Module since_last_visit_new

Give a list of events that happens since the last login /visit of a user


To use this module in a wiki page:

Copy to clipboard


  • showuser: n. If n do not show the new users (optional, default: show the users >=tw1.10)
  • showtracker: n. If n do not show the new tracker items(optional, default: show the traker items >=tw1.10)


Displays to logged-in users new or updated objects since a point in time, by default their last login date and time.

Go to the source code

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
calendar_focus Unless set to "ignore", the module changes the reference point in time from the user's last login date and time to a day where users browse to using the calendar.
fold_sections If set to "y", fold automatically sections and show only the title (user has to click on each section in order to see the details of modifications). Default: "n"
date_as_link If set to "n", do not add a link to tiki calendar on the date in the header (even if feature calendar is set). Default: "y"
showtracker If set to "n", do not show tracker changes. Default: "y"
showuser If set to "n", do not show new users. Default: "y"
use_jquery_ui If set to "y", use Bootstrap tabs to show the result. Default: "n"
daysAtLeast int Instead of the last login time, go back this minimum time, specified in days, in case the last login time is more recent. Default value: "0"
commentlength digits If comments don't use titles this sets the maximum length for the comment snippet. 40

Example 1

Example of since_last_visit_new Module
Using the since_last_visit_new module (taken from


it is possible to give an option to see the last x days if the last login occurs after these last x days (tiki>=8)

Objects monitored by since_last_visit_new

Object Since Version
Wiki page revisions 1.10
Articles 1.10
Comments 1.10
Blogs 1.10
Blog posts 1.10
Image galleries 1.10
Images 1.10
FAQs 1.10
File galleries 1.10
Files 1.10
Forum posts 1.10
Polls 1.10
Sites (Directory) 1.10
Tracker Items 1.10
Users 1.10
Calendars 12.1
Events 12.1

Fancy display using jquery

You can enable a fancier display of the module if you set the param "Use jQuery presentation" (use_jquery_ui) to "y" ("n" by default), that you can find editing the module under the "Module" tab, quite at the bottom of the list.


Example 2

Same content is shown in both displays of the module in the same site:

Using "Fold sections by default"


Using "jQuery presentation mode"


In this example, only 4 sections are unfolded:
  1. Wiki
  2. Blog posts
  3. Calendars
  4. Calendar events
The other sections contain items but they are hidden under the section name.

When you click on the section name, you toggle the display of its contents.
In this example, the Wiki tab is selected (shown with grey background), listing the 7 wiki pages changed.

When you pass the mouse over another tab, its background is shown in blue color (in this case, the new calendar events icon, at the bottom right corner).

When you click, the content displayed below switches to the changed content for that other tiki section.

See these pages for information that applies for all modules: