Gentoo Install
This is an installation guide.
- InstallGettingStarted
- InstallMultipleTikis
- The Tikiwiki Ebuild is in Gentoo CVS since 2003-12-30.
- 1.8.5 Ebuild has been available for sometime (2005-01-29)
- Gentoo RFE 79078: Provide Masked Tikiwiki Ebuild of v1.9 (2005-01-22)
GentooLinux: We produce Gentoo Linux, a special flavor of Linux that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. Extreme performance, configurability and a top-notch user and developer community are all hallmarks of the Gentoo experience. To learn more, click here.
Further reading:
- HowtoUseExternalSmarty
- HowtoUseExternalAdodb
- HowtoUseExternalPear
- TikiModSecurity
- InstallTikiMapserverGentoo
- TikiWikiPHP5
$ emerge smarty $ emerge adodb $ emerge pear # and many others like PEAR-Date etc.
To have php with the good configuration, you can use
echo "dev-lang/php -* ctype pcre session unicode cli apache2 expat fastbuild ftp gd hash iconv memlimit mysql nls pic mcrypt pdo reflection simplexml sockets spl ssl tokenizer truetype xml xsl zlib" >> /etc/portage/package.use emerge -va dev-lang/php /etc/init.d/apache2 restart