and above |
Show the page description | Display the wiki page description between the page title and the page content. | Disabled |
Display input at top of Edit tab | More prominent location than on Properties tab | Disabled |
Show the page ID | Each wiki page has a numeric ID and this can be displayed. | Disabled |
Show the page version | Display the page version information when viewing the page. | Disabled |
Wiki author list style | Change the list format that is used to display the authors of the page. Creator and Author | Business style | Collaborative style | Page last modified on | none (disabled) |
none (disabled) |
Specify wiki author list style per page | Enable the style in which the author list is displayed to be modified on a per-page basis. | Disabled |
Encourage contribution to wiki pages by anonymous | When a page is not editable because the user is anonymous, display the edit buttons anyway. The visitor will be prompted with a log-in screen and will be encouraged to register in order to be able to edit the page. | Disabled |
Show/hide icon before headings | For use with the !!- or !!+ syntax. Activating this will display the show/hide icon at the left of the heading; otherwise, it displays below. | Disabled |
Wiki page edit buttons location | Specify the location of the Save, Preview, and Cancel buttons on the wiki edit page. Top | Bottom | Both |
Bottom |
Wiki navigation bar location | When using the Wiki page pagination has not been enabled. page break wiki syntax Top | Bottom | Both |
Bottom |
Wiki top line location | Page description, page actions, icons, backlinks.... Top | Bottom | Both | Neither |
Top |
Wiki buttons | Specify the location of the wiki-specific options (such as Backlinks, Page Description, and so on) Top | Bottom | Neither |
Bottom |
Undo | Disabled | |
Allow minor edits of wiki pages | Minor edits don't flag new content for translation and don't cause watch notifications to be sent (unless "Watch minor edits" is enabled). | Disabled |
Allow plugin-specific edits | Add an icon next to each plugin usage to enable editing the plugin in a popup form, without needing to edit the whole page. This feature is unavailable outside wiki pages, whether or not this preference is enabled. | Enabled |
Allow section-specific edits | Add an edit icon at the top of each heading-demarcated wiki page section (up to a configurable maximum level) to ease the editing of a single section. | Enabled |
Only display focused edit icons (for sections and/or plugins) on request | Focused edit icons will only display after a per-session "Edit icons" preference is enabled. This preference is defined directly from any wiki page. | Enabled |
Section-specific edits maximum level | Prevent a proliferation of edit icons for low-level sections. For example, when set to 2, no edit icons will show for third-level (HTML h3) sections. All | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
0 |
Allow HTML | Per-page option: HTML tags are used to create elements of the wiki page, instead of being displayed as code. This is potentially dangerous, as it allows raw HTML to be added. Be sure to enable this option only if trusted users can create and edit menus. |
Disabled |
Mandatory wiki page edit summary | Reject save attempts that do not include an edit summary describing the changes made. | Disabled |
Footnotes | Logged-in users can write personal footnotes when editing a page. The footnotes display immediately below the wiki page only to the user who edited it. This is a good way for users to make personal notes about pages.. | Disabled |
Position of tags selection | Place the tags selection more prominently than under the "Properties" tab. Properties tab | Edit tab | Tags tab |
Properties tab |
Warn before page lock timeout | Provide a JavaScript alert before the user's lock on a page times out. | Enabled |
Warn on edit conflict | When another user is editing a page, spreadsheet or tracker item, you will be warned about a possible conflict. This feature is useful to prevent collisions when editing. | Enabled |
Edit idle timeout | Select the amount of time (in minutes) after which a user's edit session will expire. If the user does not save or preview their work, it will be lost. Tiki will display a "countdown time" in the user's browser and display an alert when only a minute remains. 1 | 2 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 |
2 minutes |
Favorite language for new pages | This favorite language will automatically be used for new wiki pages by default. None | Albanian (Shqip, sq) | Arabic (العربية, ar) | Brazilian Portuguese (Português Brasileiro, pt-br) | Bulgarian (български език, bg) | Catalan (Català, ca) | Croatian (Hrvatski, hr) | Czech (Česky, cs) | Danish (Dansk, da) | Dutch (Nederlands, nl) | English (en) | English British (British English, en-uk) | Farsi (فارسي, fa) | Fijian (fj) | Finnish (Suomi, fi) | F... |
None |
Support Tiki's "wiki syntax" in HTML pages | This allows a mixture of wiki syntax and HTML in the code of wiki pages where HTML is allowed. | Enabled |
Full WYSIWYG editor | WYSIWYG is an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get". CKEditor is used to provide a word-processor-like editing experience. | Enabled |
Limit wiki page categories to those under this category | If an error message indicates a mandatory category is required when editing a wiki page, set this option to "None". None | All | Archived | Editorial Board Meeting | Files example | Keywords | Retired | Status | Status::3.In Progress | Templates | Versions | Versions::1.x | Versions::10.x | Versions::11.x | Versions::12.x | Versions::13.x | Versions::14.x | Versions::15.x | Versions::16.x | Versions::17.x | Versions::18.x | Versions::2.x | Versions::3.x | Versions::4.x | Versions::5.x | Versions::6.x | Versi... |
None |
Log bytes changes (+/-) in action logs | May impact performance | Disabled |
Wiki content templates | Prewritten content (probably partial content) for a wiki page | Disabled |
Lock Content Templates | Enable users to lock content templates and so prevent others from editing them | Disabled |
Wiki auto-toc | Automatic table of contents generation for wiki pages. The generated table of contents will display as a fixed-position aside next to the page contents. This setting can be toggled per page, in the page properties. | Disabled |
Inline auto-toc | Change the display of the table of contents for wiki pages to inline. | Disabled |
Table of contents position | Position of the table of contents, either top, left, right (right is the default) Right | Left | Top |
Right |
Table of contents offset | Offset for table of contents. Useful when there is a fixed navigation bar. If used with inline TOC, will behave as a top margin. | 10 pixels |
Table of contents on every page | Set the default for the table of contents (default "no" and can be overridden per page) No | Yes |
No |
Tabs | Determine if the table of contents includes the content of Tabs plugin or not. No | Yes |
No |
Plugin Attachment | Display an attachment or a list of them | Enabled |
Plugin Author | Add popups and color coding that identifies authors | Enabled |
Plugin Backlinks | List all pages and tracker items that link to a particular page | Disabled |
Plugin Include | Include a portion of another wiki page | Enabled |
Force link to included page | When only a portion of page is included, create a "See full page" link to the included page. It has the same effect of setting "linkoriginal=y" parameter every time Plugin Include is used. | Disabled |
Plugin List Pages | List pages based on various criteria | Disabled |
Plugin Random Include | Include a random page's content. | Disabled |
Plugin Show Pages | Find pages by searching within page names | Disabled |
Plugin Slideshow | Create a slideshow from the content of a wiki page | Disabled |
Plugin Title Search | Search page titles | Disabled |
Plugin Transclude | Include the content of another page with certain changes | Enabled |
Plugin Wanted Pages | Show location of links to pages not yet created | Disabled |
Plugin Footnote | Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnoteArea) | Disabled |
Plugin Footnote Area | Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnote) | Disabled |
Display footnote content in popover | When the mouse is over the footnote reference, show footnote content in a popover window. | Enabled |