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History: dompdf

Source of version: 11 (current)

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            dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter included in [https://tiki.org|Tiki]
Since ((Tiki18)), ((mPDF)) is the recommended PDF generator 
Also: if you want to generate PDFs from a web-based slideshow, you should really upgrade to ((Tiki19)) (the slideshow has been massively improved). dompdf has been completely removed.

! dompdf

dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter

dompdf support was added in ((Tiki9)) to export the ((Slideshow)) to PDF.

{HTML()}<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.openhub.net/p/26823/widgets/project_factoids_stats.js"></script>{HTML}

{include page="PDF related pages"}