History: Module change_category
Source of version: 23 (current)
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! Module change_category This module allows a user to change the category of a wiki page. It is only displayed if the category feature is on and if you are on a page. There are 3 different types of display: # A simple display consisting of a drop down list where the current categories are selected: + + ''This code:'' + {CODE()}{MODULE(module="change_category" id="4" title="language") /} {MODULE(module="change_category" id="8") /} {CODE} + ''Produced:'' + {BOX()}{img src="img/wiki_up/mod_change_categ.gif" }{BOX} + # A display with more detail: the assigned categories are shown in a table with a button to unassign the category, and the additional categories that can be assigned are shown in the drop down list. + + ''This code:'' + {CODE()}{MODULE(module="change_category" id="10" detail="y" categorize="categorize") /} {CODE} + ''Produced:'' + {BOX()}{img src="img/wiki_up/changeCateg3.gif" }{BOX} # A display consisting of a combo box where you can select one or many categories from the full list of categories: + + An example in http://profiles.tiki.org, once you are logged in as user, and you are in a wiki page like "r_test": + {img src="display805" link="display805" width="200" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} !! Parameters {pluginmanager module="change_category"} !! Example: Use this module to toggle a category ''This code:'' {CODE(wrap=1)} {MODULE(module="change_category" id="1" imgUrlNotIn="dl7" imgUrlIn="dl8" title="Statute") /} {CODE} ''Would produce:'' {img src=dl166} ''And after clicking on the icon:'' {img src=dl165} {REMARKSBOX(type=tip, title=Tip)} ''You can use this module multiple times on a page.'' {REMARKSBOX} See also: ((Category Transitions)), ((PluginCategory)), ((Module last_category_objects)) and ((Module categories)) {include page="Module and Plugin Includes" start="startinclude1" stop="stopinclude1"}