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History: Task

Source of version: 13 (current)

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The __User Tasks__ feature is used to admin user tasks, which are similar to a to-do list.  The Tasks screen is divided in two parts: a list of tasks and a form to enter a new task. 

! The list of tasks:
::^{img src=http://tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/tasklist.jpg}^::

This list shows a user's tasks and some shared tasks.
*There are a few types of tasks:
** private 
** __>>__ ''received task'': a task another user assigned to you 
** __<<__ ''submitted task'': you assigned this task to a other user
** __><__ ''shared task'': this task is public to a group where you are member.

!! Icons
* {img src="http://tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/tick.gif" } means that this task is accepted by user and creator.
* {img src="http://tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/icn_forum.gif" } means that only one user has accepted the task. Be aware that if you are making changes on submitted or received task it will get this state as default.
* {img src="http://tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/error.gif" } one user has rejected this task.

!! States
* __waiting__ / not started  
* __open__ / in process    
* __completed__ (100%) 

A task is in the state __waiting__ while the percentage is not set.  After opening a task or setting the percentage between 0 and 100 it will go into the state __open__  If you mark a task as completed or set the percentage on 100 it will be in the __completed__ state.
The task list allows you to hide completed tasks with the __completed__ checkbox.

! Trash
Tasks can be removed by marking them as trash, and the "empty trash" button removes items.
__But__ if you are not the creator you can only move the task in the trash of the creator if he has the option rights by creator disabled.

! Tasks and dates:

From the user preferences screen the user can choose if he want to use dates for tasks. If dates are being used then tasks with a start date higher than the current date ARE not displayed in the listing or module, so future tasks are hidden. If dates are not used then all tasks are always visible. Note: when dates are in use the task listing will show links to display all tasks or tasks using dates only. 

! Editing a task:

::^{img src=http://tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/UserTask_taskedit.jpg }^::
This form is used to enter or edit a task.  The start date field is only shown if using dates. 

! View tasks
::^{img src=http://tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/UserTask_taskview.jpg }^::

! The user tasks module 

normal Usertasks-module (shows own and received tasks)
::^{img src=http://tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/UserTask_mod.jpg }^::

public Usertask-module (shows public tasks) (this picture with activated mouse-over-feature)
::^{img src=http://tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/UserTask_modpublic.jpg }^::

A user task module is available which will show a user's tasks.  The user can use it to alter the tasks.

See: ((Module user_tasks))
! Permissions

To use the features ''send'', ''receive'' and ''shared tasks'', users need to be member of a group with task permissions.  A user can only send if he has the right __tiki_p_tasks_send__ and the receiver has __tiki_p_tasks_receive__ rights.  Also, to share a task you must be in a group with the right __tiki_p_tasks_receive__, and you can share members of that group.
The permission __tiki_p_tasks_admin__ allows an admin to see all shared tasks and edit them.

*(alias(User Task))
*(alias(User Tasks))