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History: Ubuntu Install


Information Version
Xavier de Pedro 152
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) command to start manticore search server side 151
Xavier de Pedro info for tiki26 and manticore search 150
Volker Wysk Noted that Tiki 25 actually needs PHP 7.4 149
Xavier de Pedro replacing mysql with mariaadb, otherwise the instructions further down in the tutorial will faill, because root will not be able to connect withtout password to mysql in the console, and changing that setup is too complicated for intro tutorial 148
Volker Wysk 147
Xavier de Pedro 145 - 146
Xavier de Pedro removed section (tab) for 16.04 and added tab for 22.04 cloning content (as a starting point) from the tab 20.04. 144
Xavier de Pedro missing package 143
Xavier de Pedro added php7.4-bz2 142
Xavier de Pedro added libapache2-mod-php7.4 as it was not explicitly listed 141
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 139 - 140
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 137 - 138
Xavier de Pedro 136
Xavier de Pedro 134 - 135
Xavier de Pedro 133
Xavier de Pedro added info on how to set default phhp v to 7.4 (instead of 8.0.x for instance) and add git to the list of programs to get installed 132
Xavier de Pedro removed old content 130 - 131
Xavier de Pedro 129
Xavier de Pedro 128
Hitesh mohanbhai jethva Add a link to secure phpMyAdmin 127
Xavier de Pedro 125 - 126
aristo compasso mysql 8 syntax changed for creating user and granting privileges 123 - 124
Xavier de Pedro 122
Xavier de Pedro 121
Xavier de Pedro 120
Xavier de Pedro 119
Xavier de Pedro 118
Xavier de Pedro added ldap php module for the cases in which tiki admins would like to setup conection/login against ldap server 117
Xavier de Pedro 115 - 116
Xavier de Pedro 111 - 114
Xavier de Pedro 103 - 110