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Permissions List

This page contains the definitive list of tikiwiki permissions, sorted by feature.

General permissions

tiki_p_admin Administrator, can manage users groups and permissions and all the weblog features
tiki_p_use_HTML Can use HTML in pages
tiki_p_edit_templates Can edit site templates
tiki_p_admin_dynamic Can admin the dynamic content system
tiki_p_admin_banners Administrator, can admin banners
tiki_p_admin_categories Can admin categories
tiki_p_vote_poll Can vote polls
tiki_p_edit_cookies Can admin cookies
tiki_p_view_stats Can view site stats
tiki_p_view_referer_stats Can view referer stats
tiki_p_eph_admin Can admin ephemerides
tiki_p_admin_mailin Can admin mail-in accounts
tiki_p_edit_languages Can edit translations and create new languages
tiki_p_admin_banning Can ban users or ips
tiki_p_create_css Can create new css suffixed with -user

Wiki permissions

tiki_p_edit Can edit pages
tiki_p_view Can view page/pages
tiki_p_remove Can remove
tiki_p_rollback Can rollback pages
tiki_p_admin_wiki Can admin the wiki
tiki_p_wiki_attach_files Can attach files to wiki pages
tiki_p_wiki_admin_attachments Can admin attachments to wiki pages
tiki_p_wiki_view_attachments Can view wiki attachments and download
tiki_p_upload_picture Can upload pictures to wiki pages
tiki_p_minor Can save as minor edit
tiki_p_rename Can rename pages
tiki_p_lock Can lock pages
tiki_p_edit_structures Can create and edit structures
tiki_p_edit_copyrights Can edit copyright notices
tiki_p_share_page Can use the share page interface

File galleries permissions

tiki_p_admin_file_galleries Can admin file galleries
tiki_p_create_file_galleries Can create file galleries
tiki_p_upload_files Can upload files
tiki_p_download_files Can download files
tiki_p_view_file_gallery Can view file galleries
tiki_p_batch_upload_files Can upload zip files with files

Comment permissions

tiki_p_post_comments Can post new comments
tiki_p_read_comments Can read comments
tiki_p_remove_comments Can delete comments
tiki_p_vote_comments Can vote comments
tiki_p_edit_comments Can edit all comments

Blog permissions

tiki_p_create_blogs Can create a blog
tiki_p_blog_post Can post to a blog
tiki_p_blog_admin Can admin blogs
tiki_p_read_blog Can read blogs
tiki_p_admin_galleries Can admin Image Galleries
tiki_p_create_galleries Can create image galleries
tiki_p_upload_images Can upload images
tiki_p_view_image_gallery Can view image galleries
tiki_p_batch_upload_images Can upload zip files with images

Forums permissions

tiki_p_admin_forum Can admin forums
tiki_p_forum_post Can post in forums
tiki_p_forum_post_topic Can start threads in forums
tiki_p_forum_read Can read forums
tiki_p_forum_vote Can vote comments in forums
tiki_p_forums_report Can report msgs to moderator
tiki_p_forum_attach Can attach to forum posts
tiki_p_forum_autoapp Auto approve forum posts

Communications permissions

tiki_p_send_pages Can send pages to other sites
tiki_p_sendme_pages Can send pages to this site
tiki_p_admin_received_pages Can admin received pages
tiki_p_send_articles Can send articles to other sites
tiki_p_sendme_articles Can send articles to this site
tiki_p_admin_received_articles Can admin received articles

Games permissions

tiki_p_play_games Can play games
tiki_p_admin_games Can admin games

Quiz permissions

tiki_p_admin_quizzes Can admin quizzes
tiki_p_take_quiz Can take quizzes
tiki_p_view_quiz_stats Can view quiz stats
tiki_p_view_user_results Can view user quiz results

Articles & Submissions permissions

tiki_p_edit_article Can edit articles
tiki_p_remove_article Can remove articles
tiki_p_read_article Can read articles
tiki_p_submit_article Can submit articles
tiki_p_edit_submission Can edit submissions
tiki_p_remove_submission Can remove submissions
tiki_p_approve_submission Can approve submissions
tiki_p_admin_cms Can admin the cms
tiki_p_autoapprove_submission Submited articles automatically approved

FAQ permissions

tiki_p_admin_faqs Can admin faqs
tiki_p_view_faqs Can view faqs
tiki_p_suggest_faq Can suggest faq questions

User permissions

tiki_p_create_bookmarks Can create user bookmarksche user bookmarks
tiki_p_configure_modules Can configure modules
tiki_p_cache_bookmarks Can cache user bookmarks
tiki_p_usermenu Can create items in personal menu
tiki_p_minical Can use the mini event calendar
tiki_p_userfiles Can upload personal files
tiki_p_tasks Can use tasks
tiki_p_notepad Can use the notepad
tiki_p_newsreader Can use the newsreader

Chat permissions

tiki_p_admin_chat Administrator, can create channels remove channels etc
tiki_p_chat Can use the chat system

Content template permissions

tiki_p_edit_content_templates templates Can edit content templates
tiki_p_use_content_templates templates Can use content templates

Shout box permissions

tiki_p_view_shoutbox Can view shoutbox
tiki_p_admin_shoutbox Can admin shoutbox (Edit/remove msgs)
tiki_p_post_shoutbox Can pot messages in shoutbox

Drawing permissions

tiki_p_admin_drawings Can admin drawings
tiki_p_edit_drawings Can edit drawings

HTML page permissions

tiki_p_view_html_pages pages Can view HTML pages
tiki_p_edit_html_pages pages Can edit HTML pages

Tracker permissions

tiki_p_modify_tracker_items Can change tracker items
tiki_p_comment_tracker_items Can insert comments for tracker items
tiki_p_create_tracker_items Can create new items for trackers
tiki_p_admin_trackers Can admin trackers
tiki_p_view_trackers Can view trackers
tiki_p_attach_trackers Can attach files to tracker items

Survey permissions

tiki_p_admin_surveys Can admin surveys
tiki_p_take_survey Can take surveys
tiki_p_view_survey_stats Can view survey stats

Webmail permissions

tiki_p_use_webmail Can use webmail

Newsletter permissions

tiki_p_admin_newsletters Can admin newsletters
tiki_p_subscribe_newsletters Can subscribe to newsletters
tiki_p_subscribe_email Can subscribe any email to newsletters

User message permissions

tiki_p_messages Can use the messaging system
tiki_p_broadcast Can broadcast messages to groups
tiki_p_broadcast_all Can broadcast messages to all user


Permissions are created dynamically. See the Wiki SQL plugin for information

Directory permissions

tiki_p_admin_directory Can admin the directory
tiki_p_view_directory Can use the directory
tiki_p_admin_directory_cats Can admin directory categories
tiki_p_admin_directory_sites Can admin directory sites
tiki_p_submit_link Can submit sites to the directory
tiki_p_autosubmit_link Submited links are valid
tiki_p_validate_links Can validate submited links

Galaxia Workflow

tiki_p_admin_workflow Can admin workflow processes
tiki_p_abort_instance Can abort a process instance
tiki_p_use_workflow Can execute workflow activities
tiki_p_exception_instance Can declare an instance as exception
tiki_p_send_instance Can send instances after completion


missing permissions here

Live Support

tiki_p_live_support_admin Admin live support system
tiki_p_live_support Can use live support system


tiki_p_view_calendar Can browse the calendar
tiki_p_change_events Can change events in the calendar
tiki_p_add_events Can add events in the calendar
tiki_p_admin_calendar Can create/admin calendars

Permissions for individual users

What if you want to give a specific user some permissions? Just create an artificial group, assign the user to that group and give the group the permissions that you need.

Individual permissions (per section, object)

As we explained you can set up individual permissions for some Tiki objects. When assigning individual permissions the permissions you can assign are the same as you have in the global permissions screen. Once an object has individual permissions only the individual permissions apply to the object, and not the global permissions. This way, the Registered group of users may have the permissions to view, post and reply in all forums in general, but a single forum may have some more restrictive permissions specifically assigned to it (for instance, read, but no post nor reply).

The following objects accept individual permissions:

  • Wiki pages
  • Image galleries
  • File galleries
  • Forums
  • Weblogs
  • Newsletters
  • Surveys
  • Quizzes
  • Trackers

Customising the permissions list (re-ordering it) for power users.

Since Tiki19 it is possible to customise and re-order the list of the permissions displayed under Setting => Permissions (tiki-objectpermissions.php). Super user can edit a yaml file located at : tiki-objectpermissions_order.yml.

Created by dthacker. Last Modification: Friday 26 July, 2019 13:27:16 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.