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Documentation Lifecycle

An overview of how pages develop at doc.tiki.org

This document is complete and needs review.

Tagging pages: from Stub to Review

Each page has a documentation status which is indicated by the presence (or absence) of "tags" which are actually just links to other pages.

Each page of the documentation wiki is conceived as an open link, born as a stub, and is probably a messy collection of notes and clippings at the beginning.

If a page is lucky it will find some editors to refactor it, apply the appropriate documentation templates and finally say "this needs review." When the appropriate experts have given the page a once over consider it to be a mature, trustworthy resource, the documentation status tag can be removed. If the page is not so lucky, a user will come along and place a cry for help on the page, even an urgent cry for help, and hopefully this will mobilize some action.

New Features, Stubs, and Structures

When one of our developers comes up with a completely new feature, we want to have a wiki page documenting that feature. Sometimes the developers will create a page on the documentation site, sometimes not. If a page is created, we need to get it integrated into the current documentation structure. We use the structure ready tag to call attention to the fact it needs to be integrated. New features that aren't documented at all are tagged as a stub.

Handling Feature Changes

Sometimes a feature is substantially re-written to improve it. When this happens, a refactor tag is applied so an editor will review the documentation and add words and pictures to describe the new functionality. When the user interface changes, a screenshot
tag is used to mark the obsolete image. When changes are complete, the tag is set back to needs review. When review is complete and the changes are verified, all tags are again removed

Showing Mistakes and Asking For Help

If a mistake is found in a document, the errors tag is used to flag it for correction. The error is then fixed by an editor and the document goes back to needs review status to have the fix checked. Sometimes an editor needs more information about a feature from a developer or other user. The editor uses a help tag to request more information. Again, when the changes are complete, the document goes to needs review status. When the review is complete, the tags are removed.

Modifier Tags

The urgent, tag is not part of the lifecycle, but can be used call the attention of the editors to an important page that needs work. The needed for 3.0 tag can be used to show pages that need to be completed prior to the next release.

For more information

See the Documentation Status page to see the current state of our documentation and for detailed explanation of how to use tags to mark up doc pages.