Plugin Real Name List

Introduced in Tiki4

Use this wiki plugin to create a list of users showing their real names and allows subsetting by Group name. The admin user and/or users whose login contains the string test can be excluded from the list shown. The list can either be in table format, or in a string. In the latter case a separator can be specified.


Show user real names for members of a group
Introduced in Tiki 4.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_realnamelist

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) Group name - only users belonging to a group or groups with group names containing this text will be included in the list. If empty all site users will be included.
max int Result limit -1 4.0
sep any string except for HTML and PHP tags String to use between elements of the list if table layout is not used , 4.0
exclude (blank)
Exclude certain test or admin names from the list 4.0
layout (blank)
Set to table to show results in a table (not shown in a table by default) 4.0
link (blank)
Make the listed names links to various types of user information 4.0
sort (blank)
Set to sort in ascending or descending order (unsorted by default 4.0

Users without real names come first with their user names in italics.


Ascending with table layout

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{REALNAMELIST(sort="asc" layout="table" max="10")}DocTwoAdmins{REALNAMELIST}

Would produce on this site:

users in group(s) containing *DocTwoAdmins*:
Aris Bernotas
Baraka Kinywa
Benoit Roy
Eutyche ODIMBA
Geoff Brickell
Horia N.

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{REALNAMELIST(sort="asc" link="userinfo")}DocTwoAdmins{REALNAMELIST}

Would produce on this site:
drsassafras, lindon, rjsmelo, Adrien, Aris Bernotas, Baraka Kinywa, Benoit Roy, Eutyche ODIMBA, Geoff Brickell, Horia N., ibrahim mussa, Jean-Marc KADIMBA, Jorge Sá Pereira, Josue Zirimwabagabo, luciash d' being 🧙, Marc Laporte, Nelson Ko, Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties, Roberto Kirschbaum, Victor Emanouilov, Xavi (as xavidp - admin)