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Create a formatted numbered list

Plugin Fancy List

Use this wiki plugin, introduced in Tiki3, to produce a fancy looking numbered list.


Create a formatted numbered list
Introduced in Tiki 3.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_fancylist

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) One item per line starting with anything followed by ")".
class text CSS class for the fancylist 3.0
div (blank)
Use the HTML div tag instead of the HTML ordered list tag (ol) 3.0


In this example, additional formatting is applied to the items in the list: the double single quotes ( '') to produce italics, and the two underscores before and after the words ( __ ) to make the font bold. See Wiki Syntax for more information on text formatting.

This code,

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{FANCYLIST()} ''__Antiquity__'' ''__Middle Ages__'' ''__Renaissance__'' ''__Age of Enlightenment__'' ''__Romantic Era__'' ''__20th Century__'' ''__Present Day__'' {FANCYLIST}

Would produce:

  1. Antiquity

  2. Middle Ages

  3. Renaissance

  4. Age of Enlightenment

  5. Romantic Era

  6. 20th Century

  7. Present Day

Created by lindon. Last Modification: Thursday 22 August, 2019 23:41:32 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.