Customization tab
Related Topics
- Overview
- Use this tab to add custom CSS styles to your site.
- To Access
- From the Look and Feel Admin page, click the Pagination Links tab.
Option | Description | Default |
Custom CSS | Additional CSS rules can be entered here and will apply to all pages, or the CSS ID of a page can be used to limit the scope of the rule (check the HTML source of the particular page to find its body ID tag.) | None |
Custom HTML head content | Additional content such at meta or link tags can be added to the head section of HTML files. Smarty filters can be used here. Example: {if $page eq 'Slideshow'}{literal} |
None |
Custom code just before the closing </body> tag | Enter lines here to be placed near the end of the HTML file. | None |
Google Analytics account number | The account number for the site. The account number from Google is something like UA-XXXXXXX-YY or G-XXXXXXXXXX. Enter the account number with prefix (prefix eg: "G-" or "UA-") |
None |
Custom JavaScript | Includes a block of inline JavaScript after the inclusion of jQuery and other JavaScript libs in all pages. Use PluginJS to include Javascript on a single wiki page. Do not include the < sc |
None |
Add group CSS info | Either grp_Anonymous or grp_Registered and possibly grp_Admins as well Add CSS classes to the page BODY tag based on the user's group membership |
Enabled |
Categories to add as CSS classes to <body> | Pages in selected categories will have a class with syntax like "cat_catname" added to the body tag. | None |
Theme Customizer tool | Activate the theme customizer tool to enable easy theme customization. | Disabled |
Edit CSS | Edit CSS files directly in the browser. May not be functional in Tiki 14+ |
Disabled |
Tiki template viewing | May not be functional in Tiki 14+ | Disabled |
Edit templates | May not be functional in Tiki 14+ | Disabled |
Editable Icons | Edit icons with the icon picker No | Yes |
No |