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History: Twitter Tab

Source of version: 3 (current)

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            ! Twitter Tab
~tc~ Preference documentation generated from https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/lib/prefs/ ~/tc~
~tc~ To update documentation see https://dev.tiki.org/How-to-get-commit-access ~/tc~
{PREFDOC(tab="socialnetworks-twitter" img="16:1349")/}

Since Tiki 16 Tiki integrate default parameters that are used by Twitter when fetching a page if they are missing or if you prefer to use your own for the entiere Tiki. 

!!!!Activate Twitter integration
''Note: It is possible to have your post (forum, blog, article, etc) posted to Twitter using an external social media automation solution. Those external services are very popular and use Tiki RSS feed to fetch and publish content on your behalf.''

__Consumer Key__ and __Consumer Secret__ are used for integrate your Tiki and Twitter using a Twitter application.

First of all, go to the [http://twitter.com/apps/new|Twitter page for new applications] and register your site as a new application.

As __Callback URL__ you must give the URL for tiki-socialnetworks.php on your site. This is where users will be redirected when authorizing your app with oauth.

You also __must__ ask for the access type __Read & Write__ otherwise your users will not be allowed to tweet.

After registering your site, you get a __consumer key__ and __consumer secret__ which you must enter in the tab __Social networks__ on the admin panel. (See image above)

To grant a group access to the social networks functionality, set the permission __user can use social network integration (tiki_p_socialnetworks)__ for that group on the ((Permissions)) page.

!!!!User authorization
Before being able to use the Twitter integration, users must authorize the TikiWiki site by requesting an oauth token.
This can be done via the __Social networks__ tab on ((MyTiki|My Tiki)).

By clicking on the __Authorize__ button, the user will be redirected to the Twitter page, asking for confirmation. If the user agrees, an [http://oauth.net/|oauth] token will be stored in the users preferences.