History: PDF
Source of version: 41 (current)
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{REMARKSBOX(type=warning title="Review needed")} The recommended way to generate PDFs in Tiki is ((mPDF)). This page still ===partially=== contains old deprecated information related to PDF creation and needs review. {sign user="Torsten" datetime="2016-05-19T22:19:12+00:00"} {REMARKSBOX} For the Tiki part of PDF configuration see also ((General Settings|General Admin)) under the "__General Settings tab__" section. You can choose at PDF from URL between: * From Tiki 15.2, download and install (even on shared hosting) the __mPDF__ PHP library (see ((mPDF)) ). * Using Qt Webkit with ((wkhtmltopdf)) + which needs to be downloaded separately from http://wkhtmltopdf.org/ and uploaded to the server where Tiki is. Since it is needed you have to check whether the PHP function shell_exec is allowed to be executed under tiki-admin_security.php. + wkhtml is a C library and needs full root access on the Linux server to be installed. * Using some webservice on internet For more information, see: [http://doc.tiki.org/General+Settings?structure=Tiki+Reference+Guide] Or instead, you can use free software PDF printers, such as: * CUPS-PDF under GNU/Linux or Mac/OSX (see in your list of packages available): http://www.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de/~vrbehr/cups-pdf/ * PDF Creator under MS Windows: http://sf.net/projects/pdfcreator/ With that PDF printer software, you can print a full ((structure)) of wiki pages (like a wiki book) to PDF. In addition, if you want to produce some nice table of contents for the paginated structure, you can do so easily by using a text editor such as Open Office. org. See the video tutorial in http://tiki.org/TikiWikiTV explaining the whole process. You can also use ((PluginArchiveBuilder)). Since ((Tiki9)), you have the option to print a slideshow directly in a PDF file. See: ((dompdf)) To include a PDF in a page, see: ((PluginMediaPlayer)) See also: ((Printing the Documentation)) !!! ViewerJS A new optional library to display pdf and other file types. See ((ViewerJS)) --- If you were looking for the pdf file that includes the whole ((All the Documentation)), please see: * ((Tiki19beta.pdf)) __note: the pge seems to contain deprecated information__ -=See Also=- [https://github.com/mikehaertl/phpwkhtmltopdf/blob/master/README.md] {include page="PDF related pages"}