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History: Tiki Community

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            ^This page and pages like this should not be on doc, because it is not about documenting Tiki, the application. Please see ((tw:where)) to ((move)) it.^

!Tiki Community
From [http://tiki.org/TikiCommunity] 

We are the Tiki Community.

* [http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=64258|Tiki SF Member List|nocache]
* ((tw:CommunityWorldmap))
* ((tw:TikiRing)) (you need to be logged at tw.o in to see the page)
* [http://tiki.org/tiki-directory_browse.php?parent=2|Tiki Sites]

-=Community Goal=-
* The ultimate case-study, "All you can eat your own dogfood", this team is responsible to manage our online community.
* tiki.org is not just a website, it's a bunch of people who help each other in development. 

We are 
* the tiki.org web community
* in regular irc sessions on freenode servers #tikiwiki. come join us!
* active user and developers mailing lists on sourceforge.net
* running tiki websites all around the world

From [http://tiki.org/CommunityWorldmap]

-=The Community Worldmap is now live!=-

::{img src=http://maps.tiki.org/tiki-map_show.php?mapfile=world.map&size=600  desc="Click for live map!" link=http://maps.tiki.org/tiki-map.phtml?mapfile=world.map&size=400&Redraw=Redraw}::

For some quick-overview links and starters, check out these:
*[http://maps.tiki.org/tiki-map.phtml?mapfile=world.map&zoom=1&size=600&minx=-161.6&miny=9.8&maxx=-41.6&maxy=69.8&x=316&y=151|North  America]
*[http://maps.tiki.org/tiki-map.phtml?mapfile=world.map&x=197&y=163&zoom=3&size=600&minx=-180&miny=-90&maxx=180&maxy=90|South America]

-=Please participate!=-
((tw:LookupLongitudeLatitude|Look up your longitude & latitude!)) and  __enter your location in your Personal Information tab in [http://tiki.org/tiki-user_preferences.php|User Preferences]!__ Once you add your coordinates, please drop by ((tw:ConnectingToIrc|the IRC chatroom)) and ask an admin to regenerate the maps.

If you are interested in more detail about this feature, read up on Tiki ((Map)) feature!
If you are not on that list and are member of the Tiki community, please contact an admin to be added.
Operation is manual for now, working on its automatisation ..
* Members of the community ( on Saturday 06 December, 2003 )
** registered on tiki.org 2474,
** dev on tiki.org 118, 
** dev on sourceforge.net 153

^-=List of contributors to Tiki documentation=-
5pazrat, 5sm, A1isp.co.uk, A2JC4life, acemtp, adamus, ae, Ahriman, ahshang, aigarius, akira, akr, albrown, alex, alexboko, allosaurus65, almaviva, aloof, alpeb, altar, amette, anarkim, anasis, andersb, andre.blum, andreas, AndreReis, AndriyPodanenko, andrzej, aneuhaus, ang, ansfans, Anthonywong, antonio.fonseca, anupriya, ap_kitchenham@onetel.net.uk, ardavis, ardigo, arnaudherve, Arno, artbody, artkuo, as6o, ashman, astarte, ataraxia, audre, avdwheel, avgasse, avh, aw, awwaiid, az3rty, baci, badger3284, bapajan, barryk, bburgaud, BeastRider, beerlounge.de, ben.dubouloz, BenLanghinrichs, bensond, bernhard_fuerst, berryweb, bethohio3, bfleeson, BicTouBi, bigelf, bigjet, BillFWhite, bitinia, bitshop, blade, bligneri, BlueNinja, bluetigger, blumi, bluybrink, bnuz, bondon, boud, bpfaffenberger, breeza21, brooksgraham, broubrou, bruce2004, bsamson, btallman, bteichmann, btodoroff, bt_schmidt, bubu.italia, Buiu, bulat, burunduk, bush2004, BVanBuren, bwente, bzahn, Cable, cahamer, cambo, camus546, caramello, Carpe_Diem, cbarbry, cbourel, ccastaneda, cerion, cgc0202, cgrinds, chandra, charlener, Chealer, Chealer9, Chet, chibaguy, chilly, chris.holman, Cicada, ciccioqualiteam, cinsk.shin, cirtexhosting, clappingtree, claudio, clbustos, Clon, coffman, colin_froggatt, collective101, colorado, connermo, coofercat, CoolOs, cords, corelon, coreyt, CosmoBob, Court-Jus, cpcollins, crimson, cseabra, cspenc, custodio, cyface, daaave, Damian, danam, DanielCar, DanielX, darrylxxx, darthwonka, darussol, davemc, davenewman, DaveSanders, david2000, DavidBright, davidchavalarias, DavidCramer, davidmacbryde, davidpi, DavorCengija, dawnlinux, daytonclark, dcjohn, ddiall, deboever, Deckard, deji, Demoalt, DennisDaniels, deragon, DereDior, derisavi, DerWinzer, Devi, Devilboy, dfarrar, dheltzel, dhostetler, diana, dimaz-z, dimm, dingo12340, djw2, DMC, dmdanyluk, dmitrio, dmitrym, dmytro, docekal, domenec58, dp7, dragos, drichli, drizzt1611, DrMaXX, drool, DrSlump, drumbytes, dryuxx, dscassa, dthacker, dwtiki, edalton, edelgreco, edtandi, eduardo, EdwardTam, Edwin, egodwin, eHa, Eidolon77, eidosabi, eilorux, einstine, elecnix, emagin, encgo, epo, ericaat, ericgorr, ericlundstedt, ericyu, eSeL, etienne, ewan, exspiro, fab121, Fabien, fabolo, failsure, fanha, fatalexe, FDL, felipe_pdp, Felix, filipzahradnik, filmil, finn_hakansson, flimflam, flobi, fortuity, Fortytwo, fov, Franck, FrancoisBachmann, freephile, freevic, ftravers, fukuchi, funkypenguin, gab, gacp, gaf, gahron, gambit, gambuzino, ganesht, garazy, garrett, garyalex, gazelle, gaztomy, gclift, gem, gene203, GEOINTEL, george.geller, georger_br, gezu1, gferreira, gg, giak, giannidv, Giddings, gio, Giotto, girishn, gladed, Globaltap, gmartin, gmuslera, gnoemer, gnozil, gobbo712, goldmoon, gongo, gopaa, gorn, gpoints, greetlangie, GregWatson, gribble, gronnbj, guidewebmaster, GunnarRene, Gunther, gustav, guusbosman, guyfr, gwarden, Gwayne, gzdavy, habib, hadj, halon, Hartsa, Hausi, heikohaller, helgen, hermione, hgamboa, hina, hmm2, hockleyd, homunq, hostingcomments, hotte, housetier, hsaelens, htrimas, humaneasy, hunner, hushus, hvrietsc, hyapadi, ibtubed, ikky, isadrastea, j@ZZ, jahlewis, jahmaica1, jamesoftopiya, jangseungwook, janice, JarrodNeven, jas2000, jasko, jasondiceman, jasonglynn, javier, javorie, jbert, jbnuke, jbonnet, jburley, jbutler, jcwinnie, jcyrisse, jdaviescoates, jdiercks, jdobbins, JeanFrancoisNoubel, jeang, jeb, jennypenny, Jeslow, JesseTilly, jev, JFNoubel, jgc94131, jh, jiayinte, jimcp, jir, jjfbbennett, jjongsma, jjz, jkring, JMan, jmaspons, jmj, joakin, joana, joecracker, joejett, joelg, johanc, jonmartin, jordendeng, jordisancho, jorgercosta, josefgc, joshuajensen, jozo, jpb105, jpf, jpg, jpgeorget, jpineda, jpowers, jreyes, jrobbio, jrvalverde, jsurfer, Juanan, juanjoe, jubin, kage, Kalamendorum, kamar, kamrik, karloy, Karneevor, kemitix, kenhtanaka, kevin, kevinB, Kfmook, kiilo, Kiki, kilroyj, Knifee, kodewulf, koko77, kontikigo, koth, krato, krishna, ktest, kumarAnant, kumquat, KurtSys, kushnir, kwow, kyoungyun, l1_wulf, l8, lancecarr, landryca, larry, larrykluger, larsburgstahler, LaunchHQ.com, lawrence, lcworks, leon_heller, letreo, Lex, lfagundes, lilkahuna, limako, lisaneun, littletiger, llobs, loic, Loki, lolfman, lorello, lphuberdeau, luca, lucasdeskywalker, luci, luciash, luis, m@tt, MacGyver, Maddi, madmaxx, madsere, maeglin, MagicFab, magius, maiky, manemae, marbux, marcius, marclaporte, marcusb, marga, maria.rohrig, marianat, mariom, MarKel, markusvk, Marshall, martinenders, MartinGeisler, martinmanyhats, MartinSGill, martrn, maryluke, mash, massimoi, mathsinger, mattcooperrider, mauriciocerqueira, max-max, MaxPower, maxy, Mazl, mburger, mccabem, mchurchward, mdavey, mdv137, me-g33k, MEbneter, Mendokusai, mgfeller, mgle, mglunny, mhryciuk, MikeGras, mikehough, mikelcu, MikeManiscalco, MikeMorris, mikenielsen, mikespub, MikeW, millette, minoura, miohtama, mirc, Miroslav, misuba, mitchmurphy, Mixolyde, mkumar, MLimburg, mlpvolt, mnunez, Mohamnag, mose, mrb, mstef, mstovenour, mtb2ride, mtcooper, mtl3p, Muizeman, murat, musti, musus, mv, mwexler, Mykk, Myrdal, mytto, na, nalsar, natster, natxo, nchankov, nedbj2, nema, nestor, Netdeveloper24, nickvidal, nikolic, nitroburn, Nlaak, NoahWardrip-Fruin, nomejoe, NorbertHuffschmid, Norm, noskule, notemas, ntw, nyc, nyloth, ohertel, oka-s, oldirtyhaddad, olegk, olisb, oliverie, olivier, OneOfMany, One_Eye, orion, orionrobots, osiris, otzuika, p00h, paco, pacoit, paedrik, pait, papercrane, Pappi, paradime, patrik, patvdv, paulap01, pdf, pek, peter5, PeterHuisken, peterpoe, ph0rman, phielk, phil, PhilWhipps, phunkymunky, Phylip, pi, PierreCarlier, Piers, pj, PKHG, pkhuong, plison, pmichelazzo, Poliorcetes, pongle, PPagan, PrezKennedy, psixi, pushkin, pwinnicker, Qo027, Quilbilly, R05W311, RabidDog, Rachael, ragnvald, raindeer, Randy, rasa, rbabu, rberry, rcogley, redflo, rene, renier, repetty, RestoreHelp, rex, ricardo, RicardoNeves, richlew, richtl, rickdier, ricks99, rikrak, rima, Rip, rjlabs, rjoe_brandon, rkchaves, rlpowell, robajz, RobbinBonthond, robertgetreuer, robi, RobinMacharg, rodrigo, rogeliotg, rohit, Rokr, rollin, RossGoodman, roysinn, rpg, rreed, rstuven, rubaiyat, RussWilde, Sally, salsbury, Santa, SantaClaus, sascha69, sbindon, sbirrer, Schwanke, ScottYelich, sdl, sdlee, sdpinpdx, sean, sebashenkel, seggy, sethop, SEWilco, sgoergner, Shade, shade9, shahjx, shanew, shebdim, Shesh, shinhan, shiree1, shuyang, sigsegv, sikko, silhusk, Simmi, simon, sir-b, siridhar, sitaweb, siteground, siteground1, sjh1226, Skee, skeeter, sku, smets, smunn, smurf, snookra, Sofos, sonic, sophana, Soron_12F, soshea, spaztica, spd, spider, spite, Spooky, spoonyg, spyk, sQuare, Squee-D, StarRider, stedewa, steffen, stella12, Steve, stevena, stiEbiz, sting, straffin, stratege, Stryker, stuartd, stuw, sulimma, sunny, superchango, superdude, svehei01, sven2001, swampfox, swf, swimmer, swythan, sylvaincarle, sylvie, system, t, tabotrieu3, Taipan, takis, tapiov, Tarlbot, tate138, tbox, tburnham, techtonik, techudite, Teco, telenieko, Terence, terjeset, terris, test, tetard, tex, thecatfelix, theweb, the_egg_man, thor574, tibi, tikito, Timedout, TimMansfield, tinjaw, tjfulopp, tkarakai, tklee, toddslo2004, toggg, tohmeiphun, tom, tomek4711, tomza, TonyColley, tonylinde, toxikman, tr, Traivor, trickster, trigger_my_passion, triple5, tro, Trona0, troworld_clone, Turf-69, twiker, ujang, v3ggi32u, valio, van_woods, vendo, veninat, viktor, VinceVeselosky, vinodgkulkarni, Vlad, vramin, vtran4270, wadooa, wan1980, wani, watson, weedar, weichelt, wesleywillians, whitey, wicked, wikiDesign, wlauriks, wmanent, WoG, wojtalik, wolff_borg, Wombiroller, woop, xaman, xavi, xavidp, xenfasa, XlorepDarkHelm, yan, YannickMajoros, yarda, yogi, yoni, yuki_loe, yuzhenxin, zaufi, zcecil, zedar, zibas, zippy, zogy, zuln, ZZamboni {SUB}^

* (alias(TikiWiki Community))