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  • TikiWiki 27 - Accounting    ()
    Hi I've had a brief play with this and there are a couple of things that make the current setup not very workable. The workflow assumes that a business creates a set of "Books" at a certain point in time ''and then creates a chart of accounts'' before entering transactions and then "closing" the books at some point in the future and restarting another set of "Books" for the next period. This workflow doesn't make sense for a couple of reasons. The chart of accounts is eternal, therefore they should exist outside of the periods of transactions and not setup every year. Also siloing transactions into time periods makes them distinct rather than occurring in a continuum. Appreciate that this is not meant as a replacement for Xero or QuickBooks, but the semantic model doesn't work as it is, at least for me.
  • Installation on Ubuntu    ()
    Hi I've tried installing on an Ubuntu machine to test and have found the guidance to be not very helpful. The documentation here assumes that all prerequisites are in place, whereas the documentation here assumes that you have nothing installed. Delving further into the Ubuntu documentation, rather than being written from the expectation that as of the day of writing, the end user would be expecting to install the latest version of TikiWiki (ie 27), it instead assumes that a user of Ubuntu 22.04 wants to downgrade PHP back to version 7.4 from the default install of 8.1 in order to install a prior version of TikiWiki. It is not clear where the PHP7.4 diversion ends as there are a number of elements required to be added. The installation instructions then go into Apache but omit the requirement for the ServerName to be set in the directives. At this point the assumption is that the end user installs v24 which has been superseded by v27 which has a different and easier method of installation (just following the instructions for 24 and changing "24" to "27" isn't a great experience as v27 has the option of "b" that does a lot of the stuff that was previously done manually). This linear document format is not really a very clear way to provide an end user with the information that they need. I would suggest that the installation guide be in the format of
    • Requirements a, b, c,
      • How to install requirements a
      • How to install requirements b
      • How to install requirements c
    • Setting up the database
    • Install v27
    • Other installations
      • How to install v26
      • How to install v24
    The expectation is that a linear document has all of the instructions from start to finish and the internet assumption that the document is the most up to date available, so if you come across the instructions for a prior version then that is because the documentation was last updated for that version.
  • Installation Guide Needs To Be Tested    ()
    Hi I've followed the instructions here to the tee for Ubuntu 22.04 and the instructions are wildly out of date - I've spent over two hours so far due to there being numerous references to things that have been updated or no longer work with php 8.x I cannot point to specifics because I am so far down the rabbit hole of having to update items left and right, but it would be useful if someone tested it in a fresh VM.
  • Kumpulan Link Permainan Situs Katana89 & Link Alternatif    ()
  • tag multiple pages using title search    ()
    I have just taken over a tiki powered knowledge base with over 5000 documents, none of which have tags. The previous admins built our knowledge base using structures, but it's searchability is greatly hampered by years of non standardized page creation where full text searches bring about so many non relevant results that our company has all but abandoned it's use. We believe we can resolve many of the issues by tagging the pages with an organized tagging method. Currently the only method that I can find within tiki is go to through our structures and add tags page by page, which could take several months. Are there any projects in the works or has anyone succeeded in tagging groups of pages based on search criteria? I know this can be done running SQL queries and made simpler by developing some php scripts that can do some error checking, but I do not want to invent a wheel that is already rolling out there somewhere. If not, are there some plug-ins in existence that I might build off of that would give me a head start? I am a novice at php and have examined the database table and I know how to do what I need to do, but I don't want to pioneer a development project that might be already in the works or has already been achieved. I have done extensive searching through github, gitlabs and documentation and have not found any leads. Any assistance would be appreciated. We are using Tiki 24 LTS and planning to upgrade to 27 LTS once the tagging and some other auditing has been completed. Thank you for any assistance.
  • Tiki Wiki 27.0 - "Skip to main content" button on top of the website / no objects in categories    ()
    Hey everyone, I've recently tried to upgrade Tiki 24.6 LTS to Tiki 27.0 LTS and ran into two issues: IIS PHP 8.3.9 MySQL 8.0.38 CE 1. On the top of my Tiki website there's a "Skip to main content" button. When I click on it, nothing happens, only a #col1 appears on the end of the URL. Is there a way to remove the button? It doesn't seem to be related to the theme, because I tried different themes and it was still there. 2. I can't see any objects in my categories. I can see the number of objects, but in the categories there is just a "No records found." message. In 24.6 everything is fine... Thanks!
  • TikiWiki 27.0 - Error when calling a search results page with highlight    ()
    Fatal error rendering template resource tiki-show_page.tpl TypeError: preg_replace_callback(): Argument #2 ($callback) must be a valid callback, function "_enlightColor" not found or invalid function name in /www/htdocs/w00ec615/27x/lib/smarty_tiki/Filter/Output/Highlight.php:97 Stack trace: ... Procedure: Create a new page in TikiWiki "test" with content "test" Search for test - the newly created page is listed as a result Click on the search result to display this page with automatic highlight: Fatal error rendering template resource tiki-show_page.tpl Example in the current demo database: Successful display in version 26:
  • TikiWIki 27.0 - Configuration Wizard setting options not visible    ()
    As of version 27, many options are missing. For example "Set up Login" Version 26 - Settings visible: Version 27 - nothing visible
  • Upgrade CK Editor    ()
    Hello Tiki friends, I am using version 24.6 and am getting an error message in the WYSIWYG editor. It says that I should upgrade to version 4.24.0. How do I do that? There is also an error message stating that the images are not in Json format, which unfortunately doesn't tell me anything or I don't know what to do. I can't use the editor. Who can help me with this? Greetings Uwe
  • TikiWiki 27.0 Defined "title" block in layout_view.tpl is ignored and therefore not displayed    ()
    Hello. We want to upgrade from 24.6 to 27.0 Can someone explain how to display the page title as a visible area again? (Because the page title does not necessarily have to be the first heading in the document.) I could not find any indication at ,, that this has been removed. TikiWiki 24.6 We have always positioned the title above quicknav, which looked better hierarchically (the additional quicknav below is only for illustration in relation to the missing display under 27.0) layout_view.tpl excerpt:
     Plugin Image
    File not found.
    Display in the browser
     Plugin Image
    File not found.
    HTML source code:
     Plugin Image
    File not found.
    TikiWiki 27.0 layout_view.tpl excerpt:
     Plugin Image
    File not found.
    Display in the browser:
     Plugin Image
    File not found.
    HTML source code (missing h1 pagetitle):
     Plugin Image
    File not found.
    If anyone has any tips or can suggest a workaround, I would be very pleased. Thank you very much

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<title> Project Summary: TikiWiki CMS/Groupware (tikiwiki project)</title>


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<description>The world's largest Open Source software development website</description>
<title>Project name: TikiWiki CMS/Groupware</title>
<description>Project description: Powerful multilingual Wiki/CMS/Groupware to build & manage your Wiki, File Sharing/Image Gallery, CMS, Blog, Tracker/Forms, Forum, Directory, Polls, Surveys, Quizzes, Newsletters, Calendars, FAQs, Spreadsheets, Maps, Workflow, etc. - That all is Tiki !</description>

<link></link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Developers on project: 440</title>
<description>Project administrators: <a href="">chibaguy</a>, <a href="">lrargerich</a>, <a href="">luciash</a>, <a href="">marclaporte</a>, <a href="">mose</a>, <a href="">nkoth</a>, <a href="">nyloth</a>, <a href="">ohertel</a>, <a href="">pkdille</a>, <a href="">redflo</a>, <a href="">ricks99</a>, <a href="">sylvieg</a>, <a href="">xavidp</a></description>

<link></link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Activity percentile (last week): 99.97%</title>
<description>Most recent daily statistics ( 9 Nov 2009): Ranking: 71, Activity percentile: 99.97%, </description>

<link></link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Downloadable files: 784609 total downloads to date</title>
<description>Most recent daily statistics ( 9 Nov 2009): Download count: 233</description>

<link></link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Mailing lists (public): 5</title>
<description>Public mailing lists: tikiwiki-cvs, tikiwiki-devel, tikiwiki-pt-br, tikiwiki-users, tikiwiki-artwork</description>

<link></link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Bugs (288 open/2021 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Bug Tracking System</description>

<link></link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Support Requests (2 open/201 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Tech Support Tracking System</description>

<link></link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Patches (71 open/184 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Patch Tracking System</description>

<link></link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Feature Requests (690 open/879 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Feature Request Tracking System</description>

<link></link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>


Created by: marclaporte Last Modification: Saturday 08 August 2015 14:33:49 GMT-0000 by Torsten Fabricius