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Display code with syntax highlighting and line numbering

Plugin Code

This wiki plugin is used to display any source code (including wiki syntax) on a page without it being processed. The code is displayed in a gray box in a fixed-width monospaced font. A title can be added to the box and line numbers added. Syntax highlighting is also available, since Tiki7 using CodeMirror and using GeSHi before that.

 Note about Wiki Argument Variables
Wiki argument variables like {{page}} will be interpreted inside any wiki plugin or wiki syntax. To display a wiki argument variable you can escape the first bracket using the np (non parseable) tag: ~np~{~/np~{page}}.


Display code with syntax highlighting and line numbering.
Introduced in Tiki 1.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_code

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) Code to be displayed
caption text Code snippet label. 1
wrap (blank)
Wrap lines of code which do not fit in the display box's width. Enabling avoids overflow or hidden line ends. 1
theme default| 3024-day| 3024-night| abbott| abcdef| ambiance-mobile| ambiance| ayu-dark| ayu-mirage| base16-dark| base16-light| bespin| blackboard| cobalt| colorforth| darcula| dracula| duotone-dark| duotone-light| eclipse| elegant| erlang-dark| gruvbox-dark| hopscotch| icecoder| idea| isotope| juejin| lesser-dark| liquibyte| lucario| material-darker| material-ocean| material-palenight| material| mbo| mdn-like| midnight| monokai| moxer| neat| neo| night| nord| oceanic-next| panda-syntax| paraiso-dark| paraiso-light| pastel-on-dark| railscasts| rubyblue| seti| shadowfox| solarized| ssms| the-matrix| tomorrow-night-bright| tomorrow-night-eighties| ttcn| twilight| vibrant-ink| xq-dark| xq-light| yeti| yonce| zenburn Any supported theme listed at https://codemirror.net/demo/theme.html 17
colors (blank)| apl| asciiarmor| asn.1| asterisk| brainfuck| clike| clojure| cmake| cobol| coffeescript| commonlisp| crystal| css| cypher| d| dart| diff| django| dockerfile| dtd| dylan| ebnf| ecl| eiffel| elm| erlang| factor| fcl| forth| fortran| gas| gfm| gherkin| go| groovy| haml| handlebars| haskell| haskell-literate| haxe| htmlembedded| htmlmixed| http| idl| javascript| jinja2| jsx| julia| livescript| lua| markdown| mathematica| mbox| meta.js| mirc| mllike| modelica| mscgen| mumps| nginx| nsis| ntriples| octave| oz| pascal| pegjs| perl| php| pig| powershell| properties| protobuf| pug| puppet| python| q| r| rpm| rst| ruby| rust| sas| sass| scheme| shell| sieve| slim| smalltalk| smarty| solr| soy| sparql| spreadsheet| sql| stex| stylus| swift| tcl| textile| tiddlywiki| tiki| toml| tornado| troff| ttcn| ttcn-cfg| turtle| twig| vb| vbscript| velocity| verilog| vhdl| vue| wast| webidl| xml| xquery| yacas| yaml| yaml-frontmatter| z80 Any supported language listed at http://codemirror.net/mode Pref feature_syntax_highlighter must be true for this to have any effect 17
ln (blank)
Show line numbers for each line of code. 1
rtl (blank)
Switch the text display from left to right, to right to left (left to right by default) 1
mediawiki (blank)
Encloses the code in an HTML code tag, for example: <code>user input<code> 0 8.3

Syntax highlighting

To activate syntax highlighting and enjoy most of the options (lines number, colors, etc), the Code editor (CodeMirror) feature must be enabled at Control Panels > Editing and Plugins > General Settings (tab) > Features (pane).

See the list of CodeMirror supported languages that can be used for the colors parameter.

If you need a mode that keeps tab spacing, you can use, for instance, mode scss.


PHP with line numbers

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{CODE(colors="php")} <?php $menu = $menubar->getHomeMenu(); if($menu->link != "") { print "\t<td width=\"7%\" valign=\"top\">\n"; $menu->printMenu(); print "\t</td>\n"; } {CODE}

Would produce:

Copy to clipboard
<?php $menu = $menubar->getHomeMenu(); if($menu->link != "") { print "\t<td width=\"7%\" valign=\"top\">\n"; $menu->printMenu(); print "\t</td>\n"; }

Tiki syntax highlighting

Tiki syntax is supported too.
This code:

Copy to clipboard
{CODE(colors="tiki")} {img attId="57|58|59" desc="desc" alt="Sample Images" thumb="y" stylebox="float: left; margin-right:10px"} {CODE}

Would produce:

Copy to clipboard
{img attId="57|58|59" desc="desc" alt="Sample Images" thumb="y" stylebox="float: left; margin-right:10px"}

Legacy GeSHi Documentation (deprecated in Tiki8)



Plugin Code

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
49 codenogeshi.png Code no geshi lindon 20.39 Kb 9447