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History: PluginWYSIWYG

Source of version: 19 (current)

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            ! Plugin WYSIWYG
''Introduced in ((Tiki9))''

Use this ((wiki plugin)) to have a ((WYSIWYG)) section for part of a page. For example, you want to use WYSIWYG for a table, but keep most of the page as wiki syntax. The WYSIWYG feature (which is when you want the full page to be WYSIWYG) doesn't need to be activated.

{pluginmanager plugin="wysiwyg"}

Note that ((HTML Purifier)) is always on for your security when using this plugin. Invalid/insecure HTML is scrubbed. If you don't want this, you need to manually edit -+lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_wysiwyg.php+-

!! Example
When you see the page, you can mouse over any section of the page surrounded by PluginWysiwyg tags in the source, and the background of that seection will change color (section 2 in the following screenshot). If you click on one of those sections (section 1 in the following screenshot), you open it for edition in ((WYSIWYG)) mode, while keeping the rest of the page still closed for edition. 

^{img src="display651" thumb="y" width="600" rel="box[g]" }^

If you edit the wiki page as usual, you will see the wiki syntax with sections in html syntax where the html tags are enclosed by PluginWysiwyg tags.

! Section 1
	See the <a href="http://doc.tiki.org/PluginWYSIWYG" name="Link to doc site">documentation</a> and the <a href="http://dev.tiki.org/PluginWYSIWYG" name="Bug reports and feature requests">dev page</a> <img alt="enlightened" height="18" src="http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/lib/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/lightbulb.gif" title="enlightened" width="18" /></p>
<p style="text-align:justify;font-size:11px;line-height:14px;margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:14px;margin-left:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans;">
	Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a ligula velit, imperdiet accumsan erat. Fusce ut enim eget tellus interdum gravida. Nulla luctus dapibus ipsum nec posuere. Curabitur quis ligula eget est dignissim placerat id quis augue. Sed eu eros at massa pretium pharetra sed ut est. Donec id gravida mauris. Integer id ipsum ac nisi porta lobortis. Vestibulum scelerisque viverra ipsum sed euismod. Quisque vitae augue ultrices metus accumsan ornare. Ut suscipit lorem sit amet leo pharetra sit amet gravida urna tempor.</p>

! Section 2
<p style="text-align:justify;font-size:11px;line-height:14px;margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:14px;margin-left:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans;">
	Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing &eacute;lit. Ut a ligula velit, imperdiet accumsan erat. Fusce ut enim eget tellus interdum gravida. Nulla luctus dapibus ipsum nec posuere. Curabitur quis ligula eget est dignissim placerat id quis augue. Sed eu eros at massa pretium pharetra sed ut est. Donec id gravida mauris. Integer id ipsum ac nisi porta lobortis. Vestibulum scelerisque viverra ipsum sed euismod. Quisque vitae augue ultrices metus accumsan ornare. Ut suscipit lorem sit amet leo pharetra sit amet gravida urna tempor.</p>
<p style="text-align:justify;font-size:11px;line-height:14px;margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:14px;margin-left:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans;">
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px;">