History: Multimedia
Source of version: 24 (current)
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! Multimedia Using plugins like ((PluginMediaPlayer)) or ((PluginFlash)), tiki can play audio and video files within ((wiki)) pages, ((tracker))s and also in ((articles)). ((File Gallery)) feature is used to upload and manage multimedia files. !! Formats The bigger list of formats supported is shown in ((PluginMediaPlayer)) The following formats are supported by PluginFlash: * Mp3: Widely used MPEG 3 format for sound files. * flv: Proprietary Flash video format by Adobe. * Flash: Proprietary animation format. !!- History In older tiki versions, it used to work with the File Gallery, wiki pages (via a plugin), and a new ((Multimedia Tracker Field|multimedia tracker item)) * Multimedia support for Tiki began with ((File Gallery)) and ((image gallery)). The support for multimedia ((audio)) and ((video)) became available in ((plugins)) circa ((Tiki2)). * In Tiki versions 2-4 multimedia support was limited to plugins ((PluginYoutube)) ((PluginGoogleVideo)) ((PluginFlash)) and ((PluginMediaPlayer)) * As of ((Tiki4)), Image galleries were phased out in favor of a combined ((File Gallery)) that supports all the media types. * In ((Tiki5)) integration with the video editing and sharing platform ((Kaltura)) was added. * In ((Tiki6)) ((PluginMediaPlayer)) was re-written to support more formats. It uses the Multiplayer flash applet http://ignu.ungi.com/tiki-index.php?page=multiplayer * Resizable applet * Limited to playing 60 sec or 2 mn of a mp3 or FLV file * No Flash server required, as the files are loaded from the specified url See ((multimedia file types)) Full doc in French: http://fr.tiki.org/multimedia !! Related * ((PluginFlash)) * ((Mod flowplayer)) * ((Mod xspf_player))